Friday 17 January 2014

Moo Mania and Tag

Hello Friends and Followers and a warm welcome to my latest follower-lovely to have you join me here at Jumbled Crafts.

Got a busy day ahead so I thought I had better get going with a post and there will be another later when we have the next challenge for Artful Times coming up.

At Moo Mania this time the theme is Africa. Don't be misled by the Moo bit as now you can make anything you like whether it has a MOO or not--all you have to do is to follow the theme.

This was difficult to photograph as it wouldn't stand up. I rested it against my pot pig which was hand made by special needs children and I love it.

I made an ATC which is made with two images fused together in Paint Shop Pro--I also had to use Animation Shop to remove the background of the image with many things on it. I added a Moo to the bottom with brads and some cotton.

My next project is for Tag Along where the theme for this week is winter trees

I used Distress stains to cover the tag as a background then used part of an old rubber stamp to to give the background more depth.

The trees image in the foreground is from Beccy's Place. She is a lovely artist and seems to have a free digi image for every occasion-I love this trees one. I found the quote on Google and thought it was right for this challenge. I have had the little wooden leaves for ages but not sure of the make. If you know who makes them can you tell me in a comment please.

Have a great day everyone and hope you will pop back to see what I made for my DT piece at Artful Times

Love Chrissie x

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