Tuesday 20 January 2015

Use some Fabric at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone. Nice of you to call in at Jumbled Crafts today--thank you.

I am sure you are all ready for our new challenge at Try it on Tuesday where the theme this time is to use some fabric somewhere on your entry. Ribbon doesn't count as the fabric for the challenge.

Hope you will pop and see what my fellow team mates have made and feel inspired to join in with us.

I made this art journal as I seem to be doing a lot of journal pages recently and need somewhere to keep them all in book form.

This was my inspiration though it doesn't look very inspiring I know. I have some of Vic's old hankies that I use to clean paint brushes and wipe up stains and this is one that I rinsed through but it was still patterned.

I had a pad of large pages loosely joined together-ideal for making a book. I also found a quite large cardboard envelope that was just right for the outside of the book. After shaping it, I painted it with orange acrylic paint and then stamped and coloured the outside. The stamps were from a set by Chocolate Baroque

The fabric front was made with a piece of card covered in the hankie and also there was enough left to stick some down the spine. Then I drilled 3 holes through the whole thing and put key rings through the holes so the pages can be turned.

Just to finish it off with a flourish I added a few bag charms that I made from bits of felt.

Have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie 

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