Saturday 30 August 2014

ATC and Tag

Hello everyone and Happy Weekend. Lovely blue sky here and a promise of nice weather for this week. So pleased that you found time to pop call in at Jumbled Crafts--thank you.

The challenge at Wicked Wednesday this week is to make an ATC with the theme Beautiful Blooms. I usually try to make my wicked side come out on the challenges at WW but I couldn't think of anything wicked to say about blooms.

A couple of days ago my husband's took some photographs of some the flowers in our garden and lots of them had insects as well. I used this one for my ATC and I liked the quote so added that as well.

At Tag Along they want us to make a tag that is Vintage Inspired

The background paper and the wonderful image are digital downloads from With Wild Abandon and the flower is cut with a Tim Holtz flower die. The material for the flower was sent to me by dear Valerie--thank you Valerie.

A couple more of the photographs Vic took on Thursday after it had been drizzling

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie x

Friday 29 August 2014

Moo Mania and More

Hello Everyone from a pleasant, sunny day in NE UK. Thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts-always great to have people call in.

This time at Moo Mania and More they ask us to Recycle Something. There is nothing I enjoy more than recycling things so I couldn't wait to do this challenge.

I can hear my regular visitors saying that I have made one of these before and they are right-it is here if you want to see it. I just know I will be making more of them as well as they fit so neatly onto my shelf above my crafting space.

A different type of box this time but the same bottles as before

I cut the bottles to the size I wanted them to be then cut the box sides down the same depth to hold the bottles-tuck in the extra card to strengthen the sides.

 I roughly painted the box but let some of the pattern show through to give it character-or was it that I didn't want to have to add another coat of paint ? Then I added some lace to the top and stuck the bottles inside. Later I coloured part of the lace with a Promarker but it doesn't show up too well on the photograph.

The flowers were die cut from the rest of the plastic bottle and some corrugated card from another box. Then I sprayed them with various sprays and dabbed them so that some of the writing on the plastic showed through.

My 'Moo' says what I am hoping will be right when I get lots more of these bottle boxes made.

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Digital Collage

Hi All. I have had a busy day clearing the lounge ready for our new sofa and chairs to arrive. They are all in place now and look a lot bigger than they did in the shop--this is because our room is small and the show room was enormous. Hope your day has gone well and thank you for calling in.

At Three Muses this week the theme is Disguise and I just had time to do mine before I close my computer for today.

A bit weird I know but sometimes weird works for me :)

Love Chrissie x

Monday 25 August 2014


Hello Everyone and Happy Bank Holiday Monday to those of you in England today. It is wet and cold so not the sort of weather to tempt me outside at all. Hope it is better where you are and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is quartz crystal. I hadn't a clue what to do at all but there are already some great ideas by fellow inchiers

I found a picture of some beautiful quartz and decoupaged it a few times. I used to have some pieces similar to this but they have got lost along life's way unfortunately.

Hope you have a really great day

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 24 August 2014


Hello to everyone who call in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit.

Lovely sunny morning here in NE UK but it has turned quite cold so I am in my thick cardigan that I usually only wear in winter. Strange how the temperature can change so quickly.

At Wicked Wednesday this week the challenge is Back to School. It made me think of our teacher's mortar boards worn on the last day of the school year and the first day of the school year only though the head mistress wore hers all the time and it was a different colour.

This should have been our school motto as it was what we were taught :)

The next ATCs are for A Vintage Journey where they have a Little Bit of Tim and it must be an ATC or a set with elements of Tim Holtz

I started out using a piece of canvas effect card

I blended various shades of Distressed ink onto the card then cut out the three ATCs  in different colours.

Next I used the tape measure TH Layering mask as a stencil with darker shades of the Distressed Inks.

The paper additions are from an TH Ephemera pack called Expedition and it has 63 pieces-well it did have but I have used lots of them.

The other embellishments are from a set of Marcella Dome Stickers and the metal ones from my stash.

Have a beautiful day All

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 22 August 2014

Tag and Card

Hi All. I can't believe it is already Friday as this week has flown by. I did manage to fit in a couple of craft challenges yesterday so will show then here today. Thank you as always for popping in and for your kindness and support

At Tag Along this week it is Bees for the challenge

Bubble wrap always reminds me of a honeycombe shape so I used some of that to make the background by using it as a stamp. Then I stamped some of a stamp set by Joanna Sheen which has the flowers and a little bee image as well.

