Saturday 31 May 2014

Vintage Journey and Wicked Wednesday

Hi Everyone.

We had a sunny day here yesterday and no forecast for rain today or tomorrow so I am smiling :) Dull and cold but not wet is good I think. I will be racing into town and back as there is tennis on the telly and it is Nadal playing first then Andy Murray later. Hope the weather is good where you are and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts-always nice to have friends pop by.

At A Vintage Journey this time we are asked to 'get some texture.' As always the challenge is based on Tim Holtz- products or techniques.

I started off with part of a cardboard box and painted it with lilac emulsion paint--I coated it on so that added texture. Next it was sprayed with Rangers Ink Spray and dabbed with distressed ink

I found a book page I had used to soaked up various blobs from other projects so I filled in a few gaps with 
Rangers Distressed stain, put it through the clock embossing folder and cut out a piece to add to my cardboard. The tape down the side is a Tim Holtz stencil with Grunge Paste and I distressed it with a couple of colours. The tattered flowers were also made from a splodgy book page. Not sure what this will be used for--I think maybe a book front cover.

Tim Holtz things used on this

Now to Wicked Wednesday where the theme is Fairy Wonderland. 
and I drew some wings on the image in Paint Shop Pro and filled them with part of the image so that they matched.

                                        Well I am not big on fairies so I used a digi image from 

The background is spray ink and a sponge and I added glitter around the edges for the wonderland bit.
Still a few days left to join in so hope you will get out your fairies and have a go with an ATC. Not many of us join in and it is a lovely DT with great ideas.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Three Muses and Craft-room challenge

Hi all from a very wet NE UK Coast. I have been crafting this morning as it is too wet to go anywhere at all. Hope it is better where you are and thank you for coming in to call at Jumbled Crafts and brightening any day.

The Three Muses have 'Get Ahead-Get a Hat' for their theme this week and there are already some amazing entries as inspiration

I have gone for a comic approach with a digitized photograph of me to start the ball rolling. I would actually love to try a hat like this is anyone has one going spare :)

At Craft Room Challenge this time they want 'Things with Wings'. I had so many ideas I didn't know where to start-what a great theme to chose.

I think it was Alison aka Butterfly that sent me this Paper Artsy Heart so I decided to give it some gold 'wings' that were part of some old jewelry I bought for 25p at the car boot sale on Monday. Then I distressed the heart with Rangers 'picked raspberry' Distressed Ink and finally gave it a spray of glitter mist.

I used part of a brass stencil by U.I.T and covered that with Papermania shimmer chalks which I also got for 25p at the carboot sale. The hearts on the string are punched into gold card and the words stamped onto some paper I distressed.

Off for some lunch and them back to crafting if it is still raining--what a hard life :)

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Feminine and Fancy at TIOT

Hi All. I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and that you had some sunshine.

This time the theme at Try It On Tuesday is Feminine and Fancy so do join in with your take on the chosen subject-can't wait to see your makes.

I made this book card

This is the template I used for my card. A big thank you to the person who created it I have used it often.

First of all I cut out the book shape and then I painted the outside with some plum coloured emulsion paint. I buy the little samples pots to use on craft projects and there are some amazing colours to chose from.

I added some paper, lace and a piece from a bling bracelet. This made the background for my geckogalz image and a flower made from shapes in my bits and bobs drawer. Added peel offs to finish it off. I haven't bought any peel-offs for years but still have lots to use up so fit them in when ever possible.

I lined the inside with a striped paper so it looks like book pages at the top of the card.

Thank you for dropping by Jumbled Crafts and I am looking forward to seeing what you make for the challenge.

Love Chrissie x

Monday 26 May 2014

Inchie and collage

Hello Everyone from a hot and sunny NE Coast. Had a walk around the very large Bank Holiday car boot sale then did gardening after that so I am ready for a it down and a bit of crafting. Hope your day is going well and nice to have you pop into Jumbled Crafts. Welcome to my latest followers.

At Every Inchie Monday we are asked to do Killer as I theme for this week

Here I am being a bit different-well maybe not-who knows

I chose the perfume Killer Queen. I was going to chose the Queen  record of the same name but wasn't sure if that would work in such a small space.

Collage Obsession this week has the theme Balance

I used all sorts of things for this starting off with the man and the chairs and adding other things that say balance. I ended with a quote for a balanced life.

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 25 May 2014

Moo Mania and Tag Along

Hi All. Just been for a long walk and it rained on off all morning so the poor holiday makers are all heading for things to do indoors. Hope your day is going well.

