Monday 30 December 2013

Inchie and all of them for the year

Just popped in to post my last inchie of the year where the theme this week at Every Inchie Monday is Time. It always seems to go far too quickly for me but I do enjoy nearly every minute of it so I am happy :)

 A simple image and a great quote on my distressed background

 Here are all of my 2013 inchies. I have really enjoyed making them and seeing what others have made as well. So many different takes on each subject it is amazing. Can't wait to start the new ones next week-all the subjects for 2014 are posted on the Inchies Blog so do have a go.

Enjoy your day-a bit of the dreaded for me before my daughter and SIL arrive at lunchtime.

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 29 December 2013


Hello to all my Friends and Followers and, as always, it is really nice to have you visit Jumbled Crafts. I am sure you will think I am bit previous with my 2014 header but my daughter and son-in-law are coming to stay tomorrow so I have lots to do and will also be having a wonderful time whilst they are here. We don't see each other too often in person so we make the most of it when we do meet-up. 

This week at Wicked Wednesday the challenge is to make an ATC with the theme Happy Holidays.

I have chosen Happy New Year as my Happy Holiday cause I am sure it will be. My birthday is on January 1st as well so even more to enjoy.

I printed out a patterned background then painted over the shapes with acrylic paint in my own choice of colours. The letters and numbers were from a sheet in a magazine

I am sure that you have all had a good look at your Christmas cards that you received or maybe have a favourite one that you made and it would be nice if you joined us at Artful Times to show us which one you have chosen as your favourite. You have until next Thursday to join us there and new challenges start on January 3rd. I have only just joined the DT there and I am quite excited about the challenges.

Love from Chrissie x

Friday 27 December 2013

Tag and canvas

Welcome to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for dropping by.

I hope everyone is safe and that the wind and rain haven't caused you any damage where you live. It did keep us awake but we can soon catch-up on that I'm sure. At the moment it is still windy but we do have some sunshine which is lovely.

This time at Allsorts Challenge Blog the theme is brown. blue and aqua.

I thought I would try a canvas as I bought four in a pack a while ago but haven't used any of them before. First of all I used crayons on the canvas in the required colours. I then added lace and ribbon in the colours as well. The images I cut from a calendar that my daughter gave to me last year. I did recolour bits of the images to fit the challenge theme. Last thing to add was the jewels-the blue ones at the top look more aqua but they are very blue and the bottoms ones are aqua.

Next is the Tag Along Challenge for this week where anything goes so lots of scope to join in there.

Here is what I made to wish everyone a Happy New Year when it comes. I stuck foil tape to the tag and embossed it in the Tim Holtz gears folder. Then I added alcohol inks and let them spread into each other. The nesties circle is in shiny black card and I drew white dots around the edge. I cut out the glass and bottle image from a magazine then added the little label.

Have wonderful day

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 26 December 2013

A card and some photographs

Hello Everyone. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas Day. Sad to see that many in England had awful weather that left floods and damage in a lot of place in the south of the country. We were basking in sunshine but it was very cold--still is today with a heavy frost.

At Collage Obsession the theme is Love and Peace

I made this card for a friend who lost her husband a few weeks ago and didn't want to celebrate Christmas. I thought I would put a letter inside this and send it to her now that Christmas Day is over. It is a Gecko Galz image with a backing, stuck onto black card with some gold peel-off and a flower added.

There were just the two of us yesterday so went for a walk along the seafront and took a flask of coffee and  chocolates to enjoy in the open air.

Here are a few photographs that Vic took-well he took loads but you wouldn't want to see all of them

The harbour was almost full with no boats going out to sea

Not sure what type of goose this is but it was quite happy to pose on the harbour wall

The cliffs in the distance--we usually walk as far as that but didn't yesterday

The building on the left dates back to Victorian times and is now a very nice place for meals and drinks. It even has a night club and children's area. We went in there on Christmas Eve for just one drink but it was very cold with the wind blowing onto it so we came straight back home again. They weren't open yesterday and not many other places were which is unusual for Bridlington as there are usually places open for breakfast and coffee at least even on Christmas Day That is me wandering along in front behind the waste bin.

