Monday 18 May 2015

Inchie and knitting

Good Morning Everyone from a wet NE UK coast. The plants needed some rain so they all look happy. My MIL is visiting today to bring something for Vic's birthday tomorrow. She would have liked to come tomorrow but I am whisking him off for a swim, sauna and steam at the Crown Spa Hotel in Scarborough. Well I'll enjoy the swim but I won't like the other stuff - I know Vic will. The things we do for love eh?

Today at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Movie

 This looks very like the sample one on the blog but I made it a few weeks ago so I didn't copy.

As that is all I have to show today I thought I would fit in a bit of knitting to show you. I always like to do knitting while I watch television because if I don't I fall asleep almost immediately I start watching anything.

 I made this cardigan to put away for next winter but it has been so cold I have worn it already
 It started life as a very misshapen, large cardigan that had never been worn and was only £5 at a charity shop

I unpicked it and wound it into hanks around my thumb and elbow, and washed it by hand and let it drip on the washing line to straighten out the wool

Then I wound it tightly into balls and it was good as new. I already had lots of buttons from another cardigan so I used those. Not a bad make for £5 I reckon.

Now I must look for something else that will keep me awake while telly watching.

Have a terrific day and thank you for calling in.

Love Chrissie xx

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