Thursday 15 October 2015

Journal page and heart tag

Hello All and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for the comments on my new layout, I hope it is easy to read-please let me know if it isn't so that I can use another font. Thank you for calling in and for all the support you always give to me.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is architecture and I made my very first art project in Art Studio on my i-pad. I think it will take a long time to find out exactly what can be achieved with this programme but I am looking forward to learning.

This was a daytime picture of building and I changed it with effects.

My next project I made for a few blogs

I cut the fairly large heart shape from a cardboard box lid then used a stencil to add some texture. Next I made a spray with Distressed ink-Salty Ocean colour. The textured parts were then dabbed with the same colour on an ink pad and so was the outside of the label. The stamp was one I got in a bundle from dear Astrid. The little butterfly I have had a long time and I am not sure where that came from.
This is the stencil I used and it is dated 1997 and 50p. I got a few in a bag for 50p from a car boot sale. 

The challenges are

Country View Challenges where they would like texture

Stamps and Stencils where the theme is 3D and they also have a blog hop there so worth a visit for sure

Where the Heart is who also have stencils as their theme--saw this blog at Annie's xx

City Crafters want you to add some paste and I made mine from wood filler with olive oil in it

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 13 October 2015

It's Frightening at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. Thank you for calling in. I bet the post title had you wondering what was happening at Try it on Tuesday. Well TIOT isn't at all frightening you will be pleased to know but the challenge for the next two weeks is just that, so hop over to see what my teamies have made and then join us with something scary. You can make anything you like so long as it follows the rules which are on the TIOT blog.

I made this journal cover as it was a boring cover before. This is full of painted textures and bits and bobs from a mixed box. I drew the bat and the castle in black felt tip and found the scary faces online. I hope I will be able to fill it with magical pages.

This is frightening ! A great big slug hiding in our grass when I went to hang the washing out.

I would also like to enter this at Anything but Cute where their theme this time is 31 days of Halloween and must have 31 on it somewhere

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 12 October 2015

Inchie, Journal Page and Card

Hello everyone and thank you for calling in to see what I have made to show you today

At Art Journal Journey the theme is Architecture and I made a fun page today while I watched the rugby and the Grand Prix on television. I would also like to enter it at Moo Mania and More for the patterns theme as I drew lots of patterns on my witches house where she sleeps until the darkness decends

I inked the background before I started to draw in charcoal and colour in Sharpies.
This is the state that my hands were in after washing them several times and it was also the moment that Vic shouted to ask if I was ready to go out to visit some friends. Not easy to explain to them that I was painting a witches house -they think I am crazy anyway so nothing new.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Key. A little easier than some of the interesting themes of late.

I had this tiny key in a bits and bobs tin so used that on my felt inchie

Last but not least I have made a card for Crafty Cardmakers as my blog friend Marina is a DT there and I love to visit her blog. The theme there this time is to make a round card

This is 2 Nestabilitie shapes joined with a card insert and a smaller one on the front. The stamps were some that I bought in a bundle from Astrid and they fitted just right on this card.

Haven't I been busy for a change :)

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 10 October 2015

Moo Mania and Face sketch

Happy weekend-hope you will have a great one. Thank you for calling in to Jumbled Crafts and making my day.
I thought it was about time I upped my game and joined in a few more challenges and maybe even something a bit different for me so hopefully I have managed to do that with one of these challenges.

At Moo Mania and More the challenge is Show Patterns. You don't even have to add a Moo if you don't want to so what could be simpler.

I covered a tin with patterned paper than decorated with 3 Moos that I decorated in drawn patterns and added a warning to leave my brushes alone as they seem to be used for anything but what I want them for.

Here is the coffee tin before the transformation

Now for a new venture for me. At Kim Dellow Show Your Face blog you can post a face you have created and the new week starts every Friday. I see a lot of my blog friends post there and I so admire the way they create faces. I try to make a beautiful face with a few strokes and fail miserably. I like to study faces on trains or buses and do a quick sketch then try to recall what they looked liked and sketch them at a later date.

This was a young man in a group of four on the train on Wednesday. They were going to a meeting I imagine as they talked little and concentrated on their laptops. This young man was looking at me at one point and smiled which gave me a chance to do a quick outline. I am sure he won't recognise himself from my charcoal and soft pastel chalk sketch but I did enjoy doing it.

