Friday 28 February 2014

Artful Times Challenge 50

Here we are again with another challenge at Artful Times and the theme this time is Anything Goes so I am sure everyone will join in with something they make during the next 2 weeks

You could have a chance to be the winner of the month and get £10 to spend at Oyster Stamps and a winner's award to display in your side bar. Or you could be our runner-up of the month and have a runner's up award. 

I made these ties backs/ornament

We bought some new curtains which are heavy and lined and just right for winter. Well we thought they were but they looked awful when they were just open and hanging down. My friend Valerie sent me some beautiful fabric scraps and I used one piece to make these heart tie backs which have made such a difference to how the curtains look when they are open.

Do pop to see what Von and Neet have made for this the challenge

I have written a tutorial on how to make them if you would like to have a go.

 Mine are tiebacks in the day and tied around the uplighter at night when the curtains are closed. If you have enough material you could make 4 sets and then have matching tiebacks and ornament all the time.

This is my heart shape-you can use this or one of your own, mine is in a 4 x 4 inches square this allows for a seam of an eighth of a inch. You can make yours smaller or bigger

You will need 2ms of cord or ribbon-1m for each tie back/ ornament
8 shapes of your choice-(enough material to cut-out 8 of the shapes.)
Needle and cotton to match the material
Knitting needle to help with the turning to the right side
light weight stuffing--I used a cushion pad.

Cut-out the shapes and place them in pairs

Now place them with the right sides together and lay the ribbon/cord inside the shapes with the end of the ribbon at the top middle of your shapes

Do this at both ends of the ribbon

Stitch around the edges leaving a gap at the bottom. This is the same picture as above and I drew in the stitching because my photograph of this stage didn't look very clear

Turn the shape right side out-if you pull gently on the ribbon it will help. You can also use a knitting needle to help shape the seams from the inside.

 Now stuff the shape and sew the gap up neatly-repeat at the other end.

That's one tieback done so now to do the next one the same.

Have fun

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 27 February 2014

Journal Page and Tag

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts--thank you for your visit :) I am feeling tired as it rained a lot during the night and kept me awake for some reason. We get enough rain for me to be used to it I'm sure.

At The Craft Barn this time they have Marriage and Age as the challenges words. I chose a quote though you can choose lyrics and make anything at all that has the theme.

I started off with a pale background that was created from weak mixtures made up from strong coloured spray inks. Then I stamped love and the heart from a Chocolate Baroque set 'Punky Romance. Next came the Debbi Moore design that I cut from a wedding invitation. The quote I found on Google and the tree thing is a doodle I painted when I coloured the stamped images.

Next is my tag for Tag Along where the theme this week is Cats.

I started off with a green coloured tag then did blobs here and there with Bingo Markers. Then I sprayed it all with water and let some of it run and other bits I blended to make the background.

The cat was on a kiddie colouring site and I just loved it. I found the quote and thought it showed there are two sides to every story because this cat looks ready for some mischief to me.

I hope you all have a lovely day

Chrissie x

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tag and Collage

Hi All. I hope your day is going well. We went for quite a long walked-then it rained-now it is very sunny again :)

At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is Pleats, folds and tucks-this is what I made

I decided to be adventurous and go for all three. Pinned tucks at the waist-pleats for the bottom of the skirt and a piece of folded, extra material. I used a little bit of a very old tape measure as my topping for the tag. It does look a bit 'shabby' as I used an old silk scarf for the skirt and folded material and it frays so quickly.

Then at Collage Obsession the have Happiness is ------

My Happiness is walking in the countryside or on the beach. Eating dark Chocolate and doing anything with my DH as we love to do the same things together. At 72 years old I would love time to standstill and complete my happiness.

Monday 24 February 2014

Inchie and Cards

Hello to everyone who drops by Jumbled Crafts. A bit dull here at the moment but supposed to be sunshine later so fingers crossed

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is dark

I immediately thought of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the moon and used their album cover as my inchie for this week.

I made some birthday cards yesterday for friends and neighbours whose birthdays are very soon.

The backing for this is cream card and I distressed the edges then I added a piece from an old canvas map for the next layer. The animal print card was from Valerie :) and the image GeckoGalz.

This one is for a friend who loves going on cruises so she can get dressed up--my worst nightmare I'm afraid.
I made the peacock feather background then added the black silhouette die cut with a bit of glitter. On top of that I added the white die cut and some black jewel stones. The other bits are peel-offs.

This card fulfils a challenge set for me by Max when she sent me these die cuts and some others and even the card they had been cut from so I could use those as stencils. Thank you Max :)

Thank you for calling in and have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 22 February 2014

A Tag

Hello to Everyone who drops into Jumbled Crafts today and thank you for finding the time to visit.

