Friday 13 December 2013

A Tag

Hi All ! Lovely to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts.

It is raining heavily today and very dark so we have decided to make it a home day and do a bit of the 'dreaded' then put up the Christmas decorations-that should jolly the place up for sure on this dark, cold day.

At Tag Along this week the theme is Tiny Angels and we are asked to use angel images of children or cherubs etc.

I found the image here  and there are three more to download. The backing paper I made by scanning a sheet of music and changing the colour in Paint Shop Pro. I drew the shape of the poinsettia flower then printed it out in 2 sizes on some canvas paper, then sprayed the cut out pieces with Cosmic Shimmer mist.

The white leaves were bought and the cut out 'joy' was sent to me by a friend.

I enjoyed making this tag and would like to enter it at Crafting with Dragonflies as well--the theme there is Christmas tag/tags

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

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