Wednesday 25 March 2015

AJJ Something else with wings

Hello Everyone. Another new day with sunshine and frost for us but it looks like being a great day to go for a walk somewhere nice. Thank you for calling in and for any comments which are always welcome

At Art Journal Journey you have until the end of March to join us for the Things with Wings challenge. That is when I will be hanging up my hostess hat  but looking forward to joining in with Valerie and Susi and their wonderful ideas.

Today I have two pages. 

  A few years ago I had a passion for digitally painting fairies. I even bought a couple of books with ideas to help me draw and paint fairies. Not sure I ever quite mastered it now I look at the folder with my fairy work in it. For this page I surrounded one of my fairies with lots of flowers and gave her a mirror in the middle of the forest.
This page I started off with a green background and sprayed it with various colours and glitter. My fairy was printed out and stuck onto the page. She did pop into the beauticians for a make-up session. I couldn't resist using a black pen to add details and draw a little butterfly to fill a gap.

Have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx

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