Tuesday 30 June 2015

Tag and Journal pages collage

Hi All from a very hot and sunny NE UK Coast. I have been awake for ages as heat and sleep don't mix for me at all. Thank you for your visits to my blog which mean so much and are always appreciated.

The beginning of every month sees lots of new challenges for us to join in so don't forget you have another week left to join us for the Tea/ Coffee Cups challenge at Try it on Tuesday. We always love to visit your blogs and see what you make of the challenges.

Tag Tuesday have the theme Faces this week so I thought I would show you what I made as I used Sadie and Miley on my tag and as you were the first to see them when I drew them I thought you might like an update.

Nice to see them hiding along in the flowers and enjoying being together for a change.

Now to Art Journal Journey where there is a brand new theme today 'Post and Postage'. I couldn't wait to see what Valerie and Susi have thought up for us this time and I am sure lots of us will be joining in with this as we do with their other fine challenges.

I copied Valerie's idea and made a collage of my entries I did for June when the theme was Masculine/Feminine

A weird mix for sure.

Have a lovely day and keep cool if you are in a warm part of the world.


Sunday 28 June 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All. Nice to have you visit Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in. I hope your weekend went well and that you are looking forward to the coming week. I will be glued to the television watching the tennis from Wimbledon but with crafty things to hand to stop me falling asleep.

Every Inchie Monday this week wants to see what we enjoy-well the theme is Enjoy anyway. I enjoy making inchies and this year I have been using felt and bling on all of them. The idea was to stitch them together but I lost the first few month's of them when I cleared-up the craft room. sob sob. My intention is to redo them but I haven't got around to it yet.

At Art Journal Journey it is almost the end of the Masculine/ Feminine month and I must say there have been such wonderful ideas and art pages.

Yesterday I made lots of backgrounds with H20 paint and unusual items used as stamps I used a large jigsaw piece as stamp for this background Sorry it looks a bit creased but the journal was slightly too small for the page and I never trimmed it before it was stuck in. The images are from a book I bought to cut up for the images. It has old articles and pictures from Good Housekeeping magazines. Such a fun read. Can you imagine the females today being so thrilled with a gift like this?

Have a great day Love

Quilling-not for me

Hi All. Hope your day is going well and thank you for calling in.
 I have decided to sort out some of the boxes of 'little things' I never use.

The first thing out of the box was a quilling tool. I have a vague recollection of using it years ago but being useless at quilling. I thought it would be a good way to craft and watch sport so I would give it a go. I cut lots of strips of thin card and set to work making the circles.. I said to Vic that it would be nice to have a board with different size circles in it to hold the quilled shapes. He said that he made me one way back when  and that I never used it. I asked where it was now and he said that he had used it to mend part of the old shed because I had thrown it out. I soldiered on and made shapes and then made a card with them. It looks awful and quilling takes so long and is messy, it is still not my thing so I need to find another use for a quilling tool I think.:(

Next out of the box are lots of embossing tools and, somewhere, in a drawer, I have parchment to use them on. Another thing I was totally useless at but will give it a go again just to see if I have improved.

Strange how things go in and out of fashion with the crafty world.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 25 June 2015

Journal Page

Hello Everyone. Nice of you to visit and thank you for all the support I receive from you all.

At Art Journal Journey there is still time to join in the Masculine/Feminine challenge.

I asked at the art shop which paper was best for chalk drawings and I was sold this book of canvas paper. I am so disappointed with it as I didn't seem to have any control over the chalk at all using it. This is the third face on this same page as the others were damped down and blended into the rough background. One good thing is that the paper is so thick none of the 'mess' went through to the other side so I can use it for another project. I made up the quote as it fits this so well.

Have lovely day

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Tea Cups at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. Hope your week is going well and thank you for finding the time to pop in to Jumbled Crafts. A warm welcome to my latest follower.

Time for another great challenge at Try it on Tuesday where we have the theme 'tea cups' but this can include mugs etc, and coffee so I am sure you will join us and come up with lots of ideas. If you can't think of something then pop along to the TIOT blog and gets lots of inspiration from the rest of the team.

 I have gone with a tea cup card because a friend asked me to think up an idea for an invitation to a charity tea and cake event she is hosting in the summer--if we ever get a summer that is. 

I started out with this, and adapted a version of something I found here, The front is decorated the front with different colours and a swirl and flowers. I used Promarkers to colour it. The flowers I made from a Marianne Die.

When it was decorated I scanned it and added the text, strange how the colours have changed on the scanner but easier than making lots of the invites by hand for sure.. Not certain how many will be needed but it will need a few of us to cut them all out. We did say we would do the insides in our own writing but I may print my share on the computer as my writing is awful.

Maybe this design will be turned down and I will have to think again.

Can't wait to see your makes

I am adding this to the SOC challenge as well because Susi told me it would fit the theme there

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 22 June 2015

Inchie and chalk

Hello Everyone. Hope you had a nice weekend and you are looking forward to the new week. Thank you for dropping in to see what I have posted here.

