Tuesday 28 January 2014

Tag and Collage

Hi All. Still gloomy weather here but we are in a better place than a lot of people in the UK and I send my love to all of those and hope things improve soon.

This week Collage Obsession has the theme bridge. I have stuck to making a digital collage again though I may decided to print all of them out and made a book at some point.

For this collage I took a few of our photographs that we took last year when we went on holiday to Berwick-on -Tweed. There are 3 bridges there quite near to each other and all are spectacular in their own way. The very high one for trains-a very old one that wasn't built for today's traffic at all but you can still pass over it on foot or bicycle I think-we walked. Then there is a new road bridge following the same route as the old one but it it very busy with all sorts of traffic all the time. We did go over that a few time by bus. The reflections in the rive are amazing from all of the bridges.

these are some of the photographs I have combined.

Just thought I would add the tag that I made for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is decay.

For my tag I went round our soggy garden and found two leaves from last years perenial sweet peas. I brought them in and dried them then sprayed them with a firm hold hairspray to made them less fragile. I made a 'grave' background with dark colours and sprayed on water to add effect. Pleased to say that the leaves are still in tact and the tag is ready to hang on the wall with all of the others.

Have a lovely day and thanks for your visit.

Chrissie x

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