Saturday 28 February 2015

Art Journal Journey Things With Wings and my special news

Hello Everyone and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts

I have some special news today as I have been invited by Valerie and Susi to be their Guest Hostess at Art Journal Journey this month. The theme this time is 'Things with Wings'. I'm sure we will all be letting our imagination run riot with this theme and I hope to be able to visit all of the blogs of the people who join in the challenge--could be 200 entries if the past is anything to go by.

I played it safe with my first page-choosing butterflies

 I used acrylics and lots of water for the background and did a bit of sponging to add some texture. Then I painted on the flowers while the background was still quite wet so they would seep into it a bit. I then drew the butterfly shapes and coloured them with  Promarker pens. The quote I found on Google.

Hope to see your ideas for the challenge soon You can enter as many times as you like and they will all be put into a Gallery Album for you to view at any time

Have a wonderful day or a good night's sleep if it is evening where you are .

Love Chrissie xx

Collage Obsession Dream

Hello All. Hope you are well and that you are not suffering with the awful weather that is affecting so many parts of the world this year. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts, it is always lovely to know I have such kind friends and followers.

At Collage Obsession the theme is Dream.

I hardly ever remember my dreams so this is a mixture of things I might have in a dream. Chocolate, music, wine, flowers, tears, bling and a cockerel to waken me up. The ghostly figure is from
The wonderful photograph of the steps is one that Valerie had taken and added to her blog post today. Thank you Valerie for allowing me to use your wonderful photographs in this way.

I'm off now to catch the bus as we are still on MIL duty. She is improving a bit so we are keeping our fingers crossed. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie xxxxx

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Three Muses--Vintage Collage

Hello Everyone. Thank you for calling in and for the kind comments you leave on my posts. At the moment my life has taken a turn for the worst as my MIL had been recently diagnosed with dementia and we are the only people caring for her at the moment until the NHS mental health department have a meeting--whatever that means. Going to try to organise something today so we will have a bit more 'me' time.

This week at Three Muses the theme is Vintage and I have done a digital collage.

Lots of lovely goodies. The image is from the Old Design Shop and it is one of three that I won at The Speed Craft Challenge

The frames were both made in Paint Shop Pro and the flowered paper was free at Chocolate Baroque--thank you to them. Not sure where the paper with writing came from but it may have been one that Valerie gave to me a while ago.

Love to Everyone

Chrissie xxx

Monday 23 February 2015

Inchie and Digital Collage

Hi All from a lovely sunny morning on the NE UK coast--hope it lasts :)Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts it always makes my day brighter. Hugs to everyone who is having awful weather and I hope it improves soon for you.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Snail this week

 My comical fellow is printed on canvas and sewn onto a felt inchie with bright beads to decorate the spaces. I think this will be one of the inchies that stands out when I sew them all together :)

At Art Journal Journey the theme until the end of the February is Birds, Beasts and Humans. There are already 168 entries and this one will be 169. Amazing to look through the collection and see all the variety and talent that we have in Crafty Blogland

I saw a chap with a lion tattoo on his arm and this page sprung to mind. From cuddly and cute to King of the Jungle. Certainly a magnificent beast.

Have a really nice day or sleep well if it is evening when you call in.

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 21 February 2015

Collage Obsession and Photographs

Hi All. Beautiful sunny day here and I am hoping that all of you less fortunate will stay safe and have better weather soon. Lovely of you to call in at Jumbled Crafts-Thank you 

At Collage obsession this week the theme is Goddess.

I choose various parts of the same painting as I think it is so beautiful. Hope you do too. I have a mania for making brushes for Paint Shop Pro at the moment so I used a couple of those to show that Venus was the Goddess of Love.

Here are some pics of a walk we did the other day-all along the seafront then into Sewerby Park and straight to the Centenary walk. It is a quiet wooded part of the busy park and always something new to see when we go there.

Oyster catchers along the cliff top
                           Leafless trees against the beautiful sky
A new addition that someone has donated--well used by the many birds-next time we will take some bird treats to add to the table

            Aconites and Moss growing on an old bit of tree root

Thought this looked like a big 'C' so will watch it with interest in the future.

                              Lots of snowdrops growing under the trees everywhere

Also carpets of Aconites which are so beautiful close up

Vic enjoying the day

 Me looking serious because I am having dental work done on my front teeth and smiling hurts at the moment :( It will be March before it is finish.

Have a great day everyone or sleep well if it is evening when you visit

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 19 February 2015

Digital Collage

Hello Everyone from a very wet day on the NE UK coast. Thank you for making the day seem brighter with your visit.

At Three Muses the theme for this week is 'Plenty more in the sea'. I think I went a bit astray with my version but who knows there may have been lots trying to break the record on that day.

