Saturday 10 October 2015

Moo Mania and Face sketch

Happy weekend-hope you will have a great one. Thank you for calling in to Jumbled Crafts and making my day.
I thought it was about time I upped my game and joined in a few more challenges and maybe even something a bit different for me so hopefully I have managed to do that with one of these challenges.

At Moo Mania and More the challenge is Show Patterns. You don't even have to add a Moo if you don't want to so what could be simpler.

I covered a tin with patterned paper than decorated with 3 Moos that I decorated in drawn patterns and added a warning to leave my brushes alone as they seem to be used for anything but what I want them for.

Here is the coffee tin before the transformation

Now for a new venture for me. At Kim Dellow Show Your Face blog you can post a face you have created and the new week starts every Friday. I see a lot of my blog friends post there and I so admire the way they create faces. I try to make a beautiful face with a few strokes and fail miserably. I like to study faces on trains or buses and do a quick sketch then try to recall what they looked liked and sketch them at a later date.

This was a young man in a group of four on the train on Wednesday. They were going to a meeting I imagine as they talked little and concentrated on their laptops. This young man was looking at me at one point and smiled which gave me a chance to do a quick outline. I am sure he won't recognise himself from my charcoal and soft pastel chalk sketch but I did enjoy doing it.

Love Chrissie xx

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