Friday 2 May 2014

Craft-Room and Three Muses

Hi Everyone. A few days since I last posted and I don't know where the time has gone at all. Hope you are having a good week and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

This time at the Craft Room Challenge the theme is Roses and Romance-always lovely to join in their challenges with such terrific samples and entries.

I made this from a piece of corrugated card from a box and it measure about 12x12 inches. For the background I used a paper napkin that Alison had sent to me with other goodies. I thought it was just right for this challenge. The boy and girl are from Gecko Galz and I cut the little rose posies from a sheet of paper to add here and there where it was a bit bare. The wheel in the middle made of paper with hearts on it and I added the pinched hearts. Then I painted around the edges of the card with acrylic paint and all over the back with the same colour as I am hoping to use it as a journal cover when I find a piece of card the same size to use for the journal back.

I have found another challenge blog where I can indulge myself with digital artwork. It is called Three Muses and this week they have the theme Stylish Ladies

Not sure what I did except that I found the picture of a new, trendy, coffee bar that has just opened in London. I added the ladies from different places and used effects on them. Then they met up for coffee in this very stylish place. I used a frame and then added a border with a brick texture.

Hope you are having a really nice day

Love Chrissie x

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