Tuesday 12 November 2013

Craft Barn, Moos and tag

A beautiful sunny and bright day here today and I am off for a long walk after staying in all day yesterday. Vic says we will give the lawns a last cut as well so it looks like being a busy day. Hope you enjoy whatever you are doing and thank you for taking the time to visit Jumbled Crafts

I seemed to have lots of things for challenges that need to be posted so please don't think you have to comments on everything in this post just chose the ones that are for your challenge though any comments are always appreciated :)

At the Craft Barn Alpha Challenge this time the letter is Q

With my new found passion for patchwork I just had to chose the word Quilt. Simply painted squares then added a flower die cut and faux stitching. The ribbon down the side is real though.

Next is Moo Mania where the theme this time is Hands

This is a page for my small journal and after using various sprayed colours I drew around my hand for the background. A few stampings here and there and the Hands Moos--one of the Moos covered up a smudged stamping :(

Now to Tag Tuesday where we are doing All Stitched up this week.

 I covered a tag shape with fabric and stitched it in place. Then I made some 'Suffolk Puffs' for the flowers in various fabrics. The cotton bobbins I recycled as they were on a birthday card from a long time ago. I stuck the buttons in place--is that that cheating? Well I did sew one of them on to keep the ribbon in place at the top.

Hope you all enjoy your day

Love Chrissie x

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