Friday 29 August 2014

Moo Mania and More

Hello Everyone from a pleasant, sunny day in NE UK. Thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts-always great to have people call in.

This time at Moo Mania and More they ask us to Recycle Something. There is nothing I enjoy more than recycling things so I couldn't wait to do this challenge.

I can hear my regular visitors saying that I have made one of these before and they are right-it is here if you want to see it. I just know I will be making more of them as well as they fit so neatly onto my shelf above my crafting space.

A different type of box this time but the same bottles as before

I cut the bottles to the size I wanted them to be then cut the box sides down the same depth to hold the bottles-tuck in the extra card to strengthen the sides.

 I roughly painted the box but let some of the pattern show through to give it character-or was it that I didn't want to have to add another coat of paint ? Then I added some lace to the top and stuck the bottles inside. Later I coloured part of the lace with a Promarker but it doesn't show up too well on the photograph.

The flowers were die cut from the rest of the plastic bottle and some corrugated card from another box. Then I sprayed them with various sprays and dabbed them so that some of the writing on the plastic showed through.

My 'Moo' says what I am hoping will be right when I get lots more of these bottle boxes made.

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

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