This week seems to have flown by but I have spent a lot of it watching the curling from Sochi. Still the 6 Nations rugby to watch today and closing ceremony from the Olympics tomorrow but then I should be back to some sort of routine.

Don't forget the Artful Times Boxes challenge which has still over 5 days to go so do join in if you are making a box before then as we would love to see it.

At Tag Along this week the theme is layers. What beautiful tags there already and a great theme to chose.

I had a job photographing this as it was too sunny--I am not complaining as it is lovely to see the sun but not good for taking pictures unfortunately. The tag seemed to get tangled with the blinds so the white bits on the right aren't part of the tag.

Layer 1- corrugated packaging
Layer 2-Red Acrylic Paint
Layer 3-Lace
Layer 4 Patterned paper piece
Layer 5- Geckogalz image and the quote from Dylusions stamps-bling
Layer6-decoupaged the image
Not sure which layer to count the ribbon and flowers at the top

So 6 layers for me.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Chrissie x

Thursday 20 February 2014

Collage and card

Hi All. Hope you are well and happy and enjoy what you find here at Jumbled Crafts today. I always appreciated a visit and the wonderful comments that are left on my posts--thank you :)

This week at Collage Obsession the theme is handwriting. I can't imagine doing that these days. I either print or do scribble that no one else can read. 65 years ago I won a pen because my handwriting was so beautiful-how times change eh? We used to have handwriting lessons in the olden days :)

With that in mind I did this digital collage then printed it out and did some of my printing and a tiny bit of my hand writing

I would like to enter this at Try It On Tuesday as well

The Craft Room Challenge this time to a colour challenge with a beautiful photograph and colour pallet as inspiration

Here is the card I made using the colours and part of the image

I made two background papers using the colours the digitised part of the picture to make a topper for my card.

These are the papers if you would like them--they both fit onto an A4 sheet of paper.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Tag and Card

Hello from a sunny and warmer NE UK coast. We were up again at 5 am watching the curling and our men and women are both in the semi finals tomorrow and the games are at more reasonable times from now on. :)

At Tag Tuesday this week we have the theme Insects-here is my tag for the challenge

I used an image of an insect hotel as my tag. I just love this idea and we saw a lot of them last year when we were visiting Nature reserves. The ones there were a lot bigger and very natural looking and we are collecting the things we need to build one in our garden. I added the sign and the little cones with a wine glass charm I had that has an insect on it.

This is what I made for 52 Christmas Card Throwdown where this week it is Christmas Landscapes as a theme

I found a few 'free to download' pictures and loved this one 

I layered the picture with three different coloured pieces of cards and then stuck it onto a white card blank. Then I added peel-off corners to give it a bit of sparkle.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Monday 17 February 2014

Inchie and ATCs

Hello to everyone who pops into Jumbled Crafts and big thank you for taking the time to visit. I hope you are not flooded, caught up in the awful snow or in the fires. My thoughts are will all of those that are in any of these. We should always be pleased if our lives are free of the problems that nature creates as they are the hardest to control.

At Moo Mania this time the they asked us to use old book pages on our project somewhere. No need to have a Moo anywhere but I did cut one out to add to mine.

The ATC is cut from one of my shaving foam sheets that I made this week-still lots more to go yet and the wonderful smell is lingering on in the craftroom. I cut the inchie and the Tim Holtz tattered, die cut flower from a sheet of an old book that I had splodged with acrylic paint and some glitter.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have to think dual.

Mine is a dual carriage way-well two dual carriages ways crossing. Always great to see what everyone comes up with for their inchies--usually all very different.

Have a lovely day all--we have thick fog here at the moment but there are three curling matches from Sochi today so I know what I will be doing :)

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 16 February 2014

Tag Along-Roses are red

Hi All. Apologies to the people on my list where I usually leave a comment. I started on my comments this morning then it stopped me posting them :(-tried a few times but have given up as we are off out. I'll try again later.

 It is a beautiful sunny morning here and the forecast is good as well so we are off for a walk out along the seafront. Hope it is nice where you are and that the weather is improving now in all parts of the world.

This week the theme at Tag Along is Roses Are Red. This had me wondering what to do as these days roses are all sorts of colours but the red ones are usually still sent to a loved one.

I used pictures of roses and turned one lot into black and  white. The background is made with the shaving foam technique and I made the paper flowers. Thought lace might be a good way to top it all off.

Have a good day all

Love Chrissie x

Friday 14 February 2014

Challenge 49 Artful Times

Happy Valentine's Day-a day I feel has lost its original meaning these days but 'Love' is a nice things to celebrate any day of the year so do enjoy it.

