Thursday 31 October 2013

N page and Hexagon Flowers

Hello to everyone who drops into Jumbled Crafts. I always appreciated all of the comments that people leave and the friendship that is shown to me through this blog. Thank you :)

At the Craft Barn Alpha Challenge this time the letter is N -I chose the word Neopolitan

I coloured the page in the ice cream layers colours and found some images of cones on Google. Then looked up the origins of this icecream. My alpha book is bursting at the seams and a I love looking through it--what a great challenge.

A Journey of a Quilter it is time for us to join Karen for One Flower Wednesday, Well I have now completed my first ever patchwork piece and it is hung in the conservatory. I took it outside to take the picture as it is so dark here this mornings.

I used four of my hexie flowers and sewed them onto white squares then sewed them together. Added some orange ribbon and then edged with green. I'm sure it isn't perfect but I am still a learner and so pleased to have made something. Thank you for the support from all my new found patchwork friends and from my usual friends at Jumbled Crafts.

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Faux Cloisonne

Hello Again everyone

I was having a browse on friends blogs and came across Technique Time Tuesday where I found something I had never heard of before so I followed the tutorial for the challenge and I am just in time to enter .

The technique is called Faux Cloisonne so I had to look up what Cloisonne means

cloi·son·né  (kloiz-n, kl-wäz-)
1. Decorative enamelwork in which metal filaments are fused to the surface of an object to outline a design that is filled in with enamel paste.
2. The art or process of producing such enamelwork.
[French, past participle of cloisonner, to partition, from Old French cloison, partition, from Vulgar Latin *clausi, clausin-, from Latin clausus, past participle of claudere, to close, lock.]

There are lots of wonderful entries for the challenge and the DT samples are amazing.

I found a glossy picture of a turkey and used some of that for my background for the Chocolate Baroque clock stamp

Hope your day is going well

Love Chrissie x

Tree Photographs and Moos

Hello Everyone from a very sunny NE UK. It is very cold outside but so good to see the lovely sunshine.

At Moo Mania this time the theme is cats

I made a very small Good Luck card to send to my daughter as I thought she could use as a book mark as well. The cat on the Moos is one of her three cats. Not sure which one as two of them are twins and the other one is black and white as well The background is made with distressed stamps and stains and edged with a Promarker. Then I added some old peel -offs--still lots left yet :)

Yesterday I did 20,000- steps and enjoyed everyone of them as we went to Sewerby Park which is a walk  all along the cliff top from where we live. Here are some photographs of my two favourite trees in the park

                                                      This is a very old tree that loves a hug
This is Vic giving it a hug

These are some of the beautiful branches that almost reach the floor

This is me at the bottom of one of the tall monkey puzzle trees that I love

Every year a row of branches are removed leaving these images that look like eyes on the tree trunk. You can see from the bird droppings that the birds love to hide up high in the branches

Hope you all have a wonderful day and great to have you drop in

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Tag Tuesday and Artful Times

Hello Everyone. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for popping in.

At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is Halloween and at Artful Times Spooktacular so I decided to combine my effort for both challenges.

I made the background for this tag in Paint Shop Pro then added a haunted House image that I found on Google and it was free to use.

The other things I drew in black Promarker and highlighted here and there with white pen. The charm and the tile I have had for a while in my bits and bobs box. My Halloween ideas have run dried I think.

Love Chrissie x

Monday 28 October 2013


Good Morning All. Hope you are safe where you live as the forecast for the UK really awful. We have rain here on the NE coast but the wind doesn't seem to strong at the moment.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is thunderstorm so almost appropriate even though the themes are chosen for the whole year.

I just kept it simple by drawing a cloud and some lightening.

I would also like to enter this at the mini challenge at Anything but a card where the theme is Small is Beautiful. Thank you Lisette for the Invite

Stay safe and happy everyone

Chrissie x

Friday 25 October 2013

Another Post for Halloween

Me Again--hope your day is going ok so far. I have made a tag and everywhere is a real mess now so the next job is to clear up a bit. Then I am baking--haven't done any of that for a long time so it should be fun.

At Tag Along the theme for this week is Steampunk Halloween.