Hope you have a really lovely day today and thank you for dropping in to Jumbled Crafts.

Chrissie x

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Hi All

Hope you have wonderful Christmas

Love from Chrissie x

Monday 23 December 2013

Page and card

Second post for me today. The weather is so bad here I thought I would just craft all morning. We did make a big pan of squash soup which involved me chopping and Vic mixing and cooking everything to make something delicious so I did something useful :) I shouldn't grumble about the weather really as my daughter lives in Cumbria and her husband and his son had to stay in a hotel in Carlisle on Saturday because the roads to their home were impassable and there had been a landslide on the train track. She had to go and collect them the next morning as the track is still closed.

At Moo Mania the theme this time is Snowflakes. You don't have to make or use a Moo as now you can make anything you like so long as it has the theme of the month. Still time to join in so why not have a go.

I went for the CAS look for my make. With a Moo with snowflakes and the Freebie let it snow digital. I tried to lightly spray a little bit of blue at the bottom but it isn't too successful-sorry. 


A new challenge at Use your Stuff where they want us to Celebrate while using some of our stuff that maybe we had forgotten about.

I thought it was about time I celebrated loosing 4 stone of my 16 stone bulk. This came about because when my MIL came for the day last Thursday she asked me how I felt now I am so much thinner. My answer was that I still feel fat. If you have lost weight I am sure you know what I mean:( I am on a quest to convince myself that I am now thinner and I thought this page may help-well it is a start. I only have to think of all the boring hours I spent at the gym and in the pool to refuse an extra slice of cake--I am not doing all that again.

The top two pictures are my daughter and me now and in 2005. The ones below are the same years as above.

What I used of my stuff is--

The sketch book I bought a long time ago and forgot I had it. I think the word sketch may have put me off cause I am useless at drawing.

The backing paper is from this book that I bought years ago and goes missing quite often then turns up months later in odd places. I found it in among the Christmas bags I made last year and didn't use. I am pleased they turned up and I have used them this year :)

Hope you are all having a good day and not getting blown away or flooded.

Love Chrissie xx

Inchie and ATC

Hello Friends and Followers-hope you are all ready for the big day. It seems to have come all at once though we will be having a quiet time this year but the family will be here for my birthday at the New Year.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Food. Only one more inchie for this year then I will have the full set of 52 and I am so looking forward to starting on the themes for next year which are now posted.

I have chosen the healthy option for my inchies--how good is that will all the nuts and choccies  around at this time of year.


At Wicked Wednesday this time the ATC subject is snowbirds. I decided to make a fun one though I do love real birds and often go bird watching when we are out walking

I made the penguin from little bits of felt and the background in Paint shop Pro.

Hope you have a wonderful day and take time out for some relaxing crafting

Love Chrissie x

Friday 20 December 2013

Artful Times Challenge

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you pop into Jumbled Crafts.

I have been invited to join the DT at Artful Times Challenge Blog where I first started blogging when it was called Just for Fun, so I have always been grateful to all of the team there for the encouragement and inspiration.

This week we have the theme of Favourite Christmas Card . This can be a card that you made or one that you received. I think it is a great idea for a challenge and I hope you will all join in.

I chose this card that I made as I have only recently started to do patchwork and thought I would try to make a few cards using the technique. This is quite a large card and I made the front separate and stuck it onto the other card at the back. It is all made by hand and is my own design. It was made from scraps of material that my daughter let me 'rescue' from her scraps box. I then padded it and quilted it. She also gave me a tin of sequins and little beads so I sent the card to her--seemed only fair as she had provided most of the ingredients.