The big Bee is by Cart-us and it is a stamp I love to use whenever possible :)

Now for a card I have made for the challenge at The Craft room where the theme this time is cats

Lots of crafters of all kind seem to have cats and the cats always want to help so I thought this image went very well with the challenge. The digi image was from sliekjestamps where the images are drawn by the blog owner and are free to use if they are for your own personal use. A real haven for cat lovers with lots of cat digis that made me laugh even though I haven't a cat these days-other images as well so do go and have a look.

I used white embossed card for the background and card and paper with a circle made from nesties dies for the topper.

Have a lovely day today and a great weekend everyone


Thursday 21 August 2014

Digital Collage

Welcome to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in to see what I have made.

Not much to show you today as I seem to be busy doing non crafting stuff at the moment--dare I mention clearing out rubbish--maybe not!

At Three Muses this week the theme is Africa.

I thought of the art, the flowers and the dancing so combined them in this digital collage.

If you arrive from Three Muses and would like to know how to add 'here' to your comment this is how to do it

save this somewhere on your computer

<a href="--------" rel="nofollow">here</a>

I copy it every time to my notepad then simple delete the dashes and add the url of my collage post

Have a lovely day

Chrissie x

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Use Your Stash at TIOT

Hello Everyone and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

Lovely entries for the 'Wish you were here' Challenge at Try it on Tuesday and now it is time for a new challenge which I am sure you will love as it is Use Your Stash.

 Pop and see what the rest of the team has made as I am sure you will be inspired to join in with us after seeing all the great ideas.for the challenge this time

I made a decorated a gift bag.

I assembled a few things that were stashed away and used the bag, the flowers, the spider's web stencil and the 2014 Demi Moore diary that my daughter bought for me just so I could cut out the pictures. I also used a Crafty Individuals stamp to cover the pink card as a background--it had never been out of the packet before.

I sent for some bags ages ago and when they arrived I realised they were the wrong size so they were hidden away in a cupboard until now.

 The bags were just too long so I decided to cut off the bottom then--

---stick the top inside it. This made the bag shorter and stronger as well. Then all I had to do was decorate the bag. The back is just a piece of patterned paper to cover up the join. I know some people will be saying that I could have made it smaller by folding the bottom again but I am useless at bag bottoms-anyone have a link to an easy tut I can follow for this?

Can't wait to see what everyone makes so do join in.

Have fun

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 17 August 2014

A Mixed Bag

Good Morning All. Wet and Gloomy here but I got up early and hope to have a crafting day. Thank you for dropping into Jumbled Crafts and enjoy whatever you have planned.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Quick

I used to love ballroom dancing and my favourite dance was the quick step so that is what I have chosen to put on my inchie this week. I decoupages the skirt and legs to give it dimension.

At Moo Mania and More the theme is Hot Summer and we have had a really lovely hot summer

I made a small postcard and added a Moo, some Tanda stamps and a freubels freebies image.

Last but not least I did another Frida Kahlo page for Art Journal Journal

I found this lovely photograph of Frida and digitized it, added the quote and printed it out. Then I just picked out little bits to colour in pale shades. I think it will make a nice front for a Frida Kahlo Journal

Hope you all enjoy your day


ATC and Tag

Hi All and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for dropping by and I hope you like what you find here

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Something Sweet

I did a bright background with Dylusion spray inks then found a picture of a tub of ice cream and did a few addition to it.

At Tag Along the theme is butterflies and there are some very beautiful entries already.

My background is shaving foam technique with some spray inks The butterflies are cut from a page I bought a long time ago from our local craft shop. I put them on foam pads to raise them up from the tag.

That's all so far today but I may be back later with more.

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 14 August 2014

Card and collage

Hello Everyone. How quickly the days are passing this week. I can't believe it is already Thursday and half of that has gone as well. Nice to have you find time to call in even when the time flies by so quickly--thank you 

At Tando Creative Challenge this time the layer is Lovely Layers and you have the whole of August to join in

I made this card for our neighbour who is moving to Scotland to help his son and family. We have loved having him as a neighbour and will miss him lots.

I made the papers for the card in Paint Shop Pro but the card with the butterflies on it was given to me by a friend so I cut some of it out into the shape for a layer on my card.

Then there are three of the beautiful Tando Stars from a grab bag of stars and also a bit of ribbon to add some extra colour to the top of the card.Think it may be 6 layers altogether.

Now to Three Muses this week where  the theme is Friends.

It is lovely to have friends and I have had many in my life--still have one from when I was 7 years old.
Then there are friends you wish you hadn't had and this collage is meant for one of those :(

Well I can't be nice all the time 

Hope your day is going well or went well if it is evening already.