It is so dark here I had trouble trying the take a photograph either with or without the flash. I must get my light box set up again soon.

For this tag I used a Gothic Arch background from Nicecrane, a lady image from Melissa Diaz at preciousmiseries and I drew a pumpkin instead of the head. The gears are Steampunk for sure and the cobweb I drew is Halloween but I couldn't resist adding this cat charm even if it isn't a black cat. Well I reckon a heavy metal cat is Steampunk/Halloween :)

Adding this to Try it on Tuesday as well as they have a Halloween theme this time
Love Chrissie x

Something Christmassy

'Good Day All' and a warm welcome to my newest follower-always great to have anyone drop in when they have time

I rarely even think about Christmas cards until December but with my new found hobby of patchwork I thought I had better start early as one card takes ages to make in this medium and I would like to make a few for if possible.

At Papertake Weekly the theme this week is 'Oh Christmas Tree'.

I made a very simple design as I am so new to patchwork. Then I did my first attempt at quilting a background for this Christmas Card. First of many I hope. So far I have only done hand stitching but hope to master patchwork on my sewing machine soon.

I am going to be really brave and link this to the wonderful patchwork blog Hibiscus Stitches where you are invited to show something you made for Christmas each month.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie x

Thursday 24 October 2013

Atc and Twinchies

Hello All who pop in to see what is happening in Jumbled Crafts.

Nice day forecast for here so I am off for a walk to the far off post office(wished they hadn't closed all the local ones) and then carry on for a walk to the old town--that should bump up my step count by the time I get back home again.

At Fun with ATCs this time the theme is Night

A good time to use another of my GeckoGalz beautiful owl images I thought.

The background was created with mixed colours of artists acrylic paints and some silver glimmer powder.

I masked a cirle to use as the moon before I painted the background then I edged it with yellow and drew the tree branches(rubbish drawing) over the moon and a branch for the owls to nestle on. The stars are punched from some textured silver card.

'Never Too Wet To Woo'

At Twinchies Challenge the theme this time is Doodling and I do love a good old doodle.

These are my doodles and I really enjoyed doing them

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 23 October 2013

One Flower Wednesday

Hello Dear Friends and Followers. Can't believe it is Wednesday already as I don't seem to have done much crafting at all so far. Have a nice long list of challenges ready to think about so hopefully I will be able to make more during the rest of this week.

I do like to join in at One Flower Wednesday where Karen is the host-thank you Karen for starting me off on my patchwork journey with this wonderful idea. I found it by accident and I am so pleased that I did.

I have been sewing and making something from my hexie flowers but it will take a while longer to finish it.

I realised that I couldn't just keep on sewing flowers forever and not do something with them so I got an idea when I visited Helen's Blog. I hadn't fathomed out a way to join the flowers together but I thought if I stitched them onto squares I could join the squares--thanks Helen for the inspiration.

Have wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Autumn Tag

Hello All lovely to have you to drop by. Not a bad morning here weather wise after raining heavily during the night. 

This is my tag for the Autumn theme at Tag Tuesday this week

It is another of my scanogram creation and you can see how I make those here on a previous post.

I would also like to enter this at Use your Stuff where the theme is Orange, Brown, and Green-the leaves are green and brown and the marigold is orange as is the background card that I used. The 'stuff 'I used up is the peel off edging which I have saved for years.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 21 October 2013

Inchie Storm

Dull here today and rain forecast as well so a good day to stay in and do useful things-well if you can call crafting a useful thing. Lovely to have you pop into Jumbled Crafts and I do feel so blessed to have such wonderful blog friends visit thank you.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is STORM. Isn't it amazing how someone can think up all of these wonderful themes for a whole year

I made a 'Storm in a Tea Cup'

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Friday 18 October 2013

Alpha Page and tag

Hello to everyone who drops in.

I have managed to make my page for the Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn  where the letter this time is L but with the twist of having a window somewhere on the page.

I chose the word Lattice and my window is a church window with a  fancy lattice pattern

just in case you couldn't read the meaning of the word.

I forgot to show my tag for Tag Tuesday so here it is better late than never -the theme this week was Shoes

The shoe template was from Chocolate Baroque and is easy to make.

