Sunday 31 May 2015

Digital Collages

Hello Everyone, We have very heavy rain here today so it will be a crafting and sport watching day for me. Hope the weather is good where you are and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and making my day brighter.

It is the last day of the sea theme at Art Journal Journey and I have really enjoy seeing all the beautiful works of art. Thank you to Susi and Valerie for making so many people happy with their wonderful challenge ideas and for showing all the entries together on Pinterest

I hadn't got anything ready for this last day so I have just done a digital piece with some things from a page I got free somewhere but I can't remember where--if it is yours please let me know and I will add your name to this post

At Collage Obsession the theme this week is masks

My base for the collage is from Gecko Galz and the mask I had in a folder waiting for such a theme to come along. I added lots of effects and the flowers are a paint brush in Paint Shop Pro.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 26 May 2015

New Challenge at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts and a big thank you for your visit.

Wonderful entries for the Sewing/Buttons challenge so don't forget to call back to TIOT next week to see if you were one of the top 5 we picked.

Time for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday where you can see what the others in the wonderful team have made as well. The theme this time is 'Crowning Glory' so all you have to do is include a crown on your project then add a link to TIOT on your post and link it to us. You have 2 weeks to enter so get your thinking cap on and think who/what you might like to crown

 I made a birthday card for a special friend. I drew a crown shape then printed it onto the back of a piece of patterned card. I also cut the letters from the same card using my Cuttlebug. I made the crumpled flower and added some jewels to match the flower.
 Then I took a photograph of the card and made an insert of the image for the insert and added Queen for a Day
Here is the crown shape if you want to save it. I did copy the shape from a crown I saw on Google but altered it a bit. If you want to make a crown shape with both sides matching, fold the paper in half and draw one side of the crown, middle of crown to fold, then cut out the shape and open out the paper.

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone makes for this challenge

Have fun

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 25 May 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All who pop into Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy the projects that I have posted today. Not a bad morning here so I expect we will be choosing one of the many events here in Bridlington and joining some of the many holiday makers that have been here for the long weekend.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is envelope.

Mine is a paper one that I made in Paint Shop Pro. and stuck onto felt. I have already seen two of the fab inchies others have made, an amazing sewn one and one all in beads. Difficult to imagine how different people have so many ideas.

Moo Mania and More have the theme bottles this time and Art Journal Journey have the theme the sea for the rest of May so this page will be ok for both.

I tried to paint a row of rocks that go out to sea and the water splashes against them-not sure that worked too well to be honest. When we walked along the beach I often make up daft poetry so I made up one for this page. Apologies to Wordsworth for the first few lines.
 Close your eyes if you can't stand bad poetry lol

Sorry about the spelling mistake I have put it right now :)

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 23 May 2015

AJJ, Collage Obsession and TIOT reminder

Hello Everyone. Hope you are looking forward to the weekend. Here in the UK it is a Bank Holiday again so a long weekend for many. Thank you for dropping by and making my day. Lots of sport for me to watch this weekend and also an event at Sewerby Hall to fit in as well.

Just a reminder that there is still time to join us at Try it on Tuesday for the sewing or buttons challenge. You can use either or both, faux or real so I hope you will be able to make something for the challenge and have a chance to be chosen by the team as one of our top 5 

At Art Journal Journey the theme is The Sea until the end of May and there are wonderful pages to admire from the many entries. All of the pages are displayed in an album each time so you can see the collection.

This is a part of a photograph that I took, out of the window, at the cafe on top of our only high shop buildings. I changed it with effects to look like a painting.

This is the original photograph with a nosy seagull looking through the window. Can you see which part of the bay I chose for my digital page.

At Collage Obsession the theme this week is postage stamps

I went down the Postman Pat route as I have been helping a neighbour to knit some recently. Our real postman wears red and black.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 20 May 2015

The sea and symmetry

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. We really enjoyed our Spa day yesterday though I am aching in places I had forgotten I had. Not sure if this means I should do more exercise or give it up altogether. The main thing was that Vic really enjoyed it and it was his birthday surprise so that was good.

I have done a digital offering for the Sea Challenge at Art Journal Journey

The background is one of our photographs taken in Bridlington Bay with the coastline in the distance. I used a lot of effects on it as usual. We do have a very active yachting club ob the bay.