Not a lot really as I have been too busy watching sport to do any crafting. This week is sport free I think so I will play catch-up until next week when Wimbledon tennis starts :)

At Every Inchie Monday the theme for this week is Apple.

My inchie is all made of felt this week with a bit of bling added to give the apple some shine. Looks a bit fluffy around the edges.

I did do something different while I watched all the sport. I have long admired how Valerie and Susi use chalk on some of their wonderful artwork at Art Journal Journey so I thought I would send for some chalks and have a go. I only sent for them on Thursday evening and they arrived on Saturday morning. I just dived in without knowing what I was doing at all and I had black fingers with blending and a really messy page but I did enjoy using the chalk and I am going to look for some videos today to see how chalks should really be used.

Vic is taking me out for breakfast. Not something we have ever done before so it should start off the day with a zing.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 21 June 2015

Journal Page and garden photogrpahs

Hi All. Happy Father's Day to those who are celebrating it today. Vic got a huge card and a lovely book with plain paper inside for him to jot down 'Potting Shed Tales'. Linda always tries to find something a bit different for her 'Step Dad Vic'. Thank you for your visit, it is always good to have friends drop by.

At Art Journal Journey the theme Masculine/Feminine has certainly brought out so many wonderful ideas and with the rest of June still to show off your pages I am sure there will be many more.

I painted the background for this with emulsion paints then used a plastic card to add texture and design. I used white emulsion on an old stamp to see how that would work and it was ok so may try more of that.

Now to the photographs. I had read an article that gave various reason why couples look alike so thought I would put it to the test. These are fusions of my face and Vic's face. I found similar size photographs of both of us and and found that our teeth are almost identical and so are our lips so that was a good place to 'join' the faces. Then I reduced the capacity to 40% so each of the faces showed as one. I used different images for the fusions and sometimes my face was on top and sometimes Vic face. I can't believe how much alike we are except that I have hair and he has a moustache.

An interesting exercise

Lots of lovely flowers and blossoms out in our garden at the moment so I thought I would show you a few.

Have a lovely day. I will be watching tennis, golf and Formula 1. It's a hard life but someone has to do it :)

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 18 June 2015

Moo Mania and AJJ

Hello everyone and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for finding time to visit.

Art Journal Journey have Masculine/Feminine as their theme for June and I have drawn faces to add to pages.

Today it is the turn of both of my males. Tim on the left I used the other day for a page and Charlie on the right you won't have seen before. Charlie is a bit more outgoing but they both work in the same office in IT. They like music but not the same kind. The background was a digital creation with paint sprays on a sheet of scanned music.

Moo Mania and More have the theme numbers for their subject this time.

This is a fairly large padded envelope and I am hoping to add a little something to it each day that reminds me of the day. They will have to be small if I am going to add 365--maybe I will need another envelope added to the back of it at some point. The little owl card is one of a Tetley Tea set and it was hidden in a little wooden box I bought at the car boot sale yesterday. It will be first in the envelope-wonder what today will bring

Hope you have a nice day with surprises along the way

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Masculine Journal Page

Thank you for visiting my blog and for the wonderful comments you leave to brighten my day.

I have drawn two male character so will be introducing you to them.

At Art Journal Journey the theme for June is Masculine/ Feminine and at Anything but Cute they want us to Make it Masculine this month so this will fit both. 

This is Tim one of my male characters. He is a bit of a loner but kind and thoughtful.

I made a background with bubble wrap, splodges and a few stamps then I printed out Tim and a quote that fitted his thoughts. These were cut-out and stuck onto the background then the page was added to my black page journal.

I am off now to do some h----k. Bet that doesn't last long !!

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Art Journal Journey and Tag Tuesday

Hello everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for dropping by to see what I have made. I am not really back into the swing of things since our holiday and today I am planning to watch the tennis so that will mean more knitting I'm sure.

Art Journal Journey have Masculine/Feminine as the theme this month and there are many wonderful entries already with lots of variety. I seem to be a bit stuck  on digital or mixed media pages so far but I have drawn some male faces now so will see what I can do with those.

I made a rose background to add two 'changed' faces and then used various paint effects for this digital page.

At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is Out of your Comfort Zone.

This pose would be well out of my comfort zone. I painted the tag red and added some stamping and the images.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 14 June 2015

Inchie and Something Else Small

Hello Everyone. I am just settling down to real life after our holiday and pleased that the sun is shining today which means we will be going for a walk. Yesterday we stayed in all day because of the rain. It did mean I had time to do some crafting which was nice. Thank you for calling in today and I hope you enjoy what you find here.
If you enjoyed the taster photographs yesterday, Vic has added some to his Flickr here if you want to see more of our holiday

A reminder that there is still over a week to join in with us at Try it on Tuesday where the theme is Watches and Clocks. Really beautiful entries already for you be inspired.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme for this week is ETNA

I couldn't think of anything different for this one so I can't wait to see what the others make.

