Tuesday 5 August 2014

Wish you were here at TIOT

Hello Everyone. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

Wonderful entries for the Things with Wings challenge and it will be so difficult for all of us to choose a top 5 I'm sure.

I know you will be eager to find out what is in store at Try It On Tuesday this time and to see all the wonderful ideas that my team mates have made to inspire you all to join in.

The theme is 'Wish you were Here'

This is what I made

I started out with two photographs we had taken at the North Beach in my home town, Bridlington. One had the cliffs and another the kite in the sky. I played around with them in Paint Shop Pro to make one photograph and I digitized that to look like a picture. Then I printed it onto a postcard. All the additions were cut from a postcard of a railway poster that I bought a long time ago-well all except the sun which I found on Google and I just love it :) 

So I had this idea to go and take a photograph of the postcard I made with the same view in the background. I tried on the beach, on the prom and anywhere else I could think of but it was too windy near to the sea. Then I thought of the little seafront cafe with tables and chairs to stand my easel on. It did involve coffee and toasted teacakes but I got the picture I wanted.

Can't wait to see what everyone makes for the challenge.

Love Chrissie x

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