Wednesday 31 December 2014

Last Day of 2014

Hello Everyone and thank you for your visit on this last day of 2014. The year has passed by so quickly but I have made so many new blog friends and found such wonderful challenges to keep me inspired.

This collage is for three of my favourite blogs and I made it with all of them in mind

At Art Journal Journey it is the last day to enter the challenge to make a collage. I have really enjoyed joining in with a few collages and so have many others as the number has reached 200 entries this time.

Then comes Moo Mania and More where they have the theme Polka Dots. I will definitely be entering a few more there in the next couple of weeks.

Last but not least is Three Muses where I got the motivation to renew my love affair with digital artwork. It is wonderful to see what the others make each week and to see that everyone has their own style. The theme this week is 'photo play' and you can make any kind of collage not just digital.

For this I used a polka dot background I made long ago, a few brushes made in Paint Shop Pro and the wonderful photograph of Marilyn with one of her quotes.

So that's it from me for this year.

I wish you a very Happy and Healthy 2015 as I may not be back tomorrow. It is my birthday then--what a strange day to be born :)

Love as always 

Chrissie x

Monday 29 December 2014

Inchie's Year

Hi All. Here I am back after my Christmas Break. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and a big thank you to all who popped in and left comments while I wasn't around. All back to normal now as my daughter and her husband went home yesterday and the house seems so quiet at the moment.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Magical. Quite honestly I find every theme magical and the idea of expressing them in just an inch square is a wonderful idea. Hope some more of you will join in 2015. The themes are already listed for the whole of the year. Wonderful to be a part of this blog and to see all that everyone makes. Thank you Trillian for the work you do to make it a happy blog.

I find magic in lots of things but the wonders of a night sky and the thought of fairies flying around unseen are quite high on my list.

These are all of my inchies for 2014. 

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Three Muses and Happy Christmas All

Hello Everyone. I expect all who celebrate Christmas are very busy today so thank you for your visit. I think this may the last time I am around for a few days at least as my daughter and her husband are arriving a lunch time today to spend the holiday time with us.

This is my card for all of you who celebrate Christmas-the middle is also my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is a very Vintage Christmas

At Three Muses this week the theme is to design a Mail Art Envelope.

This was the first one I made and I made a card to match in the same design. These are printed out and ready to send. I used lots of brushes in Paint shop pro that I had added years ago. A lot of these images are now made into stamps by various company's but they weren't then and I designed everything digitally in those days.

I was so excited about this theme that I designed and printed out another one :)

Thank you for the great idea. From now on I will be making envelopes for all the cards I send.

Have a terrific day and don't work too hard

Love Chrissie x

Monday 22 December 2014


Hello to all who pop in to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for your visit today. Nothing much to show you I'm afraid as I seem to be busy doing lots of other things ready for my daughter and son-in-law arriving on Wednesday

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Zig Zag. Just one more week to go then we have the whole collection for the year and a New list to start on for next year. 

I just drew lots of Zig Zags and coloured them in

Have a great day everyone.

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 20 December 2014

Speed Craft Challenge

Hello everyone. I am bit late today as we went shopping early thinking it would be busy but it was just the usual Saturday shoppers here I think. I hope your day is going well and thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts.

At The Speed Challenge this week the theme is anything goes with the option to use a stencil if you like.

Just over an hour ago I thought I would come up to my craft room and do the speed challenge while Vic was watching a film. I just got everything ready to start and he came upstairs to ask if we had any Christmas paper, where was the sellotape and did I have anything to make some labels? He said he had some bits and bobs to wrap up for under the tree. 
 Then I took a pic with the time and the stuff I thought I might need

Ready to go

 Cover A small piece of card with double sided tape and stick stuff onto it. Next cover the whole lot with aluminium tape. Press the tape into the shapes so their pattern shows through. Mount this onto another piece of card

I stenciled the white card with a Tando music stencil, a Big Juicy Ink Pad and a brayer. Well I am sure I could have finished it but the phone wrang with my daughter on speaker wanting to talk to Vic and me so I took a photograph and left it until later to finish

This is it finished with the shapes better defined and a smear of black ink and a gold pen here and there.

Have a lovely rest of the day

Love Chrissie x

Friday 19 December 2014

Digital Collage and Moos

Hi All from a bright and sunny NE UK Coast. I have just been outside and it very cold even though it looks as though it is warm through the window. Thank you for dropping by today, always great to have visitors.

I have made a digital collage for Collage Obsession where the theme for the next four weeks is "Winter/Holiday/Christmas/New Year"
I would also like to add it to Art Journey Journey where the theme is Collage.

Last but not least this is my Greeting to all who visit here and who celebrate Christmas.

Another one for the kiddies-old and young-most of the images are ones that I drew myself long ago. This snowman has been used so many times I think I need to create another one.

