Saturday 12 October 2013

Journal Page

Hi All. Not a very nice day here weather wise but I will be going to a brisk walk to clock up some steps. Hope it is a nice day where you are and you have a great time whatever you are doing.

The dark weather made it difficult to show this page as it was too big for either of our scanners and too big for my light box and reflected back if I used a flash--sometimes you can't win :(

For the face I did a digital painting in Paint Shop Pro-I am quite enjoying venturing down that route again after so many years not doing it.

I printed out my face image and added it to the page then masked it so that I could add other things around it. Basically I added lots of things from here and there, some inspired by Alison at Words and Pictures  where I always find something that inspires me to have a go. When I was happy with that I sprayed the whole thing with silver paint then used Distressed Stain and Distressed Inks to add some colour. Shame that a lot of the colour doesn't show up on the photograph because of the light quality today. 

I made the page for the She challenge at  Art Journal Journey then, just for Susi, I added two eye Moos as the challenge this time at Moo Mania is Eyes. Also at Artful Times this time the theme is Feeling Distressed- so use anything Distressed, I will add this to there as well just in case I don't have time to make something just for them.
I like to add it to Try it on Tuesday as well where the theme is textures and think there are many on this piece

Have a terrific day everyone and nice to have you drop in.

Love Chrissie x

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