Tuesday 28 October 2014

Colours of Autumn at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. Great to have you here at Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy what you find here.

Loved the Spooky ideas for the last challenge at Try It On Tuesday great makes from everyone who joined in and there were lots of you- always great to have you join in with us

This time the theme is Autumn Colours. Autumn is always so beautiful and I am sure you will have great ideas to show us for this challenge. If you need any inspiration then pop along the TIOT  and see what my fellow DT buddies have made this time.

I used real things from nature that I collected near to where I live--some as near as our own garden.

The first thing I did was cover all the things I collected with Vaseline and left them for a couple of days. Then I wiped off the excess and could straighten out the leaves and use them as I wished for the picture. The two little leaves on the bottom picture where cut out with scissors from a larger leaf after it has the Vaseline treatment. When I had assembled my 'nature' piece I sprayed it with cheap hair spray to help preserve it even more.

 The background paper for the picture was made in Paint Shop Pro. Then an old frame was painted with emulsion and when it was dry some leaves were stamped around the outside. 'So what is the button at the top left about?--- it fills a space because the stamping didn't quite work out right :( A solution to ever problem is my motto :) Also the fine bits of glue are there on purpose cause they look like the silk of a spider's web-just realised they don't show up very much on the photograph.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes for this challenge

Love Chrissie x

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