Friday 25 October 2013

Something Christmassy

'Good Day All' and a warm welcome to my newest follower-always great to have anyone drop in when they have time

I rarely even think about Christmas cards until December but with my new found hobby of patchwork I thought I had better start early as one card takes ages to make in this medium and I would like to make a few for if possible.

At Papertake Weekly the theme this week is 'Oh Christmas Tree'.

I made a very simple design as I am so new to patchwork. Then I did my first attempt at quilting a background for this Christmas Card. First of many I hope. So far I have only done hand stitching but hope to master patchwork on my sewing machine soon.

I am going to be really brave and link this to the wonderful patchwork blog Hibiscus Stitches where you are invited to show something you made for Christmas each month.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie x

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