Friday 31 October 2014

Tag and ATC

No Halloween visitors yet for us and there are usually quite a few by now--Vic says he will eat the goodies to help out--he is good that way. :) Hope your day has gone well and thank you for calling in.

At Tag Along the Theme is Witchy Women

Here is mine with a Distress Ink background and a digitized face with a witches hat I drew. I also added a little mirror and you can see my finger reflected in it when I took the photograph of the tag. Added some plastic stars as well.

Wicked Wednesday want to see Things That Go Bump in The Night

I made a background with the witch and the ghosts and I reckon the ghosts will soon be going bump when the Witch hits them with her club. This ATC is now printed out and ready to photograph but my camera battery needs recharging.

Sleep well if it is night time where you are

Love Chrissie x

Happy Halloween Collage

Hello Everyone. Hope you are somewhere nice and warm. The south of the UK is supposed to be amazing today but here in the north it is wet, cold and misty so far--I am hopeful for later.  Enjoy Halloween if it is your thing and thank you for dropping by.

At Collage Obsession they have the theme Bride and you can be spooky if you like-great news as my collages are often spooky even when it isn't Halloween

I adapted a collage I had done many years ago-before blogs even. When I was a child we had a doctor who used to say, 'Come closer I don't bite'. He scared me when we used to go and see him.

This is my original collage-heaven knows why we were encouraged to add a copyright mark to the things we did in those days as the model certainly wasn't my design though I did add my own flowers to her hair and maybe even gave her a bit more hair at the time. Everything else was mine though.

Have a spookful day all

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Collage and photographs

Hello and thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts today. Hope you will enjoy what you find and particularly the couple photographs I am sharing with you today

First things first--

At Three Muses the theme is Take Fright

Most of my digital collages turn out scary anyway so it nice to be able to do one that was meant to be frightening. When I was younger I used to have awful nightmares quite often and the after effects lasted for hours and hours so I have tried to show this in my collage. I haven't had a nightmare for many a year so maybe I am following the quote which seems like good advice.

I would like to share a couple of things with you

This is our Christmas Cactus which we only just noticed had come into flower as it is kept in a dark corner in the summer because it doesn't like the sunlight. It is a cutting from a very old one that had got shabby looking but always had lots of flowers every year and this 'baby' looks as though it will be the same.

Now for the second picture

My daughter just sent me this photograph. She loves making special cakes for every occasion and she has made this cake to raffle for Children in Need. She looked at a picture of Pudsey and worked from that. 

Hope the photographs cheered you up after my gloomy collage

Have agreat day

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Colours of Autumn at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. Great to have you here at Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy what you find here.

Loved the Spooky ideas for the last challenge at Try It On Tuesday great makes from everyone who joined in and there were lots of you- always great to have you join in with us

This time the theme is Autumn Colours. Autumn is always so beautiful and I am sure you will have great ideas to show us for this challenge. If you need any inspiration then pop along the TIOT  and see what my fellow DT buddies have made this time.

I used real things from nature that I collected near to where I live--some as near as our own garden.

The first thing I did was cover all the things I collected with Vaseline and left them for a couple of days. Then I wiped off the excess and could straighten out the leaves and use them as I wished for the picture. The two little leaves on the bottom picture where cut out with scissors from a larger leaf after it has the Vaseline treatment. When I had assembled my 'nature' piece I sprayed it with cheap hair spray to help preserve it even more.

 The background paper for the picture was made in Paint Shop Pro. Then an old frame was painted with emulsion and when it was dry some leaves were stamped around the outside. 'So what is the button at the top left about?--- it fills a space because the stamping didn't quite work out right :( A solution to ever problem is my motto :) Also the fine bits of glue are there on purpose cause they look like the silk of a spider's web-just realised they don't show up very much on the photograph.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes for this challenge

Love Chrissie x

Monday 27 October 2014

Inchie and Christmas Cards

Hello Everyone. Hope your weekend went well. Nice to see that we have lighter mornings in the UK now that the clocks have changed. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts and I hope you enjoy what you find here

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is vegetables.

Here is mine with a humble carrot on a gold background to make it look more regal. I love carrots and eat at least one every day-sometimes cooked sometimes just to nibble raw

My Christmas card making is like waiting for a bus--you wait for ages for one and then two come at the same time. I am joining Marina again at My Perfect Life where she is still making beautiful Christmas cards each week for her 48 week challenge-week 42 now.