At Tag Along the theme is Lighthouses

I did the background with Distressed ink and water and printed the light house image onto the tag--it is a  digital stamp from Sweet and Sassy. I coloured it with Promarkers and added a' few birds'

Moo Mania and More want to see something using corrugated cardboard

I found this odd shaped piece that looked like a door so I used various inks and glitter spray to give it a shiny finish and then stuck it onto black card and decorated it like a door with a door quote.

Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 24 May 2014

Inchie and Collages

Hello Everyone. Nice to be back to Blogland after our holiday in Blackpool. We didn't manage to get fixed up with an internet connection so sorry for my lack of comments on your blogs. The sun shone for most of the time though which was really terrific. Hope your week has gone well and thanks for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Jolly Boat which seemed to include lots of different,small, sailing vessels.

 I did a little boat with a Jolly Roger flag-all drawn and painted by me-I guess you can see that :)

At Three Muses this time the theme is Some Like it Hot-warm or hot colours 

I digitally painted this face a while ago and left it so I could add different sorts of hair or headgear to it. Just love doing digital creations these days as well as the usual crafting.

At Collage Obsession-A is for -----

I chose Ancient as my word for this digital Collage.

Have a great day everyone and a good weekend

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 23 May 2014

Challenge 56 Artful Time-Owls

Hi All. Nice to have you drop by.

Time for another challenge at Artful Times and my turn to chose the theme this time.

The theme is Owls as I just love them so I chose this theme.  You can make anything you like so long as it has an Owl somewhere on it. Hope you join in as it is always wonderful to see what others make and visit their blogs to find out more about the project. This will be my last DT piece for Artful Times.

This is what I made-a card with a secret-sorry about the puffin poking its nose in :(

I saw this on Google and loved it but the one I saw needed a special machine to be able to make it and I didn't have one-the file is here. I  decided to make my own version and made it up as I went along basically.

When you lift up the head there is a pocket for a gift card and I added the shapes in different types of card to make the feathers. The feet are made of felt.

Lift up the body and there is the inside of the card, The stamps are from Personal Impressions.

Hope you visit Artful Times to see what the others have made and join in to have an opportunity to win the monthly prize.

Love Chrissie x

Friday 16 May 2014

Recycle and All about Him

Hello Everyone another post from me as I am trying to get things sorted for the next few days as I may not be around much.

At the Craft room Challenge this time they are asking us to recycle something

This is what I made to store some of my coloured card as I always seem to use the white or cream and forget I have lots of coloured card as well. This holds a lot of it and has freed up space for other stuff.

Started out with this and tucked in the flaps and lined the inside with card. Then covered the outside with very thick paste

Then I tore bits of this Tesco's free magazine and decoupaged the box,  added fancy corners of paper which had been punched and some doilies to the top edge. Tickets with the words I have had ages and the roses image was from a seed catalogue. The stamps were more of the ones on a parcel from Valerie--no more of those left now. When it was all dry I varnished it with yacht varnish to give it a vintage look. I am so pleased to have made this as I sure it will be very useful.


Now to A Vintage Journey where the theme is 'All About Him'. I was so pleased to see this theme as I had to make Vic a birthday card for Monday.

Here is what I made using one of Vic's own photographs that he took at Grosmont when we went to see the steam trains there. I made layers of card, and a background paper I made in Paint Shop Pro. All of these were distressed with Rangers Aged Mahogany Distressed Ink.

The background is Rangers Distressed Ink in Broken China and Aged Mahogany. The stamp is one from Chocolate Baroque but the clock looks TH style I think

I added a sentiment and a Tando Heart and I am hoping my hubby will love it.

Have a nice day all

Love Chrissie x

Tag and ATC

Hello Everyone from a very sunny and hot NE UK coast. I have been doing HW and gardening so far today so ready to sit down and do a post.

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Red, White and Blue and there are some wonderful sample ATCs by the team. I am not sure mine is so wonderful but the quote made me think.

I made a swirly red, white and blue background, printed out the quote and added that then I thought I would add a picture of the lights on top of a US  police car. Afraid they look more pink and turquoise but fit the quote.

Next is Tag Along with the subject being children-wonderful sample there and also some terrific entries already.

The background is Rangers distressed inks and stains and the swirl I did in Grunge Paste and an Imagination Crafts stencil. The sailor girl image was free here and I coloured it with Promarkers The tie is blue wool though it looks more black on the photograph.
 Have a lovely day everyone and thank you for dropping by

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Fame and Photographs

Hi All and welcome to Jumbled Crafts.

At the Craft Barn this time the words are Fame and Unique.