Do go to see what Neet and Von have made for the challenge and join us if you have time

Have a Wonderful Christmas and I wish everyone a Very Happy 2014

Love Chrissie xx

Tag and Christmas Make

Hello Everyone. Hope you are all nearly ready for Christmas. Yesterday Vic's mum came for the day so it meant lots of food and chat for us. I did manage to make a tag when she had gone home so here it is.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Retro Christmas


I distressed a piece of patterned paper Then stuck a santa shape onto it and also added some Christmas Emblies from a set I bought at Poundland. The little cones I found when we were out walking and I have lots of those all in pairs. I added a stamped image of a Santa face that I did with one of daughter's stamp when I was last visiting--not sure of the make. I stained the stamped image with a tea bag to make it look more retro and the rest of the tag was sprayed with gold shimmer mist.

We always make presents for each other at Christmas instead of buying things. I forgot to take a picture of most of the things but I only finished this cat cushion a couple of days ago so it is still here. It is for my daughter who loves anything to do with cats.

I hope to do another post today but not sure what time--it is a bit of a surprise so do pop back if you have time.

We are off to a pantomime this evening--OH Yes We Are!

Have a great day and so nice that you dropped in

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Page and Card

Hello Everyone and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts today as I know everyone is super busy at this time of year

Today I would like to share something with you.

My friend Max, who I met long ago in a card group on YUKU, sent some extras with our Christmas card this year.

Among the things was this card she had made--sorry parts of it are shiny as I hadn't taken it out of the cellophane bag. She always packs things so beautifully.

She then included what she had used to make the card and challenged me to make something with the same things.

I decided to make a spread for my journal with the cut-out. I sprayed the paper with allsorts of spray colours and glimmers and then ran a kitchen roll over the page while it was still wet. From this piece of kitchen roll I made the cut out flowers using the Tim Holtz Tattered Florals Die. The stamp goes back to 2005 and is made by Whipper Snapper designs. The page is for my friends everywhere--that means you :)

So now I still had the card and envelope left.......

I went for clean and simple with this though I rarely make anything in that theme. The tree stamp is one by docrafts--just looked at the date 2003-before I even made cards I think. The other stamp was one that came free in a  magazine years ago. I save everything :)

I would like to thank Max for the challenge 

 I would also like to enter the card at Try it on Tuesday where the challenge there is Trees this time.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie x

Monday 16 December 2013

Inchie and ATC

Welcome to Jumbled Crafts everyone. Hope your day is going well and that it is a bit nicer weather where you are. We have just walked along the beach into town and it is very windy and started to rain--yuk.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have to make something with Joy as the theme.

Here is my take and a steaming cup of something tasty is sheer JOY for me at the moment

Next I made an ATC with the theme Snowflakes as that is what we are asked for at Allsorts Challenge

The snowman stamp and the Let it Snow are from a set I had for years made by BuzzCrafts

I cut the snowflakes from paper and then added some glitter and a gem to them. This poor little snowman looks as cold as I feel at the moment :(

Saturday 14 December 2013

ATCs and Alpha pages.

Hello Everyone. I am up early as I seem to have a long list of things I want to do today. I try not to make my life so different at Christmas but then it seems to get hectic for reasons I can't seem to work out why at all. Also the new plant house arrived yesterday and there is a 7 day limit on checking all the parts are in the packs--no mean feat as there seem to be many, many components. I do love jigsaws and so does Vic so maybe that will be a help.

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Creepy Christmas

This is what I made. I can recall lots of Christmas morning when I felt that I looked just like this after being out half the night at a Christmas Eve bash. I cut out a sort of skull shape and a Father Christmas hat shape and it all evolved from there.

Next is Moo Mania where the theme is Painting Utensils. Do check there and maybe join in as the team have decided that you don't have to include a Moo so long as you follow the theme. This will mean more people join in the challenges.

I painted a background then added some paint in the colours on the brushes image. Then I added the moo with the brushes image on it. Apart from some water this is what I think is needed to create a painting.

Last but by no means least are my last two pages for the Dictionary Challenge at The Craft Barn. This has been a wonderful challenge to be a part of and we are promised yet another exciting challenge for 2014 which starts on January 12th. I now have a great Alpha Book that I can enjoy for years and years and have gained so much inspiration from all of the team and the other entries as well. A big thank you to them and to the people who have commented on the pages as well.