I chose two famous lovers to illustrate the song. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton playing Anthony and Cleopatra--so 2 sets of lovers really.

I used the first verse and the last verse of Robbie Williams version of Beyond the Sea

This week at Tag Tuesday the theme is Symmetry. I was stumped for a while then I found things in an envelope that I had cut from old birthday cards. I made my tag from one of those.

Others had wonderful ideas and I feel humbled to have opted for something so simple.

Hope you have a great day 

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 18 May 2015

Inchie and knitting

Good Morning Everyone from a wet NE UK coast. The plants needed some rain so they all look happy. My MIL is visiting today to bring something for Vic's birthday tomorrow. She would have liked to come tomorrow but I am whisking him off for a swim, sauna and steam at the Crown Spa Hotel in Scarborough. Well I'll enjoy the swim but I won't like the other stuff - I know Vic will. The things we do for love eh?

Today at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Movie

 This looks very like the sample one on the blog but I made it a few weeks ago so I didn't copy.

As that is all I have to show today I thought I would fit in a bit of knitting to show you. I always like to do knitting while I watch television because if I don't I fall asleep almost immediately I start watching anything.

 I made this cardigan to put away for next winter but it has been so cold I have worn it already
 It started life as a very misshapen, large cardigan that had never been worn and was only £5 at a charity shop

I unpicked it and wound it into hanks around my thumb and elbow, and washed it by hand and let it drip on the washing line to straighten out the wool

Then I wound it tightly into balls and it was good as new. I already had lots of buttons from another cardigan so I used those. Not a bad make for £5 I reckon.

Now I must look for something else that will keep me awake while telly watching.

Have a terrific day and thank you for calling in.

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 17 May 2015

Journal page and collage

Hi All. Hope your weekend is going well. Nice to have you join me here at Jumbled Crafts and a big thank you for your visits and to my new followers, a special welcome.

Art Journal Journey have the Sea as their subject for the rest of the month so I hope you will join in with all the other people who have done some amazing work as always. It is good to see that so many craft bloggers are now doing journal pages along with their other crafts.

I painted the background for this page then used felt tips to draw my fantasy wild life. The letters for the words were cut from a magazine.

Now to my digital collage for Collage Obsession where they have shades of pink as their theme for this week

The head in the middle was the one that I chose to use on the front page when I had a web site and it had lots of effects used on it to make it look the way it does now. Everything else on the collage was  in old folders on my computer or PSP brushes I have made .

Have a terrific day

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 14 May 2015

ATC set and Photographs

I seem to be doing well this week as I have posted something every day so far. Hope you are enjoying what you see here and thank you for calling in.

I made this set of ATCs with three challenges in mind. At Mixed Media World the theme is Vintage. At Stamps and Stencils they have Three of a Kind and at Crafting by Designs the theme is Flowers. 

The backgrounds were painted with Rangers crackle paint then stamped with the Crafty Indivividuals stamp. I added the swirl using a part of the Imagination Crafts stencil. The photographs are of my grandfather, grandmother and her sister. I made the little flowers and added the drop beads which don't show up too well on the photograph unless you click on it and see a larger version.

Here are a few photographs of our walk two days ago in Sewerby Park along the cliff top from where we live.

Hope you have a lovely day. We are off to the car boot sale for a long walk--it gets bigger every week.

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Sea at AJJ

Hello Everyone from a beautiful sunny morning at the seaside. It made me want to get up very early and listen to the birds singing. Hope it is the same where you are and thank you for sharing your day by popping in to my blog.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is the sea and today I did a digital collage using a photograph that Vic took, as a background for the page.

I added quite a few effects to the photograph then used free digital as the other images. I have lots of free images that I have collected over the years a lot of them from Beyond the Fringe

Vic's photograph. You are free to use it if you like. I did ask him :)

Off now to do some early shopping as we have a busy day ahead.

Enjoy whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie xx

Try it on Tuesday Sewing and Buttons

Hello to everyone and thank you for your visit.

There were some great ideas for the 1960s retro challenge and I am sure you will all be happy with the new challenge theme at Try it on Tuesday as it is Sewing with Buttons. You can make anything you like so long as it has sewing and buttons somewhere that we can see them. Hope you will pop here and see what the rest of the team have made as they make wonderful things to inspire you all.