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

It's time for another challenge at Artful Times and this time the theme is 'Boxing Clever'. We would like you to make or decorate a box of your choice.  If you follow the rules and guidelines at Artful Times you might win £10 to spend at Oyster Stamps

We quickly ate the contents of the box--well I needed it for the project :) I opened it out and painted the top with some red emulsion paint, I also painted inside the top as well  as I didn't quite have a plan when I did the painting.
 Then I covered all but the flap with a piece of patterned paper. So easy to do this when the box is just a flat shape. 

Then I added some lace, a ribbon fastener and made the lace flower and the ribbon leaves. It seemed a shame to not put something inside as well 

This is my little Victorian dolls house inside the box. All just pictures apart from the tiny flower in the girl's hand. She is raised up on foam pads so she stands out from the background. I always love to visit Cestina's blog and see the wonders she creates for her doll's house collection and this is the start of my collection which will be small enough to keep in one big box I hope.

We'd love you to join in the challenge and I hope you will also visit Von  and Neet to see their boxes for the challenge. 

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

ATC and Journal Page

Hello All. Not a bad day here so far but I have been watching the curling from the Olympics for most of the morning so I haven't been outside so far. I'll be back later with another post and my DT sample for this week at Artful Times-hope you will join in with us.

At The Craft Barn this time the Quote or Lyrics Words are Strong and Miss.

This is my page with the Olympics very much a feature and the quote quite apt as most of the things that are attempted in these sports look lethal to me. I have been making lots of backgrounds with shaving foam this week and this is part of one of them.

The second project is for Wicked Wednesday where the theme this week is Aquarius

 I painted the background with watered down acrylics. I found the free to use, tattoo image on the net and printed it onto my background. I had the little Aquarius, Star Sign, image stamp so used that as well.

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your visit it is always appreciated

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 13 February 2014

Altered Art-new challenge blog

Hi All. What a lovely sunny day we have here and it is quite warm out of the wind. I do hope it is drying up some of the flooded areas of the UK.

I was quite excited when I saw that Sandie had started a new challenge blog for Altered Art. It is called

Rhedd's Creative Spirit and it will always be a challenge to alter anything but there may sometimes be a twist as well. Plenty of time to do a project as it is once a month from the first to the last day of each month.

My excitement waned a bit when I realised that my box of things to alter had been put away somewhere safe when we closed Out of a Hat. So far I haven't found the box so I had to think Out of It :)

This is what I made for the challenge-can you guess what it is?

It's an old glasses case that has been at the back of a drawer for ages-I think it belonged to Vic

I covered the top of it with thick glue then added a black paper serviette. After it had dried I sprayed it with bronze glitter mist and let it dry again. Next I trimmed off the excess paper and added some turquoise ribbon to the edge.

I had the little frames from a shape swap a while back so painted those white then added spray glue and some glitter. The pictures are from the beautiful sheet 'Artsy Jewels' from GeckoGalz. I stuck the frames on firmly with my glue gun as I do intend to use this case for my glasses. 

Here is another view of it showing a bit of glitter on the pictures. This was because I used the spray glue on the frames and it goes everywhere and the pics just happened to be in the way when I was sprinkling glitter.

I am so messy :(

Hope your day is going well and how lovely that you found time to pop in.

 Chrissie xx

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Zodiac Journal Page

Hello Everyone. I am off to the old town soon to get my medication and today I wish it was nearer as we have ice here and there and it is very cold. I usually love the walk to the old town and coffee in a beautiful antique shop but the ice always puts me off. Hope everyone is safe and well with all the rain in parts of the UK. We have rain forecast for today but not much at all so far for us.

This time at Art Journal Journey the theme is Signs of the Zodiac

Mine is a 'selfie' as I chose Capricorn as my birhday is January 1st

I used a piece of glass with some acrylic paints to make the splonge on the page then I used a paint dabber on the glass and spritz it to fill in the rest of the page after the first splodge had dried.

Next I drew the sign of Capricorn with thick black Promarker then highlighted bits of it with white pen. I had the little Capricorn stamp and have the rest of the zodiac signs as well in the set-I won it in a craft challenge so not sure who it is made by. I thought I would find out something about Capricorns and myself so looked it up on Google.

Surprised when I saw the numbers as I have lived in house numbers 4, 44, 10 and 22-also the number 19 is my husband and my daughter's birth date and also we were supposed to get married on the 19th but when we got to Jamaica they had booked it for the 16th -anything goes in Jamaica :) I always feel comfortable in black or grey clothes as well.

I am rambling so had better stop now !

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Love is in the air

Hello Everyone. Dark and wet here today but I will be watching lots of Olympics on television so I am sure the day will fly by. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts :)

At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is Hearts and at Tag Along it is Pink Love. I thought this tag fitted both themes and as I am behind with challenges I have combined this tag for both.