I added these cards I made to go inside the shoes.

Hope your day is going well and you are ready for a great weekend

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 17 October 2013

Our Feathered Friends

Hello All. Hope you have the same glorious weather as we have here this morning. Off for a walk as soon as I have done this post.

At the Craft Room this time the theme is our feathered friends.

This is what I made to house the things I can never find when I need them. Not things I use very often but nice to know where they are when I need to use them.

I started off with a small tin-well it is really thick card most of it. The white material is the ends that Vic chopped off the new blinds that he fitted and it is wonderful stuff for all sorts of crafting projects. Great for printing on which is what I did for my tin. I used one of the wonderful owls images that is on one of the sheets from Gecko Galz and I made a background from it and added the image to, what was going to be, the front.

I covered the tin with white paper so the printing would show up more when I added the fabric on top of it.

Then I added a bit of card lace to the bottom-mainly because the image wasn't quite in the middle when I trimmed the top. For every problem there is a solution:)

I am going to add this to Altered Eclectics as well because you can make any thing you like so long as you alter something in the process.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Feeling Distressed Artful Times

Hi All nice to have you drop into Jumbled Crafts. Had a day off yesterday and went on the train to Scarborough for a change. The weather was quite nice and we strolled along the seafront and had bacon butties in a lovely coffee shop. Then a box of chocolates for on the train on the way back--still lots of those left. I think we may have discovered the best way to get through the winter when it comes :)

At Artful Times the theme is to make something using Distressed products or Distressed technique. Well I have certainly done that with my piece.

So far it is just a picture waiting for a frame but I hadn't one that it fitted so will be looking for one.

This is the background and I used Distressed inks and Distressed Stains. Also I used some real leaves to stamp over and then turned the leaves over so that it showed the veins as well.

Next I arranged a few Autumn things on it--all from our garden or next doors. I took a photograph then transferred it to Paint Shop Pro. My camera is an old Olympus Digital and I still love it so won't use the new one we have.

This is the photograph after I cropped it ready to print out. When it was printed out I  made another Distressed background and stuck it onto that then did more distressing, with Tim Holtz, Rusty Hinge, on the frame and just touching the edges of the photograph.

Almost the same effect as using your scanner for scanograms but not quite as sharp.

Have a lovely day everyone

Chrissie xx

Monday 14 October 2013

Inchie and Twinchies

Nice to have you visit and hope that you like what you see and will visit again soon.

This week at Every Inchie Monday we have a dispute--well not really but that is the theme

This is mine with images found on Goggle and my writing of the words and symbols. Not an easy word to interpret for sure.

Now for my twinchies for Show us your Twinchies where the theme for October is Halloween.

I made a background with Distressed inks and spritz it with gold Cosmic Glimmer Mist then added free images to my two inch squares. I found the images on Google.

That's all for today so far though it does look miserable outside so I may do some more crafting

Have a good day all

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 13 October 2013

Hocus Pocus

Hello to Everyone who pops into Jumbled Crafts. We have rain, wind and cold here so I am thinking of hibernating :(  Got up very early to watch the Grand Prix and then the Motor Bike racing so already had a full day so far.

At Tag Along the theme is Hocus Pocus and I didn't really know what that meant at all so I had to look it up.

I used a digital stamps from

I love her work

Then I used a black tag and drew a spider's web and a spider--'Oh Yes It is !'
 Then added the word and the meaning and then some rafia at the tag top with a skull and crossbones.

Have lovely day

Chrissie x

Saturday 12 October 2013

Journal Page

Hi All. Not a very nice day here weather wise but I will be going to a brisk walk to clock up some steps. Hope it is a nice day where you are and you have a great time whatever you are doing.

The dark weather made it difficult to show this page as it was too big for either of our scanners and too big for my light box and reflected back if I used a flash--sometimes you can't win :(

For the face I did a digital painting in Paint Shop Pro-I am quite enjoying venturing down that route again after so many years not doing it.

