Tuesday 7 July 2015

In the frame at TIOT

Hello All. Thank you for popping in to see what is here at Jumbled Crafts today.

You will be very pleased to hear that we have a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday so I hope you will hop over there and see what the rest of the wonderful team have made. Thank you to all who joined in the tea cup challenge with the wonderful ideas for us to admire .

The theme this time is 'In the Frame'. You can make anything you like so long as it has a frame somewhere.

The challenges last for 2 weeks with a reminder half way through when our top five are posted for the previous challenge. Always great to be among the top 5 as it may mean a guest designer spot later.

The picture I framed was made by me in Paint Shop Pro with images from outlawbydesign. The sun was on part of it so it looks lighter than it is.

If you want to know how I made the frame then do read on but, be warned, there are a few pictures.

It started life as an Amazon box. Vic says I only order stuff so that I can use the boxes. I had a frame shape already that I got in a packet from the local chap who framed pictures-he only used to charge £1 for a bag. He has closed down now unfortunately

I cut strips of the box the size of the sides of the frame and started to build it up to give it depth.

When that was done I sprayed it all with silver paint but you can paint it anyway you like but make sire the insides are painted as they will show when it is finished.

                 Ready now to do anything you like with the frame . I added texture paste and a coloured paint then sanded it back a bit.

The flowers were some huge silk flowers that I had for a long time and never really liked. The ended up in the shed poor things so I took them apart and made them into new little flowers instead.

Still lots more bits left to make new flowers.

Can't wait to see what you make for the challenge

Love Chrissie xx

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