I used black and white acrylic paint for the background and the song Hall of Fame by the Script. I sort of thought the words were 'Edge of Fame'-should have looked it up first :)


Yesterday we went to the cliffs at Bempton to see if the there were any puffins.

 It is so different now as the RSPB have upgraded the centre and you have to go through their visitor's centre to get to cliffs and see the birds. They asked everyone to pay £5 for parking a car but we said we had walked there and they did let us go through to the cliff top without paying. We don't have a car so it was a long hard walk to get there and the paths were full of puddles. Better than it used to be as it was a dangerous walk along a busy lane. A path has been made recently using part of the hedgerow.

Here are a few photographs we took

This one is looking north toward Filey Brigg and in the distance Scarborough. If you are ever in this area do try the walk along Filey Brigg-it isn't easy but it is amazing. It is covered when the tide is in so take care.

            These are guillemots and the holes in the earth at the tops of the cliffs should be full of puffins but sadly there weren't any yesterday .
These are seagulls which often return to the same nesting place each year with the same partner-there are hundreds that nest near us on the roofs of an industrial estate. They can live up to 40 years and here in Bridlington they live on Fish and Chips.

Gannets gather together and nest closely in groups. Their yellow heads stand out.

More puffin burrows on the tops of the cliff with no puffins--many of the burrows have been taken over by pidgeons

We are still hoping the puffins will arrive soon and then we will go on a boat trip from Bridlington harbour which is the best way to see them or if you really want to see some very close up take a boat trip from Seahouses in Northumberland which is just too wonderful to describe-at this time of year the array of birds is amazing and there are seals as well

Hope you enjoyed the trip and thank you for calling in

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 13 May 2014

It's in the Mail at TIOT

Hello Everyone who calls in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for the lovely comments which I always appreciate.

I have some exciting news today as I was invited to join the Design Team at Try it on Tuesday and this is my first design piece for the challenge with the theme 'It's in the Mail'. I hope you will join in and visit all the others on the Design Team to see their wonderful makes. Thank you to Yvonne and the talented team for the very friendly welcome :)

I made a vintage style postcard. The background and the lady are from here but I did alter them by colouring with Promarkers and then making a skirt out of used postage stamps. I am sure there are lots of ways to use those.

This is the back of the postcard which I stamped with flowers and butterflies from Crafty Individuals.

Hope you have a really lovely day

Chrissie x

Sunday 11 May 2014


Hello Everyone.

Just popping in to post my inchie for this week. At Every Inchie Monday the theme for this week is Jet.

I have chosen a piece of Jet jewellry which is made from stones found on a Whitby beach and made into wonderful things. There is lots on show in Whitby and even an old workshop museum showing just how it used to be worked. Jet was made fashionable by Queen Victoria when her dear husband, Albert died. She wore it all the time.

Hope you have a good day and nice to have you drop in to Jumbled Crafts-thank you

Love Chrissie x

Tando Challenge

Hi All. Just been for a brisk walk along the sea front and I am pleased to be back as the weather is turning again and it looks like rain. Hope your day is going well and thank you for dropping by.

At Tando Creative this time we are asked to 'Incorporate a Key.'

I used just one of the pieces from my Tando Mini Theatre Stage to make this piece. I used a picture of one of my favourite books/ films/plays. Added a bit of texture and colours to the frame then I made the little curtains.

If you are wondering why I added the key you will have to read the book-the key to any good book is to read it, watch the film or see a performance of it at the theatre.:) Don't forget to invite me along *

Mini Theatre Stage Wide 1

Have a lovely day

Chrissie x

Friday 9 May 2014

Challenge 55 Artful Times-Mail Art

Hi All hope you are having a good day and thank you for finding time call in at Jumbled Crafts. 

I can't believe another 2 weeks have flown by and it is time for another challenge at Artful Times. The badges, brooches and buttons entered last time were just amazing with wonderful ideas.
 This time Neet has chosen the theme Mail Art and I was quite excited to try this as I have never done any before.

This is what I made. I coloured the envelope with  H20 paints then used stamps and images cut out of a seed catalogue. The flower and leaves stamp are by Papermania and the diamonds is Crafty Individuals. The beautiful postage stamps were on a box of goodies I received from Valerie and I am so pleased I could use them on this piece. The text I cut from a magazine

Hope you will visit Neet and Wendy to see what they made for the challenge and join us with your take on the theme as you could win a £10 voucher to spend at Oyster Stamps when the winner of two challenges is chosen

Love Chrissie x

I would also like to share this and Moo Mania and More where their theme is also Mail

Tag and Atc

Hello Everyone. Friday already and I haven't a clue where this week went too. I am almost pleased that it is raining' with more rain forecast' as it means I will be able to do more crafting.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Moulin Rouge. This was my favourite film of all time and I get emotional just thinking about it. Not only sadness but the deep love, the ups and downs, the characters, the music ---Oh Dear! I think I may have to have another look at the DVD immediately :)

My tag has a background picture of the Moulin Rouge and an image that found here. The flower is from a headband I bought at Poundland with three of them on it.