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 9 October 2015

Art Journal Page and Photograph

Hello All. Sorry I haven't posted much recently but we have been going here and there for days as there was a special offer on rail tickets in our weekly paper and we couldn't resist using them. Neighbours gave us theirs as well as all of them have cars and never think of using the train.

Here is a photograph of part of our station that Vic took on his phone when we went ' travelling' on Wednesday. It was a very wet and dark morning but didn't dampen our spirits at all. The station is always full of flowers everywhere you look, both in summer and winter, outside and inside. The little cafe is amazing with all sorts of wonders to look at inside. Yesterday we went to Sheffield to see one of my aunts that is 90 next week. Next Wednesday we are going to Leeds to see one of Vic's aunt who was 80 last years and the week after we are going to York, just because we love to go there.

Architecture at Art Journal Journey is attracting some amazing entries and all very different styles from the different people.

Here is my page for today. I used a photograph we took of York Minster but made it thinner to fit the A4 size.I used effects to make it look like a sketch and also added an extra image of the Rose Window which is amazing in real life and especially on a sunny day as the colours show up so well from inside the Minster.

Hope you have a lovely day and the sun is shining as it is here. Thank you for calling in.

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 5 October 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello All. Hope you are all safe as the weather here and there in the world seems to be very mixed at the moment. Thank you for your visit and I hope you enjoy my makes for today.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Lumberjack this week

I went for this picture of the Michael Palin version of a lumberjack that first appeared in Monty Python's Flying Circus way back when.

The Archictecture theme at Art Journal Journey set my mind thinking of the days when I used to love painting sunset pictures.

I painted the sunset picture in acrylics then added the quote in Paint Shop Pro

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 3 October 2015

Journal Page

Hi All from a dark and dismal NE UK coast. It  has been wonderful weather for the last week so maybe it has come to an end now. How lovely that you called in at Jumbled Crafts-thank you. This week I did my 1000th post which would normally have meant blog candy but I see that itsn't as fashionable now as it used to be. I would have found it very difficult to choose one  person to send anything to as I think everyone who pops in and comments deserved my thanks. I have been inspired, encouraged and supported in so many ways so, a BIG THANK YOU to all of you.

Now to my make for today which I made for Art Journal Journey where the theme this time is Architecture and for A Vintage Journey where Alison has chosen Journalling with Tim. Her post made me smile and her make made me smile even more so do pop over and see what it is all about.

The text I scanned from the book

This  page is made with stencils and TH distressed inks and is A4 size. I used Broken China, Aged Mahogany and Dusty Concord. I did the background lightly with TH Inkssentials ink pads the stencilled over that.

This is the stencil book I used which is priced at £9.99 but I got it for £1 at the car boot sale near to where I live. I am looking forward to trying more of the stencils for sure and Distressed Ink is just right to get the best effect.

Have a lovely day everyone and a great weekend

Chrissie xx

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Autumn Leaves or Colours at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

 Time for another challenge at Try it on Tuesday where the theme this time is Autumn Leaves/Colours. I'm sure you will have lots of ideas for this subject but if you need inspiration just go to TIOT for wonderful inspiration from my fellow team mates.

I made a candle jar so I thought I would show it unlit and then lit. The candle is a battery one so very safe and also I painted the bulb with red acrylic so it has a warmer glow.

This is an old peanut butter jar with coloured leaf shapes stuck all around the jar. Then I painted the whole jar with PVA  to give is a bit of see through texture. When it was dry I added some glue stick in blobs and sprinkled with gold sprinkles.

The next thing was to made a tube to fit the inside and I used a thin layer of a red and gold serviette so that the light would show through. Stick this to the jar rim at the top. Add a bit of matching ribbon to the neck of the jar and place the candle inside and that's it finished. You do have to take the candle in and out to turn it on and off but that is easy. It would be nice as a table decoration or have a row of them somewhere. We need to eat more peanut butter I think so I can make more of them.

Have a wonderful day and I can't wait to see what you make.

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 28 September 2015

Another Inchie and Journal page

Hi All. Nice of you to visit my blog, thank you.

Only a couple of days since I posted my last inchie and a journal page but I will be getting back into the swing of things soon I hope.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is hotel

I immediately thought of the Eagles and Hotel California so added that to a blue felt inchie.

