Tuesday 28 July 2015

Tag and Inchie

Good morning all from a wet and miserable NE UK coast. There will 7 of us for lunch today and I had planned on some people eating outside as we haven't a lot of room around the table. Now trying to think of a plan B and one isn't springing to mind at the moment so I am taking time out to do a post to my blog friends and thank you all for calling in.

The theme at Tag Tuesday this week is Photography

I used one of my photographs of a beautiful clematis in our garden. I layered it on various pieces of card and made a shaped tag to fit .

Every Inchie Monday Have yellow for this week

I used different shades of yellow felt and a yellow brad. I have to stitch quite a few together with the others before I lose them again.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 26 July 2015

Journal Page

Hi All and and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

Not only my crafts are jumbled at the moment as we have decided we will move house, area and lifestyle. It has all happened so quickly as I had thought this would be our forever home but areas change and so do our thoughts so now I am looking on this as a new adventure. I don't think anything will happen too quickly but who knows once we get our heads around it all. Watch out we could be coming to live near you-well if you are in Great Britain that is.

Art Journal Journey have Post and Postage for another 5 days so hope you will join in with all the wonderful people who have shown their art already. Amazing how many ideas come up for different themes.

I made a square card box for my daughter's birthday card and thought I would photograph it and turn it into a journal page for this challenge. I used soft pastels for the background and drew the fantasy flowers in pen and coloured them with felt tips. I am obsessed at the moment with making 'people' stamps and have lots ready to stick onto envelopes that I will be delivering by hand.

Have a lovely day all. I am going to try to reduce my crafty stuff to about a quarter before we move-well the idea was just two boxes of stuff but that ain't gonna happen unless the boxes are packing case size :)

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Journal Page and Card

Hello Everybody. Hope the weather is nice where you are. Thank you for finding time to pop in and see what I have made today.Always great to read your comments.

At Art Journal Journey the Post and Postage challenge has some wonderful journal pages for you to see here where every entry is showcased.

I made a digital page with Post Acronyms that we used to add to the back of love letters. I have added only the clean ones as some were quite risque. They started in the second World War when lovers were separated and mail was the only way to stay in touch.

CHINA: Come Home I Need Affection
HOLLAND: Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies
ITALY: I Trust And Love You
WALES: With A Love Eternal Sweetheart
MALAYA: My Ardent Lips Await Your Arrival
S.W.A.L.K Sealed With A Loving Kiss

It's a while since I entered a card challenge but a few of the people whose blogs I visit make wonderful cards and are DTs on various challenge blogs. I made this card to fit three of the blogs. It is for a friend who has recently had a windfall and intends to spend it all travelling. He doesn't quite know where to yet so I am calling this card Destination Unknown

I used an A5 whiter card and edged the spine with burlap then went around the edges with  Rusty Hinge Distressed Ink which I also used on the photograph which is from the Expedition kit by Tim Holtz. The circle is from that as well and I wrote on it Travel Time.

I used a piece of packaging next and added a piece of paper by Daisy D. Next layer Tim Holtz District Market card from a set I have had a long time.I dyed the twine with the Rusty Hinge Ink and added some little wooden buttons

I would like to enter this at

City Crafters where Hemp and Twine will be Fine-thanks to Marina I found this challenge

Vintage Journey who have Destination this month-many of my blog friend design for there

Country View Crafts have On Your Travels that I spotted thanks to Pamellia who was a guest there

I think that is plenty for today

Enjoy whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 21 July 2015

New Challenge at Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone and a big thank you for visiting my blog.

I am sure some of you are here to see what the new theme is for the challenge at Try it on Tuesday so I won't keep you guessing any longer. It is 'Hot and Wild'. I bet you will have lots of ideas but if you haven't then do pop along to TIOT and see what all the team have made for this challenge. You made need to wear sunglasses.

I decided to go down the African route and made this large piece that is now hung on my craft room wall to frighten away unwanted visitors. It all started when I made some paper beads. The African women make them to sell to help feed their families. Lots of tutorials online if you want to make any. I did my own designs.

