Saturday 26 September 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello Everyone. Here I am back again in Blog land after a week away. Sorry I couldn't do much commenting but we had little or no internet connection at my daughter's house and also only had Vic's phone to use when we were in Blackpool. My leg is a lot better and I am still trying to rest it as much as possible. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for the lovely comments you leave here.

A bit late with my inchie this week. At Every Inchie Monday the theme of the week is Myth

Not a clue what this is but it was listed as 'myth' on Google. I added the picture to a white felt inchie and then gave it a red, star jewel.

At Art Journal Journey the subject for this month is Through My Window.

When winter sets in our large table is always covered in pieces of a jigsaw. We usually go for the ones with 1000 pieces and choose pictures that show places of sunnier climates. Nice to imagine they are the scenes through my window as the pictures build up piece by piece. Vic takes a photograph of them when they are finished then we pass them on to the charity shop for someone else to enjoy. This is one that we did and I added a window frame to it for AJJ.

Have  great day all

Love Chrissie xx

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