Sunday 26 July 2015

Journal Page

Hi All and and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

Not only my crafts are jumbled at the moment as we have decided we will move house, area and lifestyle. It has all happened so quickly as I had thought this would be our forever home but areas change and so do our thoughts so now I am looking on this as a new adventure. I don't think anything will happen too quickly but who knows once we get our heads around it all. Watch out we could be coming to live near you-well if you are in Great Britain that is.

Art Journal Journey have Post and Postage for another 5 days so hope you will join in with all the wonderful people who have shown their art already. Amazing how many ideas come up for different themes.

I made a square card box for my daughter's birthday card and thought I would photograph it and turn it into a journal page for this challenge. I used soft pastels for the background and drew the fantasy flowers in pen and coloured them with felt tips. I am obsessed at the moment with making 'people' stamps and have lots ready to stick onto envelopes that I will be delivering by hand.

Have a lovely day all. I am going to try to reduce my crafty stuff to about a quarter before we move-well the idea was just two boxes of stuff but that ain't gonna happen unless the boxes are packing case size :)

Love Chrissie xx

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