These are a bit similar but I thought I would try some simpler cards. I used some hammered card I had for a while and just folded the A4 piece in half. The papers were printed out on the computer and at least one was my own design. The sentiments were all free on Google long ago. The flowers I made by designing a flower shape and printing it out in different sizes. It took ages to cut them out but it is very relaxing. The Christmas tree die cuts I bought at a local Craft Fayre that was being held for charity-still lots more in the bag yet :)

Have a great day everyone 

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 25 October 2014

card and collage

Hello Everyone. Here I am a bit late today but we did take advantage of the sunny weather and went for a walk. It is the annual scooter rally here in Bridlington this weekend so there are thousands of people and hundreds of scooters all over the place. The smell of the fuel they use is heady and takes me back many years to when I was a teenager. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for all the wonderful comments that I receive.

At Collage Obsession this week we are asked to do something Eerie and there is a photograph of Boris Karloff as Frankenstein that you can use.

My collages always seem eerie--I think I go into Eerie mode when I see the word collage. Heaven knows where this one took me.

The theme at Speed Craft Challenge this week is Halloween. I would like to thank the team for choosing my tag as the winner there last week

I have made a card to give to the children a few doors away together with some goodies I bought today
Stripes using Promarkers, Nestie shapes and a hand drawn spider for the medallion, a bit of orange ribbon behind it, Distress ink edge and white pen for hair and teeth. Forgot to say I punched out a couple of flowers as a bit of extra interest. It all took just 10 minutes--not my finest make but fun for the kiddies who will be receiving it I hope.

This is what I got ready before I started

This is after 5 minutes and the finished card took the 10 minutes to make. 

Hope you have all been enjoying what ever you were doing today

Love Chrissie x

Friday 24 October 2014

ATC and Digital Journal page

Hi All and a big thank you for joining me at Jumbled Crafts today. The sun is shining and I will be going for a walk along the beach soon-can't wait as it has been too windy recently to go to the beach.

At Art Journal Journey there is still time to add your artwork to the Deep in the Forest Challenge. There are so many wonderful entries to see and Susi gathers then together in a gallery for our delight--thank you Susi.


I started out with one of our own photographs taken in Sewerby Park. This tree is just amazing as are many of the trees in the park and the adjoining wooded walk.

Wicked Wednesday has Day of the Dead for it's theme this week.

I couldn't resist making a set of three as I have some of the Gecko Galz pages with Day of the Dead images. The background are black with Gold Glimmer mist sprayed onto them randomly.

Have a lovely day everyone and a great weekend.

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 23 October 2014

Tag and Digital Collage

Hi All. I hope your week is going well and thank you for dropping by today. Welcome to Laine who is my latest follower-nice to have you join Jumbled Crafts.

This week at the Three Muses the theme is Shades of Blue

I just opened a few old picture folders and found things that were blue.The main focus are the ladies and I have had those a very long time. I think they are by Rebecca Brinkley but I could be wrong as I can't find them online. The other things I created myself-also many years ago.

Moo Mania is asking us to use metal. You can create anything at all and it doesn't even have to have a Moo on it though I always try to add one.

I used a small tag so my little Moo is added to the bottom. The tag was covered in Aluminium tape and embossed with a Tim Holtz folder. Then I added alcohol inks and black Distressed ink pad to give it some colour.

Had to use a flash to take the photograph as it is dark here this morning-sorry it shines on the right hand side.
 The watch chain was given to me by a neighbour along with 2 old watches to take to pieces. The charm I have had for a long time.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 19 October 2014

Inchie and Card

Hello Everyone. Thank you for calling in today and I hope you like what I have made.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Umbra which was another word I didn't know so I am hoping I got the meaning right as I think it means a shadow.

I chose a sundial as my image as without shadow it wouldn't work at all. This image does have the words Umbra Sumus on it so I can't go wrong or can I ?

My next challenge piece is for the Craft Room where we are invited to make our own background 

I am trying to make a Christmas card here and there so am combining making them with challenges if possible. The card base was edged with the red distress ink.

I dabbed the two distressed inks onto a piece of glass then laid the paper on top of them and used the brayer to even the inks out a bit. There was still some ink left on the glass so I laid the rest of the paper on that and brayed again to make a lighter coloured piece of paper. I try to make a few children's cards for the children who live on our little cul-de-sac.

I bought two of these packs of embellishments to add to Christmas Cards.

Adding this to Marina's Christmas Card Challenge as well-I have only 5 so far but I am trying Marina :)

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 18 October 2014

Tag and Collage

Hello Everyone and thank you for dropping by today. A warm welcome to my latest follower Karla. I wasn't around yesterday but have just been catching up with what you have been doing.Yesterday we went to York and had a great day out with perfect, warm sunshine and all the trains on time. Haven't seen the photos that Vic took yet but he didn't take many.

