Monday 1 June 2015

Inchie and Goodbye Artful Times

Hello Everyone
A lovely sunny day here so I am off for an early walk before I settle down for a day of tennis watching. I do knit while I watch and have even started drawing sometimes while I watch so that passes as exercise I reckon. Have a lovely day and thank you for your visit.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is pillow.

I hope this one looks soft enough to send you to sleep

Next today it is farewell to Artful Times as they sadly close on June 3rd. I made this as my DT piece there on 9th May 2014 but I have altered it to wish Neet and Wendy Good Luck in what they are doing in the future. Before I made this I didn't even know what Mail Art was and I did enjoy all the different ideas at Artful.

Love Chrissie xx

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