Stamps and Stencils  have Small is Beautiful for their theme this time.

This was really difficult to photograph and the poppies are a lot redder in real life. If I made them any brighter the heart at the top didn't show.

It started out as an old wooden cotton reel

I used these as my stencil and stamp and then added bits and bobs. The 'fan' on the right is from a bag that held oranges The poppy image was coloured with Promarkers.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

AJJ and holiday photographs

Hi All. Hope you have had a good week while we were away. Sorry I couldn't comment on your posts but  we hardly had any Internet time at all. Have just had a look through what you have been doing and it is all as wonderful as ever. Thank you for calling in and for any comments you leave.

We have come back to grey, wet and cold after perfect weather for us in Llandudno. We have done so many amazing things and taken about 300 photographs so here are 5 just as a taster for you.

This is me on a cable care ride up to the top of the great Orme. Just after this was taken the cable cars were cancelled because of the wind at the top of the Orme so we walked back down again. We did walk up it, and took a wonderful tram up it as well as going up by cable car.

 We went down a copper mine and it is difficult to describe how amazing the place is. I was scared of the thought of going down there but I am so pleased I did. Work is being done to uncover more and more passages so I hope I will be fit enough to visit again in the future.

I had to keep my blouse on every day as I get burnt really easily and the sun was hot. I did have a cardigan and jacket but I might as well have left those at home.

 This is one of the underground chambers which went down a  very long way. All the ways down were steep and damp so how I managed to go all the way around with my bad knees I'll never know. I was running on adrenalin.

This is a picture taken on top of the Orme and we walked back down the west side which has beautiful views.

That's your taster and I hope that some of you will visit the area if you haven't already. 

Now to another digital journal page for Art Journal Journey where the subject this month is Feminine/Masculine. I started this page before I went away and just finished it this morning. I did a lot of work to turn this into the scene as the background, hats, dresses, jewels etc were all from different adverts for different things.

It's Sadie and Miley again and they had arranged afternoon tea at a very posh hotel. Horror of horrors they both turned up in the same hat !!

Last night I started doodling some male heads so hopefully I can do something with those as well.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 9 June 2015

New Challenge at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All. This is a scheduled post as I will be on holiday in Wales when it is posted and maybe not have any internet so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it posts ok.

This time at Try It On Tuesday the theme is Watches and Clocks so lots of things to make with one or both of those on it. Pop along to see what the rest of the wonderful team have made and I am sure you will be inspired to join in with us.

One of our neighbours collects pocket watches and often gives me the ones he doesn't want any more so I thought it would be nice to make him a set to send on his birthday with something in the little bag. There is a card, a matching envelope, a gift bag and a tag in the set.

I designed the images and used some of one of our photographs for a background and cut the pansies out on the photograph as well. The background with clocks was made from a clock image and I jiggled the shape to make it more interesting. All of this was done in Paint Shop Pro.

I couldn't find a white gift bag and I am useless at making them so I painted the edges and handles white with acylic paint-it needed a couple of coats

Here is the template I made if you would like to use it for your own projects. It is A4 size

Thank you for your visit and I will try to comment while I am away if I can find a Costa Coffee place with Internet.

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 7 June 2015

Journal Page and Inchie

Hi All. Welcome to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit. This is a scheduled post as I should be on a train to Wales by the time it is published. Hope you have a good week and I will try to pop to your blogs if I can find an Internet connection. 

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is wave.

My mum used to have this hairstyle and every night she would wet her hair and add heavy metal clips so that the waves would be perfect next morning. It looked like torture to me and how she slept I will never know. I tried to put oe in my hair once and injured my finger with the spikes.

I found one  to show you the style but my mum's were far more lethal and much stronger than this one.

Art Journal Journey has Masculine/ Feminine as it's theme for June. If you saw my post here you will know about Sadie and her friend Miley that I drew.

Miley much prefers a day at the races to joining Sadie on her wild adventures.

Sadie is enjoying a  day at the carnival in this journal page.

Will link everything when I get back at the weekend.

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 6 June 2015

Drawn faces for AJJ

Hello Everyone who visits Jumbled Crafts and a big thank you for calling in. I seem to have had a very busy week with no crafting at all unless you call stuffing cushions and laying carpet crafting. Now my thoughts have to turn to gathering things together for our holiday to Wales. We don't have a car so everything we takes has to fit into 2 rucksacks and these have to fit onto the overhead rack on a train. I never thought I would be wishing for the weather to turn cooler but we have plans to climb mountains and do long walks and it is too warm for that at the moment.

When I say no crafting that didn't include the faces I have been drawing while I watched the tennis on television.

Here are my two ladies that I drew and coloured with Promarkers.

 I thought I would use them in various situations for Art Journal Journey where the theme this month is Masculine/Feminine. I hope I can draw them some partners as well though I am not sure where to start with a masculine face.

Today it is Sadie's turn to gives us all sound advice.

Have a nice day and I hope the sun is shining where you are.

Love Chrissie xx