Sunday 22 March 2015

Journal Page with Wings

Hello Everyone. A warm welcome to my new followers and to old followers and friends as well. Always great to have you visit Jumbled Crafts and a big thank you for your support. If I don't get around to commenting on your blogs for the next few days it is because I am changing everything around in my craft/ computer room. I have mixed feelings about this. I really want everything to be sorted out and to make more space but when I look at all the things I have hoarded for years, I am dreading it. I do have my i-pad so I am hoping to keep up with commenting.

At Art Journal Journey I am the guest hostess this month and we have the theme Things with Wings. There seem to be a lot of challenges that have the same idea so I guess we all think of birds, angels and flying insects when Spring arrives.

This is a digital piece. The crow and cock image is one I scanned from an old book and everything else was created in Paint Shop Pro. I think this will be suitable for Moo Mania and More as well because their theme for the next few days is still poultry

Have a lovely day everyone

Chrissie xx

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