I did the background with Distressed Inks and Distressed stains. Cut out the hearts with an Xcut die then drew eyes and mouth with a fine black pen. I was pleased to find a little heart button in my button box and added that to my pink ribbon.

Have a lovely day everyone -thinking of the people who have floods and those with the terrible fires as well.

Love Chrissie x

Monday 10 February 2014

Inchie and Christmas Card

Hi All. Hope you are safe and well and not flooded out with all of this rain. We haven't done too badly here at all so far so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you for the kind comments about my eye. It is a lot better now and I have been able to do a little bit of crafting thank goodness.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is chocolate. I always love to see the chocolate fountains and the endless stream of chocolate that flows through them. I have never tried any of it but maybe one day I will.

I can smell the chocolate from here

The next project is my Christmas Card for 52 Christmas Card Throwdown where there is a colour challenge this time

My card is mostly digital papers and images though the centre word 'snow' is decoupaged and I added some yellow jewels to the centre of the snowflakes.The papers were Clarey Holly-Jolly but I have had the file for a very long time so not sure if they are still available.

I will be joining Marina with this card for her Christmas Challenge as well.

Hope you have a lovely day. I will be watching the Winter Olympics Curling hopefully.

Love Chrissie x

Friday 7 February 2014

A Card

Hi All. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts it's always good to welcome you here. So sorry if you live where there is extreme weather conditions. I hope it improves for you soon. I am looking forward to the start of the Winter Olympics and especially the curling which was wonderful last time.

I haven't done much crafting this week as I have a sore eye at the moment, but I did manage to make a card yesterday for the challenge at Try it on Tuesday. The theme this time is travel.

I made this card. It has a black background and then I added a torn piece of the beautiful animal print card that Valerie had sent to me  The stamp is from a set I got free in simply Homemade magazine a long time ago.. I used Distressed inks and Promarkers for colour and a piece of brown wool at the side.

Hope you have a lovely day

Chrissie x

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Photographs, Inchie and Tag

Hello Everyone. It is a beautiful sunny day here but I am feeling rather tired after a long walk in Scarborough yesterday so I am planning on a nice easy day today. I have added a couple of duck pictures that we took in Peasholme park which was part of our walk. There seem to be more girl ducks than boys this time and it is usually the other way round and all the males are fighting.

Lots of water around--these falls are sometimes dried up.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have the theme Cathedral to add to our collection

I have chosen St Paul's and turned a photograph of it into a stamped look image

At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is Australia. There are so many Australian things that would look amazing on tags but I went for the cuddly animals. Not sure they would be cuddly if I got close to one but their fur always looks so beautiful in pictures.

These are just pictures from Google that I made into a digi image for the tag.

Thank you for visiting today.

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 2 February 2014

ATC and Card

I am writing this post in the evening as we will be off on the train for a day out somewhere tomorrow and I wouldn't have time to do it before we go.

Wicked Wednesday this week has' Zombies Need Love Too' as their challenge theme.

I found a tutorial about how to draw your own zombie here and I tried a few times but the challenge will be over before I get it right so I used the one that was there for this ATC.

I made a blood like background then coloured and cutout the zombie image. Then I added 3 hearts and LUV.  Well I luv him :)

Now to my Christmas Card for this week at 52 Christmas Card Throwdown where they have a lovely sketch to use to make a card.

I will be joining Marina again this week with my Christmas card but I am already running our of Christmas Things so will have to have to look for some or make some.

Used a Nestibilities shape and a circle I cut out. Added a little snowman emblie and some gold peel-offs. The shield type shapes I cut-from the edge of a die cut shape someone sent to me.

Hope you sleep or slept well

Love Chrissie x

ATC and Tag

Sunday again--this week has just flown by. 
Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts, it is always nice to know people are popping in.

Last night I had to sleep with earplugs in my ears as the wind was rattling something in our guttering. Vic said he never heard it--I am coming as a man next time as they don't seem to hear anything once they are asleep.

The theme this time at Moo Mania is to use embossing powder and Rosie added a wonderful video to show a technique I had never tried before. It involved stamping into the melted embossing powder

I made this ATC as you don't have to make a Moo or even include one. I had hoped to include one but it hid the embossing so I had to make it smaller.

At Tag Along this week we are invited to show our favourite technique

When ever I see this theme for a challenge I immediately think of egg shells. I just love this technique and the way no pieces are ever the same. There is a great tutorial here though I didn't use alcohol inks this time I used Dylusion Sprays and some Gold Glimmer mist.

I started with a circle and covered it in glue then added crushed eggshells to cover it over. Then I laid it onto a piece of paper and sprayed. Next I used the paper with the colours that were outside the circle and I covered part of a tag with that. This meant there was a white round shape where the eggshell circle had been so I offset that to look like a shadow. It looks quite sparkly in real life but not on this photograph unfortunately.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x