Monday 11 August 2014

Journal page and tag

Hello to everyone who drops in to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit. Always lovely to have people comment and to know I have so many friends in Blogland.

At Art Journal Journal it is the Frida Kahlo theme and there are some wonderful pages to admire in so many styles.

This is my fourth page for this month and I am sure there will be more from me as I really enjoying doing them

I used a background that I had already made and printed a picture of Frida onto it. Then I sat and looked at her and the page sort of evolved as though she was inspiring me to create it. Hope you like it.

I keep forgetting to show my Tag Tuesday tags even though I have made one every week since I joined. This week the theme is Song Titles

I love the song Send in the Clowns so I made a tag for that. The image is one of a sheet of four that a friend sent to me years ago. I haven't a clue who painted them as the copyright on the sheet is a distribution company. I did use all four of them to make a picture which hung on our bedroom wall for years so this is part of the picture recycled.

Hope your day goes well.


inchie and canvas

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts--thank you for taking the time to visit.

 At Every Inchie Monday this week it is Plum as the theme. I can't imagine what others will come up with for this theme as I could only think of the fruit--can't wait to see what is made for it.

I decoupaged the image and the plum name so it added some depth to this inchie.

At A Vintage Journey their theme is Time Flies and your work must have Tim Holtz techniques and products.

I used Distressed Inks on a craft sheet with water splashed on for the background. Then I added some Distressed Stain and sprayed here and there with Cosmic Shimmer mist. The middle is a part of something I made a while ago and I am recycling it to add some texture. The flower is made with the Tim Holtz Tattered Die and the clock I have had a while and not sure what make it is. The cogs are TH as well, the bird as I had that sent to me--I think it may be TH .

I followed the metal tape technique by Tim to make the tag with Time Flies on it

I love these mini Distressed Ink and have two sets of them now -it is good to try the colours before I buy the bigger version.

Have a nice day everyone

Chrissie x

Saturday 9 August 2014

ATC and Tag

Hi All. Hope you are ready to enjoy the weekend whatever you are doing. Thank you for making a visit to Jumbled Crafts part of your day.

At Wicked Wednesday this week the theme is Leo

My daughter is a Leo and she is awesome in so many ways. Always has had cats in her life and she still has 3 -She is the fierce lion where business is concerned and softy lion that does lots of crafts and charity work. This is for her as it can't be easy to be AWESOME :)

Tag along has the beautiful theme Marie Antoinette this week

I found the picture on Google and themed my tag around the colours and the dress. I used a brass stencil by 'dream weaver' for the bows and flowers and coloured them with Distessed ink then added the same colour to my hand made flower. I found a bit of heart ribbon to match as well.

Happy Crafting Everyone

Thursday 7 August 2014

Card and Tag are one

Hi All. Not as hot here today so we are going off for the day soon to visit a little coastal town further down the coast. It does involve a few bus rides but always nice to go somewhere different I think. Thank you for calling in today

At Craft Room Challenge this time the theme is Summer Flowers and at Our Creative Corner it is Summertime. I combined the two to make a card for my daughter's birthday It was a very hot summer when she was born and difficult to keep cool with all the extra weight-worth it in the end though :)

I made this card using the Chocolate Baroque tag holder as the centre piece. The flowers are felt and were made from some bits of felt my daughter was throwing away and I asked if I could rescue them. I used the smaller pieces from the Tattered Flowers Die by Tim Holtz and the beautiful brads were sent to me by Valerie--thank you Valerie.

As she is a Leo, cats have always been a big part of her life and I usually make a card with lots of cats on it but I wanted to show that her 'rubbish' was being used. I had to add cats somewhere so made a cat tag and also used cat paper on the inside of the card--sorry forgot to take a picture of that.

Hope you enjoy whatever you are doing today


Wednesday 6 August 2014

AJJ and Three Muses

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you visit Jumbled Crafts and hope you enjoy what you find here today. Thank you for taking the time to call in.

 Frida Kahlo for the theme at Art Journal Journal and some truly amazing entries so hope you will join in.

This is my third entry and I am back to painting again with matte emulsion and added poster paint. I also used some of the Crafty Individuals flower stamps and drew with a find black gel pen

Next is my attempt this week for Three Muses where it is Zetti Art and I am really rubbish at that-sorry everyone as there are some amazing entries by other people.

Mine is totally digital. I started off with a vintage photograph that was a freebie. The girl's face is by Outlaw by design and I have had it for years. The little boy has a Cristie Silva face-I won a few of her images in a challenge. Lots of effects to end up with this family portrait :)

Have a wonderful day all

In my dreams