Friday 8 November 2013

Three Tags

Beautiful day here and I hope it is just as nice where you are. Thank you for all the terrific comments you leave and for making my days special.

I seem to be having tag fest at the moment-it could be the novelty as I didn't used to make many at all.

The first one is for Tag Tuesday where the theme this week is Proverbs

I made the cherry background in Paint Shop Pro then coloured a drawing of a bowl of cherries. This was clear embossed but it doesn't show up the sheen on the photograph unfortunately

Next tag is for Try it on Tuesday where the theme is colour explosion

I used acrylics for the background then found some bright embellishments to stick onto it.

Last but not least is a tag for Use your Stuff where we are asked, 'How do you Stencil' 

This is mine and I used something very different as a stencil. I made the background first with various alcohol inks and some glitter powder that melted into the water I sprayed on to make the inks spread out. Then I used gesso with my 'stencil' and when it was dry, some of the colours had seeped into the gesso so I left it like that as I liked the effect.

Have you guessed what I used yet as a stencil----

It is a mobile phone cover that I bought at Poundland

Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts

Love Chrissie x

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