At Wicked Wednesday they have the theme tropical colours.

I made a background of tropical colours then found this great free Hula Cow here

Enjoyed making both of these and they were great challenge ideas.

Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts and don't forget to pop back this evening for the new challenge at Artful Times

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Journal Page and Digital Collage

Hi All and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

I am staying in today to wait for a delivery of some fencing so filling in the time with crafting--what could be better really:)

At Art Journal Journal this month the theme this time is circles and there are some wonderful entries already.

I bought an Art Journal with black pages and now I wonder why as it is difficult to know what to do on them. I painted a background on white paper then cut it into pieces to stick on my black page. Next I looked for things that had circles. Some from my odds and ends jewellery, some from the button box and then some craft Candi. The white lines join the cirlces as a circular walk. Now to think how else to do art on black backgrounds :(

At Three Muses the theme is Positive Affirmations which needed a bit of thought. I made this digital collage.

I started out with a photograph of a bee on a flower that Vic took in our garden. I then added things that I found positive and encouraging. Loved the bee so much I selected it from the background and added it again to the top layer. The music layer is the music for the song Always Look on the Bright side of Life written by Eric Idle of Monty Python Fame.

Hope your day is going well

Love Chrissie x

Monday 5 May 2014

Collage and Photo Album

Hello to everyone who ventures into Jumbled Crafts-hope your day is going well.

Looks like being a crafty day for me as it is raining heavily at the moment. Plenty of time for that to change as I woke up at stupid o'clock and decided not to go back to sleep again. It will mean more hours in the day for me which can't be bad as time races by these days.

Time for another challenge at Collage Obsession where the theme for this week is Motherhood. I know many of you don't know anything about this type of digital doodling so please don't feel you have to comment on this, even though comments are always appreciated-good or bad.

I decided to use some of my family photographs to create my collage for this week. The mother on the left is my grandmother with my dad, in the middle is my mum with my brother and on the right is my, only remaining, aunt and my dear cousin.

Looking at all the old photographs gave me an idea for the next piece I made. This is for A Vintage Journey -with the theme 'Fond Memories' and Rhedd's Creative Spirit-where it is anything altered as always though there could be a twist sometimes

I altered this photograph album and thought I would print out some of my old photographs and keep them in it. The background is Rangers Distressed Inks-colours at the bottom of the post. I sprayed water into the palm of my hand and shook it onto the ink-love this Tim Technique. The diamond pattern is a stamp by Crafty Individuals.
A TH map in the middle and some plastic emblies that have the date 2004 on them and the pack had never been opened. Amazing what you find when you are looking for something else. The stencil was just a child's letters and numbers stencil but I need to buy a proper one as it didn't work as well as I would have liked. Used Cosmic Glitter mist on that bit.

Album before-well almost before, I had tried the colours I was going to use.

Difficult to photograph yesterday as the sun was so bright. I guess the real strength of the colours is somewhere between the two pictures. 

What I used along the way.

That's it for now but I may be back later if I manage to make anything today

Thank you for calling in

Love Chrissie x

Journal Page and Inchie

Hello Everyone.

It is more like summer here than Spring today :0 ). We have just been to the car boot sale near to where we live but it was huge with too many stalls for us to get all the way around. This was mainly because I bought two clematis plants and Vic got a big box of Autumn Lawn Feed. I know it isn't Autumn but it will keep and was only £2 instead of the £10 we usually pay for it at the garden centre.

Every Inchie Monday has the theme Indigo this week.

Here is mine. I decoupaged this cute little Indigo Bunting onto my Inchie.

For the Challenge at Try it on Tuesday the theme is Springtime and at That's Crafty so I thought I could combine the two challenge and made a journal page.

I blended Distressed inks for the background then stamped a Crafty Creation Stamp. The flowers, clouds and Spring are cut from a kids colouring page that I coloured with felt tips. Then I used a bee stamp from Joanna Sheen and a Personal Impressions Butterfly Stamp

Hope you are having a great day and thank you for taking the time to visit Jumbled Crafts.

Love Chrissie x