Friday 12 December 2014

Two Collages

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Today I have two collages and both are very different so I hope you like them. Thank you for dropping by today.

At Collage Obsession this week the theme is Black Dress
You are given this image to use if we like or you can use anything that follows the theme I used the image and several others and made something that is supposed to be funny ?

All done digitally-do you think she went for the weekend away?

At Art Journal Journey this month the theme there is Collage and there are some wonderful works of art in all forms.

It is almost a year since my daughter asked if I would like her 'old' sewing machine and I said no but she brought it anyway when they came to visit. I did look at it and then just put it away as it was so different from what I had been used to. It seemed to do everything except make cups of tea. Well she will be coming for Christmas and is sure to ask how I have got on with the machine so I decided the time had come to 'have a go'. It does almost everything at the touch of a button and all I had to do was work out which button did what.

I made this collage from pieces of fabric in my scraps box and added a few other things as interest. Now to make myself a fabulous outfit to wear for Christmas :)-or maybe another collage to start with. 

I really hope the machine she bought to replace it never comes my way as I would never learn how to thread that, it take so many different cottons all at the same time. She did mention that I taught her everything she knows--nice but not true.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

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