At Tag Along this time the theme is  the wonderful  Edgar Allan Poe

My tag is mostly a digital collage but the bat at the top I cut a shape from black card and made it stand out from the tag. The Poe picture I found online but made it into a digital stamp.

At Collage Obsession the theme is Raven and as usual with digi collages my mind went somewhere into the realms of fantasy
 My daddy crow and his offspring are not the usual black crows at all. The big one I filled with pictures of a wonderful tattooed arm I saw online. Thank goodness I am not younger I'm sure I would be covered in tattoos. In my younger days only sailors and jail birds had them so I haven't any :(

I meant to add this to Art Journal Journey as well for the Deep in the Forest challnge

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Digital Collage and an Ahh moment

Hello Everyone. Hope you are having a good week and the weather is better where you are than it is here. It was quite nice yesterday and we walked for well over 10 miles and I am sharing a glimpse of something really lovely from yesterday as a thank you to all of you who drop by.

This little Alpaca was born on September 14th this year at Sewerby Hall. We hadn't seen it before and we were meant to be in a hurry to catch the bus back into town--only one an hour but we missed it after looking at this sweetie for ages. Like all babies in was having a look at us then, in a flash, it fell fast asleep. Its' mum and dad were both close by. There was no one else around just us and Alpacas.

Here is a digital collage for the Three Muses where the theme this week is 'The Printed Word.'

I chose a page from 'Alice' for the background and thought instantly of the riddle as my main focus for this collage. Off now to catch-up and see what the others made for the challenge.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 13 October 2014

Spooky at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone. Nice of you to call in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for the comments you leave it is always encouraging to hear what people think. A warm welcome to my latest follower Ingrid.

Lovely animal crafts last time for the challenge at Try it on Tuesday and now for the new challenge.

 It is Spooky so make something that you think will fit the theme and join us for the challenge.  If you need inspiration there are lots of ideas from my fellow team mates so pop to TIOT and be inspired.

I knitted two 'Zombies' The one on the left was a pattern from the Knit your Own Zombie book by Fiona Goble. The one on the right is based on the book but with my own ideas and colours etc. All you need is odd balls of wool and imagination really--as Sam says in her comment it is useful to know how to knit as well :)

 Here they are on a day out to Scarborough's old cemetery-a must visit place if you are ever in the area.

Can't wait to see what everyone makes so hope you join in with us.

Love Chrissie x

Inchie, Moo and Speed

Hello Everyone and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for calling in and I hope it is warm where you are as here in the NE UK it is wet, cold and very windy today. Looks like a crafty day for me--what a shame :)

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Ungual. Well that was a new word for me so had to rush to Google to find out what it meant--I'm still not sure to be honest even after reading heaps about it.  Oh dear I got the word wrong it should be ungual. Thanks for telling me Kia

changed the spelling now :)

I settled for this dramatic looking fossil as it was under the heading Ungual :) Must mean claw as there are two white pointers to the claws. It will be interesting to see what everyone else makes this week.

At Moo Mania and More the theme this time is Bright and Cheerful. You can make anything you like that follows the theme and don't even have to include a Moo but I always try to.

Well you all know how sometimes my daft side takes over ??

Here is my Moo Cow or is it a Cow Moo. The cow picture is from a child's colouring book--I love the images in those.

I found a new challenge I hadn't tried before it is called Speed Craft Challenge and you make something in just 10 minute following the theme for the challenge. The theme this time is Ink Sprays or Spritzers

I had a white tag ready and some raffia as the tie for when it was finished. It was going to have a hand made flower that just needed inking but I ran out of time

This is what I used--Dylusion inks sprays, a metal stencil and a  bit of a page of clear words and definitions made by Making Memories. I am looking forward to trying this challenge again.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 12 October 2014

Tag and Christmas Card

Hi All. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts today--thank you for your comments which I always love reading.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Spooktacular

Made the background in Paint Shop Pro and messed about with a, not too scary, face.. In the end it even scared me. I printed it out on paper and stuck it onto the tag and drew weird hair-as if it wasn't weird enough already.

Next I have managed to make a Christmas card to join Marina at My Perfect Life. She is now on week 40 of her 48 week challenge and I am ashamed to say this is only my 4th card for the challenge. Sorry Marina :(

I saw something similar on Pin Interest so thought I would have a go. It was complicated to make and the result wasn't as good as I expected it to be. I have another 4 cut out in this style so will finish those sometime--maybe.

