Thursday 5 December 2013

Photographs from yesterday

Hello Everyone. Looks like being a very cold and windy day here so I intend to do lots of things at home that I keep putting off. One is make some Christmas cards as we have already received quite a few. Hope you stay safe and warm and enjoy your day.

Vic took 119 photographs yesterday but I have chosen just a few to show everyone. I did concentrate on the home made decorations as much as possible.

If you didn't visit Jumbled Crafts yesterday you won't have a clue what I am talking about. We went to
 Burton Agnes Hall to see how it has been decorated for Christmas. The link will tell you all about the Hall and it present generation that live there.

The family and helpers try to make lots of the decorations themselves and have all different ones each year.

The entrance

The entrance hall

The Chinese Room

An easy decoration with ginger bread shapes and teasels. The houses are cut out from card and had candles in between to shine through the windows. The little tree was gingerbread shapes.
  We could make all of those couldn't we?
This is the dining and is used by the family at weekends-they live in a part of the house that isn't open to visitors.

Simple cut out doilies on a wire coat hanger. Oh I just noticed the mistletoe--should have given Vic a kiss but he was too busy taking pics and I was halfway up the stairs.

This is one of the sitting rooms and I loved these paper snowflakes. They are easy to make and one of the ladies who look after the visitors showed us how to make them. All the branches everywhere that are used are ones that have been pruned from the estate trees and are kept in storage to use every year--some are very old.

Simple folded star shapes that Simon--the present generation-- made. He photocopied some of his music for the paper and made the stars. When he was 21--about 13 years ago--he asked for money for his present and built a wonderful woodland walk for everyone. It is now getting well established and in February and March is full of snowdrops.

This is the Queens Room I assume it it King's James Queen that slept here as there is a King James bedroom as well. Sorry I didn't read the notice and it is too blurred on the photograph.

The Great Hall was a picture with the purple and red paper baubles and the sunshine streaming in

This arrangement was at one end of the library and done by children from the little village school

The Grand Piano and a home made wreath in the archway.

Popcorn ornaments and butterflies that would be easy to make with card and glitter and peacock feathers.

Hope you enjoyed our day out--we went back into town for Aberdeen Angus steaks which were so big we brought half home with us--never asked for a doggie bag before :) Looks like we might have to make something with the steak as we don't have a dog lol. Usually we don't eat much meat either.

Have a good day today

Love Chrissie x

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