At Moo Mania this time the theme is Merry Christmas 

I just loved Susi's little Moo Tags that you can see at Moo Mania as her DT piece. These are Moo Tags that I made and I am going to hang them on our Christmas Tree

I have a few more quick cards to make as we always get some late arrivals and they are always from people I hadn't got on my list. I will make New Year cards now:)

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Digital Collages and Happy Mail

Hello Everyone. Lovely to have a visit from you at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in today.

At Three Muses this week the theme is Lighthouse

Living at the coast I know how important the lighthouse can be. I started off by using one of our own photographs taken near to our harbour and added a lighthouse, mermaids and a few effects. I always hope to see a mermaid but haven't so far.

I forgot to post my collage for last week so here it is.

The theme was Vintage Gothic arches

I would also like to link these to Art Journal Journey where the theme there for December is Collage

Now to my Happy Mail. I received a package from Valerie for Christmas and my birthday.

This is the wonderful box and the postman always comments on the beauty of the packaging that arrives when Valerie sends anything. I have blanked out our addresses

Here are the amazing contents. A very beautiful card, a decorated notebook, a wonderful hand made journal, a never ending scarf and some sports compression socks--she knows they will be great for me as I do so much walking as she does. Thank you dear Valerie for your kindness and friendship

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 14 December 2014

Inchie and Collage

Hello Everyone. Hope your weekend went well and that you are ready to start this week with a smile. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts and for the lovely comments you leave.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme for this week is Yellow. Not many weeks left for 2014 but the list of words is already up on the blog for next year so I hope lots more people will join the Inchie Family.

I just did a background of different yellows ? one does looked a bit orange on the photographs. Then I added a yellow star brad.

At Art Journey Journal this month the theme is collage and you can use any medium you like to make a collage for the growing collection which Susi and Valerie gather together to show all the entries--beautiful--thank you Susi and Valerie

I did an emulsion paint and alcohol ink background then added the cut-outs I found on Google.

I don't usually listen to pop music but I have a little i-pod full of it for when we go on train or bus journeys. It drowns out the sound of people on mobile phones having loud conversations and children screaming 'cause they don't want to be there. Vic says sometimes I sing out loud to the music but I don't know because I have ear pieces in. I bet I am more annoying than the sounds I am trying to obliterate.:oO

Have a lovely day

Friday 12 December 2014

Two Collages

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Today I have two collages and both are very different so I hope you like them. Thank you for dropping by today.

At Collage Obsession this week the theme is Black Dress
You are given this image to use if we like or you can use anything that follows the theme I used the image and several others and made something that is supposed to be funny ?

All done digitally-do you think she went for the weekend away?

At Art Journal Journey this month the theme there is Collage and there are some wonderful works of art in all forms.

It is almost a year since my daughter asked if I would like her 'old' sewing machine and I said no but she brought it anyway when they came to visit. I did look at it and then just put it away as it was so different from what I had been used to. It seemed to do everything except make cups of tea. Well she will be coming for Christmas and is sure to ask how I have got on with the machine so I decided the time had come to 'have a go'. It does almost everything at the touch of a button and all I had to do was work out which button did what.

I made this collage from pieces of fabric in my scraps box and added a few other things as interest. Now to make myself a fabulous outfit to wear for Christmas :)-or maybe another collage to start with. 

I really hope the machine she bought to replace it never comes my way as I would never learn how to thread that, it take so many different cottons all at the same time. She did mention that I taught her everything she knows--nice but not true.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 10 December 2014

AJJ Collage

Hello Everyone-thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts today.

At Art Journal Journey they always have happy things there and this time the theme is Collage. Susi always collects all the entries together and you can view them. 

This one is a digital collage which a boots image I have had for years and several other things I found in old folders. My poor computer is bursting with things that need clearing out.

Have a lovely day everyone

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Winter Whites at Try It On Tuesday

Hello Everyone and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts today. Sorry I still haven't found a way to get rid of the verification on comments--still trying though. Think I may have solved it with the help of my very patient hubby :)
 Hope your week is going well and I am sure you will find it even better with the new challenge at Try It On Tuesday.

Great to see the 'Christmas is Coming' ideas that you had for our last challenge and I am really looking forward to seeing what you make this time where the theme is 'Winter Whites'. Beautiful makes by my fellow team mates so do pop along to see what they made for TIOT this time.

I made a hanging from some old wooden coasters.

 The coasters were first painted with thick, white emulsion paint then I dried them with my heat gun which made the paint bubble and blister to add more texture. Next I found lots of white things to add to them reversing the position so they looked different when joined one above the other. I made the flowers by cutting out some shapes I had printed in Paint Shop Pro and the leaves were bought, silk ones.

This is a close up of one of the coasters and you can see I added a bit of white glitter and a ribbon middle to my flower as well.