For the letter 'I' my choice is Imp. Description is Devil's child and this image seemed just right. I tried to balance out good and evil by adding a good fairy sending magic to get rid of the demon.

I used various spray paints on the background which unfortunately covered over the print so I had to reprint the  meaning of the word Imp

Not sure who made the lovely brass stencil as it goes way back to when keeping packaging hadn't entered my head

Last letter is X and not much choice at all for that one

I just loved this word and this image. Xebec is a small Mediterranean vessel with three masts.

The background is just stripes done with Bingo markers pens that I got three of £1

I made the three textured shapes to represent the 3 sails of the vessels. The stencil to make the shapes is supposed to be a sewing shape and I got a round one as well as they were only 50p each at a Craft Shop in Hull. Amazing what can be used with Grunge Paste to create unusual textures.

Have terrific day everyone and get too worn out shopping

Love Chrissie x

Friday 13 December 2013

A Tag

Hi All ! Lovely to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts.

It is raining heavily today and very dark so we have decided to make it a home day and do a bit of the 'dreaded' then put up the Christmas decorations-that should jolly the place up for sure on this dark, cold day.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Tiny Angels and we are asked to use angel images of children or cherubs etc.

I found the image here  and there are three more to download. The backing paper I made by scanning a sheet of music and changing the colour in Paint Shop Pro. I drew the shape of the poinsettia flower then printed it out in 2 sizes on some canvas paper, then sprayed the cut out pieces with Cosmic Shimmer mist.

The white leaves were bought and the cut out 'joy' was sent to me by a friend.

I enjoyed making this tag and would like to enter it at Crafting with Dragonflies as well--the theme there is Christmas tag/tags

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 12 December 2013

A combined challenge card

Hello All. Always lovely to see you here at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for all the wonderful comments that are left on my posts-so encouraging.

I managed to tidy my crafting space as it had become so small anything over 4 inchies square was impossible tto make. I do like making inchies, twinchies and ATCs cards but sometimes it is nice to make something a bit bigger.

I made this yesterday after we had been chatting to some friends and the subject of 'what we would have liked to have done if we were younger' came up. We are all over 70 so some of the things were out of the question but one of them said he would have liked to go Husky Racing. As his birthday is coming up soon I made him this birthday card. I can't imagine that Husky Racing has an age limit :)

I found a suitable picture and added the Happy Birthday in Paint Shop Pro and also a fancy edge to the photo. Then I used a Tim Holtz/ Sizzix folder with clocks to give the white card some texture. Next came some white frosting on the snow and the quote. Some silver lines drawn with a pen and peel-off corners.

I made this for a few challenges

Make My Monday have the theme Frosty

Use your Stuff has Sport-I used the folder which I bought ages ago and haven't used and also the peel-offs which I am on a mission to use up before I die-I will need to live to be 100 to fulfill this mission.

I am not a big fan of combining challenges as I do usually like to make something different for each one but sometimes time flies by and make something that fits all of them.

Have a beautiful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Favourite craft in 2013

Hello to everyone who drops in today. So good to see you here when I know everyone is so busy getting ready for the festive season. We had a great day out at the Garden Centre yesterday and enjoyed a full Christmas Lunch there which was very good.

At the Craft Room Challenge this time they want to see what is our favourite thing we made this year. I always love making things and like as much variety as possible but this project really stretched me to my limits and I was pleased to see the end results. It may not be the prettiest thing I made but it was a challenge which is good I think.

It was made from recycled plastic bags and you can see how I made it here

Must say I enjoyed trawling through all the things I have made the last year and it is a great idea for a challenge.

A big Thank you to the Craft Room team for their challenge ideas and the lovely comments they always leave on posts for their challenge.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Tag and Decoration

Good Day All. 

I am up early as we are off to find a Garden Centre near to Scarborough. It will be adventure as we haven't a clue how to get there from the train station and it is a few miles away from there. It does sound like they do a very nice lunch so it will spur us on to find the way I'm sure. There are taxis or buses if we get lost on foot but it is always great to try to find our way to somewhere new.

I thought you might like to see the decoration that Vic made after seeing the room full of them at Burton Agnes Hall last week

Hung up for Christmas

The room where we saw them

If you would like to make one/some you can find a tutorial here or video here of  how to make one of the six bits here. Vic used a combination of the two tuts to make his.


This week at Tag Tuesday the theme is 12 Days of Christmas and here is my effort

I made a background with Distressed stains then stuck on 9 of the twelve days of Christmas images.

Now for the twist.

I made a quiz on the back of the tag so that we can hand it around the table at Christmas and there will be extra Christmas Cracker for the one who gets the most answers to the questions. I think I need to type it out as my printing is rubbish :(

Monday 9 December 2013

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello to my Friends and Followers-always great to have you pop in to Jumbled Crafts.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the subject to get to grips with is 'found'.

Well this I what I 'found' when I was sorting out by button tin. It is a 1957 sixpence. It must have been in the tin for a very long time or have been in amongst a bag of buttons I bought a couple of years ago at a car boot sale. I never checked what was in the bag I just emptied it into the tin with all the other buttons.

At Art Journal Journey this time the theme is Light and Dark. There are some wonderful entries to the challenge already and some very deep thinking ones with the light and dark personalities or shadows. Afraid mine is just simple :(

My inspiration came from nature as, even when the sky darkens, the light flowers shine brightly in our garden. Susi always says to express ourselves in our work and I feel that this is 'me'. It is painted in acrylics with cut-out shapes painted over for the flowers, then removed to use the paint afterwards on the spaces left by the shapes.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 8 December 2013

ATC and Tag

Second post for me today as I have had a real crafty day and enjoyed every minute of it.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Frosty the Snowman.

I used part of a large stamp that my daughter has let me borrow. It is made by Hero Arts and the number is S1129 Greetings Snowman. I coloured it with Promarkers. Then I added the snowman ribbon on the bottom and made a paper doily and cut out some pointsettia flower shapes. The snowflake is a punch that I was trying to sharpen but it has gone in the bin as it is still useless.

At Wicked Wednesday this week the theme is A Charmed Christmas.

The poinsettia is yet another part of a stamp that my daughter has let me borrow and is coloured with Promarkers and part of it cut out in the flower shape. Punched snowflakes and little jewel stars and all finished off with a little Christmas tree charm.

Me and Vic did other crafting as well but it is too dark to take any pics at the moment so I'll show those to you tomorrow

Hope your day has gone well

Love Chrissie x

Vintage Card with die cuts

Hello Everyone. So pleased you could visit Jumbled Crafts and hope you enjoy what you find here today.

At Our Creative Corner the theme is a A Very Vintage Christmas with the twist of neutral colours as well and at Artful Times we are asked to use die cuts and punches.

Here is my card for both challenges. I made the background in Paint Shop Pro and then added some texture with a Cuttlebug folder The beautiful image is from here and I added another image at the base of it to soften the straight edge.

Next was some lace then some die cuts. The swirls are by Joy and the flowers a Marianne die. Sorry I didn't have any punches that would go with the card--most of mine are so old they stick or tear the card--all say Ahh.

Hope you have a lovely day

Chrissie xx

Saturday 7 December 2013

A Gift

Hi All. Nice to see you at Jumbled Crafts

Thank you for your support yesterday. I am sure you will be pleased to know that everything is now sorted out-well it will be when Vic demolishes the old plant house and we get a new one. Sarah--the owner of the stray trampoline said she would send someone to take the trampoline apart so that it could be moved and then be taken as scrap to be recycled as it was badly bent. By the time the chap arrived Vic had taken it to bits and all they had to do was remove it from our garden to Sarah's. She also told Vic to order a new plant house and he found the same one online and she paid for it and for the delivery charge. Another neighbour offered space in his greenhouse as a haven for our plants until their new home is in place. What a wonderful neighbourhood we live in :)

I even found time to craft in the afternoon and made a little gift. It is a tissue holder and holds a small packet of tissues

I made it for the Challenge at Try it on Tuesday where the theme is to make a gift or a tag. It also fits in at Allsorts  and Crafty Creations where the theme at both is 'Anything except Christmas'

I found a pattern here though you may not be too keen on the language in the first sentence the pattern is easy and the end product looks good.