I used an A4 sheet of gloss photo paper and alcohol inks for the hot colours on the background and I added some African tattoo designs. The mask I copied from a picture on geographic page. It is backed with a piece of animal print card that Valerie sent to me and I think it makes the eyes and mouth look really scary. This was all added to a canvas that I painted with brown emulsion and dots of an orange emulsion to make it look like animal fur(well it does to me ?)

Hope you will join in with us and enjoy being Wild and Hot. Always wonderful to visit your blogs and see what you make..

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 19 July 2015

Inchie, Journal Page and Photographs

Hi All. Hope you had a good weekend. Nice to have you call in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for visiting.

A bit of this and that today

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Energy. Always something interesting on the inchie blog to get our brain cells working 

I found a symbol for different types of energy so printed it out and stuck it on my felt inchie then added the usual bit bling

Art Journal Journal have already reached over 100 entries for their Post and Postage theme which runs until the end of July.

I painted a background with H20 paints then stamped with a bottle top and a piece of bamboo end. I found the clip art and added them to the background  in Paint Shop Pro

I had this skipping rhyme going through my head and thought it fitted in nicely with the theme. I loved skipping when I was at school and we knew lots of different chants and different actions for skipping.

The person who has to jump in to skip has their name shouted out by the people turning the rope and then when the chant gets to How Many Letter--the person skipping has to touch the ground once for each letter and see how many letters of the alphabet can be said before they get caught up in the rope. No wonder we never got fat. There was a shortage of rich food anyway after the war and most things were on ration. We also played outside most of the time and the games we played were very strenuous.

History lesson over for today girls and boys.

Here are a few photographs of a wonderful walk in the tree tops through Danes Dyke. It is really back to nature. If you take the high path and if you are fit enough to descend to the low path it is magical. Rarely anyone there except on the road and the car park which is not near the paths.The sounds of birds and rustling trees are amazing and the little Treecreeper bird lives among them.

 Along the path from Sewerby Cricket Ground
 Passed the Golf Links
 Beautiful grasses and wild flowers
 Up in the tree tops. The depth can only be imagined on a photograph as it is very steep when you look down.
 More of the top path

Part of the many steps that have just been built  top to bottom from the road to the depths of the Dyke. Not for the fainthearted as they are quite steep and lots of them
 A bit of 'nature art' I did when we reached the road-just found out it is called art bombing-thanks Sally

It is on top of the sign for the car park

Hope you enjoyed the walk

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 17 July 2015

Journal pages

Hi All from a wet and gloomy NE UK coast. Not much planned for today except for watching golf and tennis on the television and doing a bit of sewing so I don't mind the weather at all.

A couple of things here today for the challenge at Art Journal Journey where the theme is Post or Postal

The very kind and talented Astrid has a gift on her blog for all of as she has almost reached 2400 and wanted to celebrate with one of her beautiful sets. As this set was perfect for the AJJ theme I thought I would make a page from part of the gift set.

All I added was the beautiful clipart I found here and the Jane Austin quote so this page is thank you to Astrid really

Now to the page I had made before today for AJJ

I made some 'selfie' stamps and a background for this digital scrapbook page. The three people who are the same on each are my Aunt Jeanne, cousin Jean and Me with various other members of my family.

Have a lovely day everyone and thank you for calling in and brightening a dull weather day.

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Card and Collage

Hello Everyone and thank you for your visit. I was up really early so decided to get crafting and do a couple of challenges.

The Challenge at Anything but Cute this time is Summer Romance with this beautiful mood board to help with ideas

Lots of wonderful things to inspire a project on this board and beautiful work by the DTs as well.

The beautiful blue background and the bicycle seemed very romantic to me so went with those and made a card which will nice as an Anniversary Card for a friend in a few days time

I made the background paper in Paint Shop Pro to match the bunch of flowers on the board, then added the bike image on the plain blue to match. The bike image can be found here with a few more and they are free to use. I layered the flowered paper on card and raised up the bike. The lace seemed to match and the flowers I had made a while ago. A few shiny stones and a Promarker edge to the white card and that's it ready.

Moo Mania and More have just started a new challenge today called In the Garden.

I used one of the photographs of our garden and digitized it to use as a base for a collage. I added two Moos but you don't have to add Moos anywhere if you don't want to.