Hope you will join in and I look forward to seeing what you make.

Have a beautiful day and thank you for calling in

Love Chrissie x

Monday 8 December 2014

Inchie and Speed Challenges

Hello Everyone who calls in today. It is always great to read your comments and thanking for taking the time to leave them. White over with frost here and very cold brr.
 I see that Google have added a verification number to Blogs and I am not sure if it can be bypassed. I did try to get rid of it on my settings but no luck so far.

This week the theme at Every Inchie Monday is Yo Yo. I used to love playing with a Yo Yo and I still do because I got one in a Christmas Cracker last year and it had be hidden before I would stop playing with it.

I found an image that was for children to colour in--well I am still young at heart so that's ok :)

The Challenge at Speed Craft this time is Butterfly and you have 15 minutes to make something--you are allowed to gather things together before the time starts.

The card I made

I gathered some stuff together.  A lot of it was from a card I made a long time ago and never posted because I didn't like it. This time I hadn't a plan at all when I began and it seems to work better for me that way.

Ten minutes later I had made this card which just need an inner now.

Thought you might like to see a few pics we took with Vic's phone yesterday.

It was lovely and sunny but freezing cold. The harbour was very quiet for a change so we went for a walk along where the fishermen have their storage places.

Have a lovely day today

Chrissie x

Sunday 7 December 2014

AJJ Collage and a card for Marina's challenge

Hi All. A bit brighter here today but raining at the moment I bet it will be sunny soon :) Hope you like what I have posted today and thank you for the lovely comments you leave. I have the best followers in Blogland. I bet we all say that.

At Art Journal Journey there is a collage challenge this time and I have done digital and painted ones but you can use any medium you like and enter as many times as you like.

This collage started when I found 2 of our old rail tickets in a drawer and it gave me the idea to make a Journey Collage. The background was a sheet of paper I had been using to protect my craft mat and it had lots of interesting shapes and splashes on it. I added a few more and then images I cut out of a travel brochure that was sent to us in the post. The other bits and bobs were in my scraps drawer.

Marina, at My Perfect Life, has reached the end of her 48 week Christmas Card Challenge and it was lovely of her to invite others to join her along the way. I kept falling behind but it did help me a lot to get my cards made early this year. Thank you Marina :)

So I have my cards written and ready to put stamps on them, then get them in the post. I had forgotten to make one for Vic so here is the one I made this morning which will be for the challenge as well as for my husband.

I used some paper I made and a Hero Art Snowman stamp that I coloured with Promarkers. Everything was backed with some gold glitter paper and the white card edged with Distressed Ink.

Have I really made enough cards ?--not sure yet until I see who sends them to us.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x 

Friday 5 December 2014

Collage Obsession and Christmas Card

Hello Everyone from a cold and dull NE UK Coast. It seems to have got quite cold all at once so my thicker clothes and thermals are out of their hiding places already. Thank you for calling in. It is always warming to have visitors.

At Moo Mania and More the theme is Poinsettia and you don't have to include a Moo at all if you want to join in.

I made a card for my hairdresser as she loves poinsettias and is so lovely. She comes to our house to cut my hair so I don't have to go to the hairdressers at all. The photograph isn't good as the light is awful here so far today.

I printed out this sheet that I designed 'way back when' from a flower by Carey. I tried to find an addie for Carey but it seems like she has disappeared now. When I used to do PSP tutorials I had permission from many artists to use their work-some are quite well known in the crafty world now. I think maybe people like Carey closed her website when they became expensive to run--I know I did. You can use this sheet if you like to build your own poinsettia.

At Collage Obsession the theme is Smile and there is a photograph as inspiration if you want to use it--I used the theme of the photograph which was an astronaut. I am joining this at Art Journal Journey as well where their theme is collage for this month-thanks for inviting me to add this Valerie :)

Difficult to smile I imagine when you are floating down to earth and wondering what might happen on the way down.

Have a great day everyone.

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 3 December 2014


Hi All. Nice of you to visit today and thank you for your really lovely comments.

Today it is cold and windy again but we are going to be brave and walk along the seafront into town--may even venture onto the beach for part of the walk--brr.

At Art Journal Journey the theme this month is Collage so something for everyone to get their teeth into I'm sure.

Here is what I came up with yesterday using a page from a magazine and some emulsion paint for the background then adding images for my theme.

Next collage is digital and for Three Muses where this week the theme is Twirls, Swirls and maybe a few splatters

Years ago my husband, Vic, used to be into fractal design and has a folder with some of them in it. The background for my collage is one of them as I just love the swirls and twirls in it. I then thought of nature as it is supposed not to have any straight lines but I think since that quote was made people have strived to prove it wrong so I made my own quote. I added a couple of splatters to fill the gaps.

Have a wonderful day all.

Love Chrissie x