Monday 8 December 2014

Inchie and Speed Challenges

Hello Everyone who calls in today. It is always great to read your comments and thanking for taking the time to leave them. White over with frost here and very cold brr.
 I see that Google have added a verification number to Blogs and I am not sure if it can be bypassed. I did try to get rid of it on my settings but no luck so far.

This week the theme at Every Inchie Monday is Yo Yo. I used to love playing with a Yo Yo and I still do because I got one in a Christmas Cracker last year and it had be hidden before I would stop playing with it.

I found an image that was for children to colour in--well I am still young at heart so that's ok :)

The Challenge at Speed Craft this time is Butterfly and you have 15 minutes to make something--you are allowed to gather things together before the time starts.

The card I made

I gathered some stuff together.  A lot of it was from a card I made a long time ago and never posted because I didn't like it. This time I hadn't a plan at all when I began and it seems to work better for me that way.

Ten minutes later I had made this card which just need an inner now.

Thought you might like to see a few pics we took with Vic's phone yesterday.

It was lovely and sunny but freezing cold. The harbour was very quiet for a change so we went for a walk along where the fishermen have their storage places.

Have a lovely day today

Chrissie x

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