I printed out my face image and added it to the page then masked it so that I could add other things around it. Basically I added lots of things from here and there, some inspired by Alison at Words and Pictures  where I always find something that inspires me to have a go. When I was happy with that I sprayed the whole thing with silver paint then used Distressed Stain and Distressed Inks to add some colour. Shame that a lot of the colour doesn't show up on the photograph because of the light quality today. 

I made the page for the She challenge at  Art Journal Journey then, just for Susi, I added two eye Moos as the challenge this time at Moo Mania is Eyes. Also at Artful Times this time the theme is Feeling Distressed- so use anything Distressed, I will add this to there as well just in case I don't have time to make something just for them.
I like to add it to Try it on Tuesday as well where the theme is textures and think there are many on this piece

Have a terrific day everyone and nice to have you drop in.

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 10 October 2013


Hello to everyone who visits Jumbled Crafts and I must say I have been 'jumbling' my crafting this week so far--if you looked at my table you would see what I mean. Next job is to sort it out so that I can start all over again.

This time at Fun with ATCs they want us to use at least 3 stamps on our ATC.

This is the what I made.

 I started out with this wooden ATC that I won at Craftie Emblies a long time ago. I painted it with white matte emulsion and then swiped Distressed ink all over the texture lightly.

Next I stamped this beautiful Japanese lady-I haven't a clue who makes this stamp and I have had it long time -either I won it or some kind person sent it to me. If you know who makes it can you let me know please? After masking this stamped image I added others from sets by Hobby Art and Lakeland both very old sets. Then I roughly stamped an edging from a foam stamp with no name at all-perhaps as well as it wasn't very good :(

I coloured some of the images here and there and then found the word ART in Japanese and added that.

Hope you all have a great day--at the moment we have very high winds and rain but I am hopeful it will turn nice later.

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Flower and Tag

Hi All!

I am having one of those days were the hours are passing by far too quickly and I am wondering if I will manage to fit in the ironing--such a shame if I can't manage that because of crafting.

Pleased to report that yesterday I managed to walk 17,000 steps so I won't have to do many today to make up 10,000 per day--it's all going very well so far.

Today it is One Flower Wednesday at Journey of a Quilter where Karen hosts the challenge every week. I still have 'L' plates on as far as patchwork goes but by visiting the other 'sewers' blogs I am learning all sorts of things about it.

I have made smaller ones again this week with bits of scrap material from my daughter. She made the quilt that is on our bed in background. It was hexies all sewn by hand and freehand quilting as well. She has moved on since them with a magic machine and huge cutting table.

The theme this week at Tag Tuesday is Torn and Tattered and I hadn't clue what to do with that really. I had some backgrounds that I made a while ago so I made a tag shape and tore up some material-then made a tattered flower to finish it off.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Monday 7 October 2013

Black and Orange

I think I invented using my scanner to do art when I made some way back in 2005-this happened by accident really as I was scanning a few things at the same time and it occured to me that I could arrange them artistically on top of each other.

So for this one I went into the garden and collected a few orange things and then painted some silk leaves orange as well-then I arranged them on the scanner--you need to put the one you want on top of your picture, onto the scanner first. Cover with any coloured paper or material you like as a background. I used black card.

do a preview to be sure you have done it as you want--this is my preview, the colours look better on the real scan.

The best bit is you can make the image any size you like so I made a tag as well and by printing out the image twice I could cut out some of the flowers.

I am so thrilled to have my old scanner back in action :)

 Old Tutorial for scanogram



You will need a scanner

Some flowers and leaves of your choice. All mine were picked fresh from our garden.

A piece of material or paper that will cover the scanner and flowers when they are in place.


Lay your flowers on the scanner face down-the ones that go on first will be the ones that are predominant on your scanogram.

Keep building up layers of flowers and leaves to make a picture. You need to use your imagination a bit to do this so it is best to start off with just a few flowers and leaves until you get the hang of it.
When you are happy,carefully arrange the material or paper over the arrangement so that you don't disturb it. Then scan this into your computer.
That's it basically. By using different backgrounds you will see different effects even with the same arrangement.
These can be used to make gift cards that are truly your own. Or use them as artwork when you need a copyright free picture.

I hope that you enjoyed the tutorial-written by Chrissie 2005