Hope you have a good day. A bit of rain here but it is getting brighter

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 13 July 2015

Monday Again-Inchie and Journal page

Hi All and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. A special welcome to my latest follower. Thank you for dropping by everyone.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have the unusual theme Nose

I just had to add a moustache as Vic has always had one all the time I have known him :)

Art Journal Journey has Post and Postage as the theme for July and there are some fantastic ideas from many artists who have joined in. I do find that doing these challenges makes me think at a tangent whether I do a digital page or paint something.

Afraid my page is a bit sad today. All along our bit of the coast the the sea has taken away huge chunks of the past and I used a photograph that was taken just a short distance from where we live. The photograph was altered in Paint shop Pro and I did add the old postbox which isn't there but could have well have been not so long ago. If you walk along the beach below the cliffs now, you can see parts of old pipe work, cables etc, sticking out of the cliff face which is now just soil that was once fields. 

Have a good day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 11 July 2015

Journal Page and Photographs

Hi All from a sunny and bright NE UK coast. Thank you for visiting today and for all the times you visit and bring a smile to my face.

I have made another page for Art Journal Journey and their Post and Postage theme for the month of July.

Nothing digital on this one for a change.

I had an A4 piece of paper with hand writing on it that I used for the background. The image in the centre is a Crafty Individuals stamp that I stamped on yellow card then coloured the poppies and bee with Sharpies. The stamps are for real and the bottom one I cut from a padded envelope so it stands out from the background as I couldn't get the bubbles off it. The hearts are die cuts and the letters from sheets I had printed out a long time ago. Not enough 'E's left so had to use an 'F' which doesn't look quite right. I used a stamp to fill in a few spaces.

We had a wonderful walk o on Thursday along a path we hadn't been along before. We didn't go all the way as it is the old railway track from Scarborough to Whitby and 22 miles long. We did do 12 miles over the day so plenty of walking for me in one day I reckon. Vic took lots of amazing photographs but I thought I would give you a taster with the start of the walk. If you ever want to try it you need to go through to the back of Sainsbury's car park and the path starts there.

 You go through the graffiti arches which are amazing if you like graffiti. I love it and so the start of this walk was pure magic for me.

 The walls all along are covered in wonderful 'art' and the sports court on the right also has walls covered as well. That's me in the distance drinking in the wonder of it all never guessing what was to come around the corner.

It was this scene! Lots more wonderful things along the way so will post some more pics another time.

Have a good day today. I am going for a long walk along the sea edge to get over Andy Murray loosing his semi final match yesterday. I know I should get a life but somethings are important and he should have won :(

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 9 July 2015

Journal Page and Handmade Doll

Hi All. Thank you for your visit today and for all the support you always give to me. We are off to catch the early train to Scarborough to have a long walk as the air is much fresher today than of late.

I have a couple of things to show you so I thought I would do that before we go.

At Art Journal Journey the theme for July is Post and Postage. My page today is special to me as it has a poem that I love and a subject I have been interested in for a lot of years.

I have chosen a poem by W.H Auden called Night Mail. I love this poem and if you read the third verse as though you are on an old train it is wonderful. It has a clickity clack, clickity click metre to it. I found the image on Google and it was free to use and the background was made in Paint Shop Pro.

Years ago I had a male friend that worked on the Mail Train at Carlisle. The mail from all over the area came to Carlisle then 6 nights a week the mail train set off about midnight bound for London The sorters on it sorted out the mail all the way down to London then the sorted mail bags were collected on hooks at various stations on the way back. Such a clever idea and dating way back.

Now to another forgotten project which I have managed to sort out and finish this week while I watched Wimbledon.

A few years ago my daughter bought me this book

I did trace out the pattern for the basic doll and even cut out some of the pieces then the book and pieces were put away and never seen again until this week.

This is my finished doll made all with hand sewing and a lot of imagination as you won't find one like it in the book. She will be ready for the Tilda Olympics if they ever have them as she has the arms of a javelin thrower. I remember cutting them a little wider as I couldn't imagine being able to turn them they were so thin. Maybe that is why it ended up forogtten and unfinished.

Thanks Valerie for the beautiful trimmings on the heart.

Have a great day. I must dash or we will miss the train

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 7 July 2015

In the frame at TIOT

Hello All. Thank you for popping in to see what is here at Jumbled Crafts today.

