Sunday 10 November 2013

Add a Feather

Hello Friends and Followers.

It has turned a lot colder this morning but the sun is beautiful with a clear sky so I may fit in a walk later. Last night we went to the little, local theatre to see a touring company in a comedy. It was really funny and on the way home the sky was very clear and we could see more stars than I had seen for years--I should get out more at night I think.

At Wicked Wednesday this week the challenge is to add a feather somewhere on your ATC.

Here is mine. I made the background of the ATC with different colours of Cosmic Shimmer Mist which I love to use. I have had the picture of the lady in the hat for many years and had already given her a make over in 2005 when I added a flower to her hat.

She has now had another make over with various Paint Shop Pro effects and the addition of a feather in her hat as well. She is raised up from the background but it doesn't show very well on the photograph.

Have a wonderful day everyone and thank you for popping in today

Love Chrissie x

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