Have a lovely day everyone. I am aching and a bit feverish after my flu injection yesterday but that is normal so I should be ok in a couple of days.

Love Chrissie x

Friday 10 October 2014

Digital Collage

Hello Everyone. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. I have to rush off in a few minute to go for my flu jab as it is a long walk into town to the docs.

We were out all day yesterday but I did find time to do this digital collage for the latest challenge at Collage Obsession where the theme is Orange.

I started off by using this colour chart supplied at the challenge
I used a few effects on it to make a background
Next I added a photograph of the canvas I made for a challenge earlier this week. Then I used the beautiful Rosita image from Delicious Doodles. I coloured her hair, lips and flowers with orange. Just a few brushes and that is my collage finished thanks to the magic of Paint Shop Pro.

Have a lovely day everyone-may be back later if I manage to make anything.

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 9 October 2014

ATC and Digital Collage

Hello Everyone from a very sunny but cold NE UK. Thank you for your visit and I hope you like my makes for today

At Wicked Wednesday the theme is Feathers/ Wings

I made a Tim Holtz inspired background, on canvas card, with various Distressed Inks and then added the beautiful digital image by 'With Wild Abandon' and picked out various bits on the image with a white pen.

Now to Three Muses where the interesting theme this week is Board Games. My collage is all digital.

I found this image of a vintage snakes and ladders board and added various snakes and a few ladder images. I am really scared of snakes so why I did this collage I will never know

Hope you have a good day. I am having my hair cut so no more curls and waves when it is damp in the air.

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Journal Page

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts

At Art Journal Journey this time the theme is Deep in the Forest. This is my second piece for the challenge and this time I set up my easel and got going with paint and brushes for the background.

 I used very thick Acrylic paint in black and white. Then I stuck on the gorgeous Gecko Galz owls. The last things was to stamp some leaves to show it was in a forest and add some artificial leaves as well. I must thank dear Valerie and Susi for giving me the confidence to venture into Journal pages and also for the wonderful challenges that so many of us enjoy at AJJ.

A reminder that you still have almost a week to enter the Animal Challenge at Try it on Tuesday so hope you will join us there.

Have a lovely day all

Chrissie xx

A Canvas

Hello Everyone and welcome to my little bit of Blogland. Always good to have visitors and thank you for calling in.

I didn't go out at all yesterday as the weather was so awful-hope it stays better today- it does look quite nice at the moment.

At The Craft Room this time they have two charts to follow. One has Autumn colours and the Other one has Spring Colours. I followed the Autumn colours and made a decorated canvas

I started out by sticking lots of rectangles onto the blank canvas then painting them in the red emulsion paint. Next I randomly added Grunge Paste thinned down. When that was dry I coloured it with various Distressed inks that were -part of the colour chart. The flower picture is a scanogram pic of some of our flowers and the leaves and berries are artificial and have been in my bits and bobs box for ages.

Thank you to the team at The Craft-Room for choosing my scrapbook page as one of your top three  entries for the last challenge-always an honour.

I am linking this to Moo Mania and More here their Autumn Collours Challenge is coming to an end--can't wait to see what they have for us next.

Have a beautiful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Monday 6 October 2014

Tag and Inchie

Hello Everyone. Nice of you to find time to call into Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement.

Just looked at the title of my post and thought it would make a good name for a Crafter's Meeting Place. Meet you at the 'Tag and Inchie' later.

At Tag Along it is Time for Tea and I immediately thought of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party

I found this beautiful cake image on a cake website--I think it is so clever to make these sort of things--my daughter makes cakes of anything that people ask for.

At Every Inchie Monday it is Thistle week. With our Scottish friends in mind I drew this inchie.

Have a really lovely day everyone--we have strong winds and lots of rain forecast so I guess it will be the dreaded ironing and bit of H---K for me.

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 4 October 2014

Digital Collages

Hi All. Very dark here and the forecast is for gale force winds and torrential rain. Hope they got it wrong-they often do. Thank you for your visit and I hope you like the collages today

At Collage Obsession the theme is Diva and we were given this photograph to use in any
way we wanted
emmy destinn

 I did some effects on one of our photographs of a tangled willow plant and made it look like a mysterious forest-then I added Emmy in all her glory commanding the forest with her powerful presence.

This will also fit in at Art Journal Journey as the theme there this time is Deep in the Forest

Next is the turn of The Three Muses where there is theme Happiness Is-- made me smile so I found a photograph of a smile and used effects to make it into a cartoon type picture. I loved this quote

I may be back later with more makes as it looks like being a day to stop in and craft

Enjoy whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie x