Friday 20 December 2013

Tag and Christmas Make

Hello Everyone. Hope you are all nearly ready for Christmas. Yesterday Vic's mum came for the day so it meant lots of food and chat for us. I did manage to make a tag when she had gone home so here it is.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Retro Christmas


I distressed a piece of patterned paper Then stuck a santa shape onto it and also added some Christmas Emblies from a set I bought at Poundland. The little cones I found when we were out walking and I have lots of those all in pairs. I added a stamped image of a Santa face that I did with one of daughter's stamp when I was last visiting--not sure of the make. I stained the stamped image with a tea bag to make it look more retro and the rest of the tag was sprayed with gold shimmer mist.

We always make presents for each other at Christmas instead of buying things. I forgot to take a picture of most of the things but I only finished this cat cushion a couple of days ago so it is still here. It is for my daughter who loves anything to do with cats.

I hope to do another post today but not sure what time--it is a bit of a surprise so do pop back if you have time.

We are off to a pantomime this evening--OH Yes We Are!

Have a great day and so nice that you dropped in

Love Chrissie x

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