The bike image was from Beyond the Fringe and the seagulls from various places. I have a folder full of beach hut images so not sure where this one came from--I may have scanned a card with one on it but not sure. The text are all PSP brushes I have made over the years.

Adding this to Art Journal Journey as well as Valerie thinks it is suitable for Birds, Beasts and Humans. Thanks Valerie

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Tic Tac Toe

Hello and thank you to everyone who calls into Jumbled Crafts. Always great to have visitors and especially when it is time for another challenge at Try it on Tuesday. This time it is a real treat as we have Tic Tac Toe

Choose any line horizontal, vertical or diagonal and make anything you like so long as it has your three choices on it and you tell us which line you have chosen. Don't forget to visit TIOT to see what the team have made to inspire everyone.

I decorated a brown paper gift bag and I chose the bottom line with
Flowers, Flourish and String

The first thing I did was distress the edges of the bag with Rangers Ink -Rusty Hinge and did some faux sewing  around it as well.

Next I painted a  square of corrugated card and stuck a piece of string to the back of it before sticking the card and string to the bag

Everything else I had in my bits box except for the flourish which was cut out from a book page using a Joy Die and my Cuttlebug. I added a little corrugated tag at the top of the handles to tie the bag together-using string again

Hope your day goes well and that you will join us for the challenge this time.

Love Chrissie

Monday 16 February 2015

Inchie and goodies

Hello All. Thank you for calling in and brightening a very dull day.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Text.

I stuck some words onto a felt background then added a few beads. Not very inventive but I was a bit stumped with the subject.

Thought you might like to see some goodies I bought in Poundland

All for £4. I thought the little stamps might be useful for inchie work.

Have a lovely day everyone

Sunday 15 February 2015

Collage Obsession

Hello All. Nice day here so I will be off for a walk soon and get back in time for more rugby watching. I hope your day goes well and thank you for calling in.

At Collage Obsession the theme is Ruffles this week. My first thought was to do a collage of a dog because a friend called her dog Ruffles.

I changed my mind just in time

I remembered looking at some beautiful dress designs here so I read the copyright info and I could use the image for this though I have changed it a bit. The pumpkin and mice were on a children's colouring site. I made the background myself for an Anniversary card.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie xx

Friday 13 February 2015

Digital Page and Golden wedding cards

Hello Everyone. I am late posting today as I seem to have been doing so many other things. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

Art Journal Journey still have Birds, Beasts and Humans for us to think about. Really wonderful entries so far as always.

Today instead of using one of Valerie's photographs as a background I used several of her bird photographs on a background of our plant house. Thank you Valerie for the joy you bring to us with your wonderful photographs

It was lovely to imagine that the birds have flown over here from her balcony near the Rhine to say hello to us near the NE Yorkshire coast.

I have also been making some Golden Wedding Anniversary cards.

 I wondered why so many of my friends had Golden Weddings in March then I remembered that way back when we got married in March before the tax year began in April. That way we could reclaim married allowance for the whole year before and almost pay for the wedding.

I won't be doing much crafting at weekends as the rugby is on for a few weeks and I wouldn't ever miss that for sure. I usually stamp things to colour them but rarely manage to do any of them as my eyes are glued to the television.

Have a lovely weekend

 Chrissie xx

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Balloons and Circles

Hi All. Hope you are all well and that some of you have some sunshine to send our way as it is very dismal here today. Thank you for calling in and making the day brighter.

At Three Muses the theme for this week is balloons

I found a balloon image on a free to use site online then used a face that I drew in PSP. The background is effects that I created and the earrings are brushes. The balloon image was used a lot of time to make the bubbles.
 A long time ago I had a spa mat for my bath and put the wrong bubble stuff in it and the bathroom filled with bubbles. I shouted for Vic and he wasn't any help at all he just took a photograph. I am pleased to say that the photograph disappeared years ago but the image is still with me.

At Moo Mania and More the theme is circles and you can enter with anything at all and any medium at all so long as it follows the theme. This time I haven't used a Moo though I usually try to include one somewhere.

I did the background with Distressed inks on glass technique, then I used the tops of glue bottles to stamp the circles. Then gold and black pen for the letters. I looked in my bit box for 'circles' and was amazed at how many things were circular-also how much rubbish I collect as well :)

Have a nice day all or sleep well depending what time of day you visit

Love Chrissie

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Journal Pages

Hello to everyone who calls in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit. Foggy and cold today so far so time to do some crafting I reckon.

At Art Journal Journey this month the theme is Birds, Beast and Humans and I did two pages for today.

The first one is a digital page made with a background using one of Valerie's wonderful photographs--with her permission. It shows the Loch ness Monster and two owls wondering whether he could be captured-not a good idea I reckon.

The second one I painted and it shows how rubbish I am at painting birds. 
D minus-must try harder!