Have a lovely day everyone

Chrissie x

Friday 6 December 2013


Hello Everyone. I hope you are all safe and well and haven't suffered in the gales and the high tides. Our electricity was on and off all day and -----

My planned Crafty Day yesterday turned into something very different as we got an unexpected Garden Extra. One of the huge trampolines, with high netting around it, landed on top of our little plant house and then decided to get well established in the middle of our small lawn. It had to fly over two garden fences and an archway before being stopped by the plant house and our higher fence. It took all the daylight hours to try to rescue some plants and to make the debris safe as it was taking off all over the place in the gales and driving rain. At one point I felt like Mary Poppins ready for flight as I tried to hold onto the trampoline while Vic made a tether for it.

The owner of the trampoline is a hairdressers and was very busy so couldn't come to see us until 6 pm though she did send her mum to view the damage. We have to wait now for someone to come at 11 am to assess what needs to be done to remove the object and we still have plants to house and a structure to be demolished. Looks like another day with no crafting for me.

Must say my life is never dull ;0) and thank fully the very high tides didn't reach us. We are supposed to be below sea level where we live but it always seems slightly uphill when we walk to the seafront so maybe that is enough to save us.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 5 December 2013

Photographs from yesterday

Hello Everyone. Looks like being a very cold and windy day here so I intend to do lots of things at home that I keep putting off. One is make some Christmas cards as we have already received quite a few. Hope you stay safe and warm and enjoy your day.

Vic took 119 photographs yesterday but I have chosen just a few to show everyone. I did concentrate on the home made decorations as much as possible.

If you didn't visit Jumbled Crafts yesterday you won't have a clue what I am talking about. We went to
 Burton Agnes Hall to see how it has been decorated for Christmas. The link will tell you all about the Hall and it present generation that live there.

The family and helpers try to make lots of the decorations themselves and have all different ones each year.

The entrance

The entrance hall

The Chinese Room

An easy decoration with ginger bread shapes and teasels. The houses are cut out from card and had candles in between to shine through the windows. The little tree was gingerbread shapes.
  We could make all of those couldn't we?
This is the dining and is used by the family at weekends-they live in a part of the house that isn't open to visitors.

Simple cut out doilies on a wire coat hanger. Oh I just noticed the mistletoe--should have given Vic a kiss but he was too busy taking pics and I was halfway up the stairs.

This is one of the sitting rooms and I loved these paper snowflakes. They are easy to make and one of the ladies who look after the visitors showed us how to make them. All the branches everywhere that are used are ones that have been pruned from the estate trees and are kept in storage to use every year--some are very old.

Simple folded star shapes that Simon--the present generation-- made. He photocopied some of his music for the paper and made the stars. When he was 21--about 13 years ago--he asked for money for his present and built a wonderful woodland walk for everyone. It is now getting well established and in February and March is full of snowdrops.

This is the Queens Room I assume it it King's James Queen that slept here as there is a King James bedroom as well. Sorry I didn't read the notice and it is too blurred on the photograph.

The Great Hall was a picture with the purple and red paper baubles and the sunshine streaming in

This arrangement was at one end of the library and done by children from the little village school

The Grand Piano and a home made wreath in the archway.

Popcorn ornaments and butterflies that would be easy to make with card and glitter and peacock feathers.

Hope you enjoyed our day out--we went back into town for Aberdeen Angus steaks which were so big we brought half home with us--never asked for a doggie bag before :) Looks like we might have to make something with the steak as we don't have a dog lol. Usually we don't eat much meat either.

Have a good day today

Love Chrissie x