I got up at 2.45a.m to see the super moon. This meant hanging out of the bedroom window but unfortunately the moon disappeared around the corner of our house before it was complete.

I made a quick page for Art Journal Journey for the Through my Window theme as this certainly was through my window

This is a photograph I took when I first got up and the top of the moon was red

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 26 September 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello Everyone. Here I am back again in Blog land after a week away. Sorry I couldn't do much commenting but we had little or no internet connection at my daughter's house and also only had Vic's phone to use when we were in Blackpool. My leg is a lot better and I am still trying to rest it as much as possible. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for the lovely comments you leave here.

A bit late with my inchie this week. At Every Inchie Monday the theme of the week is Myth

Not a clue what this is but it was listed as 'myth' on Google. I added the picture to a white felt inchie and then gave it a red, star jewel.

At Art Journal Journey the subject for this month is Through My Window.

When winter sets in our large table is always covered in pieces of a jigsaw. We usually go for the ones with 1000 pieces and choose pictures that show places of sunnier climates. Nice to imagine they are the scenes through my window as the pictures build up piece by piece. Vic takes a photograph of them when they are finished then we pass them on to the charity shop for someone else to enjoy. This is one that we did and I added a window frame to it for AJJ.

Have  great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Add some metal at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts to see what the new TIOT has in store for you. Lots of inspiration from the design team but I am sure you will have wonderful ideas of your own and surprise us with how you add metal to your challenge project. You can make anything you like so long as we can see the metal that you added to it.

I made a plaque. It started out life a piece from a cardboard  box that I covered with a canvas paper and edged with Distressed Ink. Then I covered another piece of the card with Aluminium tape and ran it through the Cuttlebug using the Tim Holtz clock, embossing folder. To this I added various alcohol inks and black  polish to finish it off.

Next came the Love which Vic cut out carefully for me as I am not good at cutting out carefully. This was on a piece of thinner card and I added texture with embossing powder and various paints. The flowers are some more of the silk ones I took apart and remade in different styles. A few brads to hold it together and a bit of ribbon and that it's finished.

Can't wait to see what you make

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 14 September 2015

Inchie Rhythm

Hello Friends and Followers. Nice of you to visit Jumbled Crafts and always nice to read your comments-thank you. The garden is now resting and so are the gardeners which is a nice change.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Rhythm and I just kept thinking of the song from Carmen-'Beat out that Rhythm on a Drum' and I came up with this inchie.

Still much crafting from me at the moment so I am hoping my mojo returns soon. Thick fog today so not too inspiring weather wise.

Have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 11 September 2015

Create a Landscape at Moo Mania

Hi All from a beautiful sunny NE UK. Still lots and lots to do in the garden so it will be lovely to feel the sun while we work.

At Moo Mania and More we are asked to create a landscape in any way we like. No Moos need to be included so let your imagination flow freely.

I made a postcard with inks and stamps on glossy photo paper. The background was various Distressed inks so I did get messy along the way.

Hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts along the way

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 10 September 2015

Windows Journal Page

Hello Everyone. I'm afraid my crafting seems to have come to a stand still at the moment as we are busy destroying our garden and starting again with something easier to manage. It all seemed so easy on paper but the reality is more difficult. Yesterday we had a skip delivered for all the 'rubbish' and it is already full. Thank you for calling in and sorry that all I have to show today is a digital creation.

At Art Journal Journey the theme for September is Through my Window

Not sure where I was going with this really but I am just so grateful that AJJ allow digital art and I can still join in with the challenges even though I haven't go my 'real' craft stuff sorted out again yet.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie xx

Monday 7 September 2015

Inchie Ear

Hi All. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts. Not much to show today but little things mean a lot and especially inchies which are fun to make and often stretch the imagination a long way.

The theme for Every Inchie Monday this week is Ear

I used a picture of a pig's ear and decided to look up the saying, 'Making a Pig's Ear of something'

Still not sure what it means but it has something to do with another saying, ' You can't make a silk purse from a pig's ear.' Who would have thought a pig's ear could be so interesting ??

We are doing work in our garden to make it more user friendly for the future either for us if we stay, or for people who follow us in the house if we move. Lots of ideas and lots of work but it will be fun.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 6 September 2015

Cat Journal Page

Hello All from a sunny but cold NE UK coast. Hope the weather is fine where you are and that you like my journal page today. Thank you for calling in.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is Through My Window so today my name is Felix and I spend a lot of time looking out of the window which is above the nice warm radiator where I live.

