Sunday 3 November 2013

A Twinchie and Atcs

Hi All A day to make your heart sing here with a beautiful pale blue sky and lots of bright sunshine. Hoping you have all got the same sort of day where you are

This time at the Twinchies Challenge the subject is  Animal Instincts.

I used a little rhino stamp I have had for ages. Not sure who made the stamp as it came from my daughter in a whole bag of little animal stamps. I guess the rhino's instinct must be to charge-well this ones is for sure.

At Wicked Wednesday they have the theme Creepy Halloween. I looked on Google for some creepy images then played around with them in Paint Shop Pro and made them even creepier. I printed them out and then cut around them and added them to the backgrounds.

That's it for today so far but I am planning to do some crafting while Vic goes for a bike ride.

Love Chrissie x

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