I made a shabby journal cover with gathered strips of different fabrics  and little bits and bobs added to make it look more interesting. The roses were on a headband from Poundland so I cut them off to use on projects

This is what I covered. Every year a neighbour gives us the same type of diary with wonderful flower drawings inside. We do use them but they have beautiful flower drawings on one side which we don't write on.

The back is just covered with a piece of strong, purple card.

 This is one of the pages and I thought I could try to copy the flower drawings. I am not good at drawing flowers so it will help me improve hopefully. The date pages that have writing on I will cover with plain paper and add my copy of the flower opposite.

Hope to see what you can make for the challenge you have two weeks to join in with us

I would like to add this to the Flowers challenge at Moo Mania as well. All types of  crafting is acceptable there as long as you follow the theme. You don't even have to include a Moo.

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 10 May 2015

Inchie Day

Hello Everyone. Nice to start a new week with a bit of sunshine here at the coast. Hope it is nice where you are thank you for your visit.

Every Inchie Monday is asking for a diagram this week

I have done a pie chart and stuck it onto the usual felt with a bit of bling. I love pie charts--maybe it is the word Pie that I find attractive :)

Nothing else ready to show yet though some things in the pipe line. I thought I would show you this fabric picture that my daughter made for me.

It is quite large and is hung at the top of the stairs now. It is padded so too thick to put into a frame.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Collage and photographs

Hello Everyone. Hope your week has gone well. The weather seems a bit better here today with a promise of a few days of sun and heat forecast. Thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts and I hope you enjoy what I am posting today.

First of all I have a digital collage for Collage Obsession where the theme is Let's Dance

I love to watch programmes on television that show street dance. It always seems so clever and to think that almost all of these dancers are self taught and do it just for fun. I found a graffiti wall and then added a few effects and silhouettes. I just love the quote though I couldn't find who actually said it.

Now for a few pics I took in our garden yesterday. It was still damp after all the rain and the wind was very strong but the beautiful plants don't seem to mind at all

This is a clematis Montana Elizabeth and it is full of lovely pink flowers--the people next door love it trailing over their fence as well. I fasten allsorts of things to the fence to add different effects.

               Another clematis that trails over into someone else's garden and they love so we just let it trail
                                        A close up of the one above

                                     Scottish bluebells and forget-me-knots
A mahonia with new leaves for next year growing from the centre

A Eucora and a beautiful Chinese lady, given to us by a neighbour,  has a Chinese mate as well. The jar lights up blue at night, powered by sunlight and we also have 200+ little lights around the garden that are also powered by sunlight. My daughter bought all of these and though they are lovely I am not sure I would have bought them.

Hellebore. We have a few of these that were from a cutting a neighbour gave to us but are now big plants, The flower heads last for months and they turn to seeds later in the year.

Hope you enjoyed the trip around some of the plants in our back garden. Will try to take some of those in the front to show you.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 7 May 2015

Flowery Canvas

Good Day All. Thank you for dropping by. I didn't stay up all night to watch the election results as the first thing they said was an exit poll had predicted what the number of members for each party would be. By 12.30 am I was fed-up of hearing about it and how right it had been so far, so I went to bed. Seems they were right by the looks of what is on television this morning. 

At Moo Mania and More the theme this time is Flowers and at Anything but Cute it is Vintage Garden

I made this canvas which fits in with both the challenges

Firstly I used a stencil and Grunge Paste on the canvas then I used various Rangers Distress crackle paint. It didn't seem to crackle at all but I did like the effect it achieved. I then sprayed it lightly with Cosmic Glitter Mist.

I added ribbon or paper flowers that I made and a few cut-outs from a box of oddments that people have sent to me. The centres of the large ribbon flowers are some beautiful buttons that my friend Rose sent to me--thank you Rose

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Digital Collage

Hi All. Thank you for calling in and thank you to those of you who sent some sun our way. It is a really lovely morning here with a clear blue sky. Polling Day for us in the UK and I am hoping to stay up all night to watch the result programme. I usually say I going to do that but never seem to manage it as it all gets too boring.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is The Sea and at Three Muses this week the theme is Famous and I have combined the two in a digital page/collage

I started out with one of our photographs taken at Whitby as a background and added effects to that. Next I added the 'famous' Captain Webb who was the first person to swim across the English challenge. I added the match box as they were famous as well and used by every household at the time.

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie xx