I used this photograph that I took of Felix who is one of three of the cats my daughter has. There was only him and me up at that time and the two other cats had run across the busy road to hunt in the fields for things to bring back for breakfast--yuk! Felix is a bit older and wiser and would rather stay in the warmth and have a few strokes and cuddles-or would he? Sometimes it is difficult to choose between safety and adventure.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 5 September 2015

Journal Page

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in. 

Nice of everyone to leave the comments about the missed bungalow you are so kind. We have  moved on in our thoughts and have new plans to mull over with lots of possibilities we hadn't thought of before. It is nice to have uncluttered everywhere and to have a new crafting space even though I can't find where anything is yet.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is Through My Window and at Moo Mania and More we are asked to use Black and White.

I painted the paper with Acrylic white to give it some body and texture. Then I used two lots of stamps that I hadn't used before one is by Technique Tuesday and the other by Prima. I highlighted parts of the stamping with black charcoal pencil and drew the hearts as well. The birds and the butterflies were rescued from past projects and the black ATC cards I have had for a while. I wrote on the title of the song by Beth Hart as it is one I listen to sometimes.

Hope to get messy again today though if the weather turns better we have plans to change some of our garden and make it easier to manage.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 3 September 2015

Art Journal Page

Hi All. Nice of you to call in and a big thank you for your visit.

 We had a bit of a set back on Tuesday when the bungalow we were supposed to be moving to fell through so it is back to the drawing board for us at the moment. The up side is that I unpacked my crafty stuff that I had kept and set-up a craft space again which feels better than it did before. No clutter as I got rid of so much and lots of space to craft so far. Not made anything yet but I aim to have a go later today.

At Art Journal Journey this theme this time is Through my Window

I made this digital page using one of Valerie's wonderful photographs that she generously shares. So many wonderful pictures she shows every day and I always find them inspiring--thank you Valerie. 

Hope to get my paints out and make a real mess as this room seems all a bit clinical at the moment.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Try Something New at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for visiting and I am sure you will be here to see the new challenge at Try it on Tuesday where my team mates have made some wonderful projects to inspire you. For this 'Something New' theme you can make anything you like so long as it has something new to you on it. It might be a new product, a new technique or, like me, something you have never made before.

I made a Pocket Letter. I have seen wonderful ones made by other people and really wanted to try one

I bought this A4 picture a long time ago at York Museum and it was just right to cut into ATC cards to use as the back of my pocket letter. I dabbed a bit of Distressed ink here and there to match the front of my letter.

The front of the cards are covered in bits of scrap paper and edged with the Distressed ink. Bits of this and that were added but the star product on each was new to me and sent to me by my lovely blog friend Valerie. You will see her work at TIOT.
 The 'new to me' product is the the bling which is in strips and called Royal-Schmuck.. That could be the maker as it isn't in English I don't know. It has added so much to the project and means that the whole letter has something that ties it together.

Now it's your turn so do join in and have fun

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 31 August 2015

Inchie and photographs

Hello Everyone. It is raining heavily here so I guess it will be a good day to sort more things out and pack them into boxes. Thank you for calling in, it is always good to have visitors.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the subject is necklace

I made a little necklace from glass beads and sewed it onto a felt inchie square.

I can't believe that we hardly took any photographs at all when we were on the west coast looking for place to live. Vic usually takes hundreds where ever we go. I  guess we were just too focused on the job in hand

I have added this as my new comments picture but it isn't very clear in the smaller version so thought I would show you the bigger one. I just love the sculpture at Fleetwood of a fisherman's wife, children and dog waiting for his return. Many didn't return as the Irish sea can be fierce. A passing motor cyclist was admiring the view and asked if we would like to have our photograph taken with the statue-wasn't that a lovely gesture. I think he saw that we were two old bikers :)

We took this one evening on the prom opposite where we were staying. We are looking forward to seeing sunsets as we don't get to see them here on  the east coast. It was also wonderful to see the Cumbrian fells in the distance as that is where we used to live years ago.

This was taken in a park in Lytham which is further down the coast and a very upmarket sort of place with prices way beyond what we can afford. It will be nice for a day out though and to sample the cafe culture there.

Promise to take more pics next time we go.

