Friday 4 October 2013

Photographs from last week

We took over 200 photographs in and around Skegness so here are just a few.

The first two photos were taken from hides at the Gibralta Point Nature Reserve. We went very early one morning before the mist had cleared. The water was very low because there hadn't been much rain at all for weeks. Lots of birds to spot though on the water, in the air and on the land. It was so peaceful with only bird sounds--and us chatting :)

We went to Mablethorpe and on the little sand train. If you go to the end of the train trip you can hike to the Nature reserve there which is also a seal sanctuary. They rescue injured seals and when they are well they put them back into the sea gradually.

There were lots of baby meercats that stole the show for me.

Here is a Gannet. They nest on the cliffs near to where we live but I never realised they were so big as I haven't been close to one before.

Can you guess what this is? We saw quite a few of them in different places we visited.

If you guessed 'Insect Hotel' you were right. I am going to try to collect things to build one in our garden as they are works of art I think.

Lots of blue sky and great grasses on the dunes along this coast.

Blot on the Land(Sea)scape or Work of Art?

I love to see windmills out at sea on a windy day though I know many people would disagree.

That's just a little taster of the things we saw.

Nice to have you drop by

Love Chrissie x

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