Thursday 2 October 2014

Some photographs of a day out

Hello Everyone and a warm welcome, a special welcome to my latest follower. Thank you for dropping by and I really hope you enjoy the photographs I am sharing today as we had such a wonderful day out. Vic took 150 photographs so this is just a very small taster of what found us yesterday :)

We went on the train to Scarborough which is a place we visit often but sometimes things can be quite different and you do see new things.

We had only just got away from the train station when I saw this living statue. I just love them and first saw many of them in Barcelona but I have never seen one in Scarborough before. They stay still in the same position until someone puts some money in their box then they can change position. This angel offered me both her hands to hold so that Vic could take a photograph-then she blew me a kiss and wished me a happy day. How nice was that for a start.

The next three pictures are photographs of somewhere we have been meaning to find for a while since AJ of Morning AJ  mentioned them on her blog.

 The narrow cobble street called Bland's Cliff is very steep and is like an outdoor art gallery as many of the walls are covered in paintings and are well worth seeing. Another beautifully painted angel featured on one of the walls. It must have been my angel day :)

Next we walked along the harbour wall to the lighthouse--haven't done that before either. After that up many steep steps to see lots of other little lanes and cottages then back down to Peasholme park which is quiet at this time of year except for lots of beautiful scenery, birds and squirrels.

I must have been missing crafting because I started to collect lots of fallen leaves and left pieces of artwork on wooden benches and tables as we climbed up to the top of the park

                                                    One of my new craft tables
At the top of the park the path joins the old cemetery which is a work of art in it's own right. Since it was created, 54,000 bodies have been interred there and many of the gravestones have sunk or toppled over but recently work has begun on restoring them. I am sure it will take decades to do but they have made a start at the main gate which is quite a way from these two pictures. Well worth a visit if you like wild life and very old gravestones.

So that's it for today. Sorry for not doing much commenting on your blogs this week but as well as the day out I am helping my neighbour as he is moving to Scotland tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed our day out-Vic will be putting more on Flickr when he has time so will leave a link to there when he has done it.

Have a wonderful day-back to help my neighbour now

Love Chrissie x

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