Have a nice day

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 29 August 2015

Hello Saturday

Hi All from a very sunny and warm NE UK coast. Hope it is nice where you are and thank you for sharing your time with me at Jumbled Crafts.. We had a great time away and have hopefully found a nice place to rent while we wait for our house to be sold. I don't think either of us us wanted to wait for that to happen and have to keep everywhere ready for viewing all the time. We have to have lots of investigations before we can rent so it is a waiting game at the moment. I have never rented anything before so it is a new expereience.

At Art Journal Journey it is the last few days of their Time challenge that has been amazing

I don't have much craft stuff to use now as everything is safely in boxes. I do have Paint Shop Pro on my new lap top and it is good to have time to learn about this new version after using PSP 7 and an old computer for over 20 years.This photograph of me must have been taken about that time and my lifestyle hasn't changed much since then. I still think the same things are important to me.

Enjoy your weekend

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 25 August 2015

inchie and Journal page

Hi All and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for finding time to pop in and for the wonderful comments and friendship. This is a scheduled post as I will be on a train and on my way to find a new place to live by the time it is published. I am not sure if we will find any internet over the next few days so if I can't comment on your blogs that will be why.

Art Journal Journey still have a few days left for the time theme challenge and it has proved a very popular one for sure with wonderful entries of all sorts of styles. 

I painted this with acrylics on a piece of card. Most of my craft stuff is in boxes already as we needed the craft space to store stuff so that the rest of the house looks tidy when prospective buyers come for a look round..

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Pavilion. I must say that we get some very interestiong theme there and I love joining.


I did a cricket pavilion as it made me think of when I was child and we all used to go as a family to watch my dad play cricket every Sunday. Such wonderful memories for  me though the pavilions were never this spectacular.

Will link these when I get back-maybe on Friday

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Try it on Tuesday-Sending you Flowers

Hi All. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in. I am sure some of you have come to see what the new challenge is at Try it on Tuesday and I know you won't be disappointed with the theme for this challenge. We are asking for projects with 'flowers' and what you make is up to you so let's see what you can come up with.

If you need inspiration my team mates have wonderful ideas here so it will be a good place to start.

I made these needle cases out of blanket material and decorated them with felt scraps that my daughter saves for me. I added some bling to jazz them up a bit and thought that they would make little gifts to pop in with a card. The flowers are really easy to make as they are just straight pieces folded in half and nicked along the edge then sewn into a circle The smaller ones are tiny Suffolk puffs

Now it's over to you to show us what you can think up for the challenge and hopefully you will be chosen as one of our Top 5

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 16 August 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All. Hope you had a lovely weekend and that the week ahead will be a good one. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the comments you leave to brighten my days. Off for my yearly check-up at the docs so fingers crossed that all is ok. They usually phone in about a weeks time if it isn't.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is lamp

I have chosen a magic lamp and I am hoping if I rub it hard enough I will be granted three wishes.

Art Journal Journey are still inspiring lots of us with the time challenge and at Moo Mania and More the theme this time is Embellishments. I combined the two challenges

I have lots of 6x6 inches pieces of card so I thought I would use them for journaling then make them into a book.. The background is another splodge and bubble wrap and the little wooden embellishments were in a box that I found whilst clearing out a drawers. Not sure where they are all from but I know some will be from Crafty Emblies as I did used to buy a lot from there before they closed down. Afraid the quote is in my own scribble as I the printer still hasn't decided it wants to be friendly with the laptop.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 15 August 2015

Journal page and funny photograph

Hi All. Hope your day is going well and thank you for finding time to pay me a visit--always great to have people pop in. Just done my tidying up in case anyone comes to view our house today. The craft room is a real mess but I need somewhere to relax and be untidy.

Art Journal Journey are still keeping lots of us interested in their TIME challenge and it is wonderful to see all of the entries in one place if you click on the small picture at AJJ you will be transported to all the wonders.

Do you remember the Magic Roundabout and how Zebedee helped us all get our children to bed early when he said 'Time for Bed' at the very end of the programme. It sure was magic. A blob and bubble wrap background with some watches printed out on vellum and an image of Zebedee found on Google. The words I cut from an old magazine.

Now for a bit of laugh or maybe a scary moment

An old fashion postcard image has appeared in the foyer of our Spa building and we couldn't resist poking our heads through.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx