Friday 14 February 2014

ATC and Journal Page

Hello All. Not a bad day here so far but I have been watching the curling from the Olympics for most of the morning so I haven't been outside so far. I'll be back later with another post and my DT sample for this week at Artful Times-hope you will join in with us.

At The Craft Barn this time the Quote or Lyrics Words are Strong and Miss.

This is my page with the Olympics very much a feature and the quote quite apt as most of the things that are attempted in these sports look lethal to me. I have been making lots of backgrounds with shaving foam this week and this is part of one of them.

The second project is for Wicked Wednesday where the theme this week is Aquarius

 I painted the background with watered down acrylics. I found the free to use, tattoo image on the net and printed it onto my background. I had the little Aquarius, Star Sign, image stamp so used that as well.

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your visit it is always appreciated

Love Chrissie x

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