Thursday 9 July 2015

Journal Page and Handmade Doll

Hi All. Thank you for your visit today and for all the support you always give to me. We are off to catch the early train to Scarborough to have a long walk as the air is much fresher today than of late.

I have a couple of things to show you so I thought I would do that before we go.

At Art Journal Journey the theme for July is Post and Postage. My page today is special to me as it has a poem that I love and a subject I have been interested in for a lot of years.

I have chosen a poem by W.H Auden called Night Mail. I love this poem and if you read the third verse as though you are on an old train it is wonderful. It has a clickity clack, clickity click metre to it. I found the image on Google and it was free to use and the background was made in Paint Shop Pro.

Years ago I had a male friend that worked on the Mail Train at Carlisle. The mail from all over the area came to Carlisle then 6 nights a week the mail train set off about midnight bound for London The sorters on it sorted out the mail all the way down to London then the sorted mail bags were collected on hooks at various stations on the way back. Such a clever idea and dating way back.

Now to another forgotten project which I have managed to sort out and finish this week while I watched Wimbledon.

A few years ago my daughter bought me this book

I did trace out the pattern for the basic doll and even cut out some of the pieces then the book and pieces were put away and never seen again until this week.

This is my finished doll made all with hand sewing and a lot of imagination as you won't find one like it in the book. She will be ready for the Tilda Olympics if they ever have them as she has the arms of a javelin thrower. I remember cutting them a little wider as I couldn't imagine being able to turn them they were so thin. Maybe that is why it ended up forogtten and unfinished.

Thanks Valerie for the beautiful trimmings on the heart.

Have a great day. I must dash or we will miss the train

Love Chrissie xx

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