Sunday 1 March 2015

Inchie Love and AJJ

Hi All. Nice of you to call in. Thank You. My life is still a bit different but I feel we are finding more time to do what we want now and we are a bit more organised with MIL. Thank you for everyone's support.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is love

Just a simple heart with jewels and a bit of embroidery for the word. Bet there will be some amazing ideas as there usually is.

At Art Journal Journey this month the theme is 'Things with Wings' and I was honoured to asked to be the Guest Hostess. It is their 4th birthday there so I hope lots of you will join in with a page or two to celebrate. You can join in as many times as you like and link to as many other challenges as you like as well.

A digital page from me today

I made the fairy in Paint Shop Pro many years ago and think this is only her second outing. The background and the bird design I found free to use online but added my own twists to them both.

Have a great day or sleep well depending on what time you visit.

Love Chrissie xx

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