Have a terrific day

Love Chrissie

Monday 9 February 2015

Inchie and Speed Challenge

Hi All from a lovely frosty and sunny Yorkshire. Thank you for calling in and for leaving comments which I love to read.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we are doing Night inchies

Mine is a simple black, felt inchie with peel off stars and some white beads as planets. Lovely to see more people have joined in this year and have wonderful ideas.

Speed Craft Challenge have animals for us to think about this time and still plenty of time to join in so I hope you have a go. It is fun to see what you can make in 15 minutes or how far you get with a project in that time.

For a change I made a scrapbook page for my 8x8 scrapbook. It has photographs of my daughter's cats and a few other things I gathered together before I took the time at the start. What ever my daughter is doing the cats are there to 'help'. I am sure she is pleased to go to her 'real work' without them being there.

Have a wonderful and peaceful day

Love Chrissie 

Sunday 8 February 2015

Digital Collage

Hello Everyone. Thank you for popping in today to see what I have made. I hope you like what you find here.

At Collage Obsession the theme for this week is Love and we have a  picture we can use if we like. I used part of it.

Mostly digital brushes, effects  and a digitally made frame.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie xxx

Friday 6 February 2015

Painted Journal Page

Hi All. Lovely and sunny here at the moment so I think the frost will melt quite quickly. I am hoping it will as we off on a train trip to Scarborough for part of the day. Hope you have a lovely day and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is birds, beasts and humans and I keep getting  new ideas for this challenge as it has so much you can do.

I drew another face in Paint Shop Pro and printed it out then cut out the face. Then I drew around the shape onto my journal page and painted the background and the dress. When the paint was dry I stuck on the face and then I went where ever it took me and it took me all four corners of the craft room looking for things.

These are the things I used all except for the little flowers and leaves that I cut out from a page of flowers in craft magazine

Have a great day

Love Chrissie

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Frame Collage and Journal Page

Hi Everyone from a dark and wet NE UK coast. The only thing showing a bit of light is the snow that fell in the night and I am sure that will soon be washed away. Thank you for calling in and making today brighter for me.

At Three Muses this week the subject is Frame

I used the lady I painted in PSP and framed her to add to the walls of an empty garage picture,. It involved a lot of perspective and I never realised how difficult that would be. I hope the critics are liking what they are looking at.  I found the Dan Brown quote online.

Lots you could make something for Art Journal Journey this time with the theme of Birds, Beasts and Humans. I went with humans today.

I painted the background with a shop front and a pavement then I looked through my old Good Housekeeping book and cut out some pictures. I bought the book for 20p from a car book sale just so I could cut out some pictures to use on craft projects.

The little car is coloured red because my daughter had a little red car when she was about 3 years old. She was in it most of the day and used to leave it all over the place when she wasn't in it. One day a car backed over it and the car was no more. She will be 50 next year but I don't think she has forgiven the driver yet!

Now to Three Muses

Tuesday 3 February 2015

New Challenge at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you drop in today at Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for being a part of my crafting journey.

Here we are with another challenge at Try it on Tuesday. Thank you to all who joined in last challenge. There were some stunning ideas to inspire everyone. This time we are asking you to use a photograph on your project. Could be old, new, digital, cut from a magazine etc. So lots of ways to find a photograph for the project.
 Great ideas and inspiration from my team mates here so pop along and have a look and leave a comment if you have time.

I made a scrapbook page showing two of my great grandfathers. They are both from my father's side of the family. The one of the left looks just like my dad but the one on the right I know very little about as my grandmother left Ireland with most of her family when she was in her teens and think her mum and dad stayed in Ireland. She didn't talk about them much unfortunately. I had to do quite a bit of work on the photographs as they were taken in the 1880s sometime and the quality wasn't very good. The other things on the page were found in books or online or in my craft stash.

Original photographs

Here is the page in the scrapbook a bit shiny cause it is inside a plastic sleeve

Hope to see your photographs in the challenge

Love Chrissie

Monday 2 February 2015

Inchie and digital Journal page

Hello Everyone. Welcome to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in.

Today is Inchie day and at Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is Kitchen. I tend to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen as Vic likes cooking so I keep out of the way.

 I went with a mixer as we haven't got one- well we have now :) Still doing all my inchies so far on felt and have sewn the ones I have made already together-looking good so far.

At Art Journal Journey it is time for a new theme so I hope everyone will join in with their take as there is lots of scope with the birds, beasts and humans as the subjects to choose. Pop to AJJ and read the challenge post as there are some ideas of what you might put on your pages.

Firstly I made a collage of the entries I did for the last challenge at AJJ. I didn't realise I had done so many but it was great to learn more about the Masters and the way they worked.

The one I have done so far for this month is a mix of humans/bird and is digitally made

I used the face I created a while ago and just added different hair and effects

Have a great day

Love Chrissie