You will be very pleased to hear that we have a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday so I hope you will hop over there and see what the rest of the wonderful team have made. Thank you to all who joined in the tea cup challenge with the wonderful ideas for us to admire .

The theme this time is 'In the Frame'. You can make anything you like so long as it has a frame somewhere.

The challenges last for 2 weeks with a reminder half way through when our top five are posted for the previous challenge. Always great to be among the top 5 as it may mean a guest designer spot later.

The picture I framed was made by me in Paint Shop Pro with images from outlawbydesign. The sun was on part of it so it looks lighter than it is.

If you want to know how I made the frame then do read on but, be warned, there are a few pictures.

It started life as an Amazon box. Vic says I only order stuff so that I can use the boxes. I had a frame shape already that I got in a packet from the local chap who framed pictures-he only used to charge £1 for a bag. He has closed down now unfortunately

I cut strips of the box the size of the sides of the frame and started to build it up to give it depth.

When that was done I sprayed it all with silver paint but you can paint it anyway you like but make sire the insides are painted as they will show when it is finished.

                 Ready now to do anything you like with the frame . I added texture paste and a coloured paint then sanded it back a bit.

The flowers were some huge silk flowers that I had for a long time and never really liked. The ended up in the shed poor things so I took them apart and made them into new little flowers instead.

Still lots more bits left to make new flowers.

Can't wait to see what you make for the challenge

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 6 July 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello Everyone. Hope you had a great weekend and you are ready for another crafting week ahead. Thank you for calling in and I hope you like what you see here at Jumbled Crafts.

Every Inchie Monday is asking for Yarn this week. Just to say that after weeks of not being able to find my first 20 inches of the year, they turned up at last. They had slipped down the back of a drawer and because I had sewn them together they were all intact--Yipee.

Art Journal Journey have Post and Postage as the theme for July and Moo Mania and More would like to see swirls for the next 2 weeks so this page is for both challenges.

The background is Rangers ink sprays and I added some die cut circles, used stamps and the bird image which I think was from Gecko Galz. I used various stamps to fill in the spaces and one stamp had a swirl and good luck-just right for Moo Mania and More.

Have a good day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 4 July 2015


Hi All and happy July 4th to my friends in the Us. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts to see what I have made for today.

I did say last week that I would try Pergamano as I found the tools lurking in the bottom of a packed box of things I never use any more. These were never meant to be really but, years ago, our local craft shop had invited someone to come and give a demonstration and needed people to make up the numbers. It was quite expensive at the time but included lunch and the tools. I just loved the magical samples that were on show but came home with a card that was rubbish and nothing like any of the samples. All I had to bring home were five tools. Three with round bits each end, one with a big round end and a pricking tool.

 During last week I looked online to see what I should be doing and while they were changing ends and having a rest between sets at Wimbledon tennis' I was having a go at Pergamano

I am going to enter this in the challenge at Crafting by Designs where anything goes for the whole of July

I drew some simple flower shapes and printed them out different sizes on parchment. I just used plain parchment but backed the picture with pink card and Sharpies to colour the other things.The ribbon is covering the sticky tape.
 I couldn't get the light quite right for the photograph so used my own camera and Vic's as well and the colours were different. I think the real colours are something in between.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 2 July 2015

Journal Page and Photographs

Hello Everyone from a very hot and sunny NE UK coast. Yesterday evening we were so hot we went to the beach and Vic had a swim in our freezing North Sea and I paddled up to my knees. Then we sat and dried off on one of the beautiful marble type beds on our promenade. I think it would have been better to have slept there all night as it was very hot indoors last night.

Art Journal Journey has the theme Post and Postage for July.

My page is quite a simple one. It started out as a background I had done a few days ago with H20 paints and I printed out the balloon image from a children's colouring book then made them different colours.  I added the bundles of letters and the birDs and stamped and scribbled around the edge.

A little dove has found a new place to 'live' in our garden.

It tries top get the nuts from the bird feeder just to the side of it but can't manage it so I have put some on the floor and some seeds as well. Yesterday it's mum came crash landing onto the sign, which is on chains, and they were both swinging for ages. The little one looked quite happy and calm but his mum less so.

Wings fluffed up and enjoying the shade and the gentle breeze.

Have a great day everyone and enjoy your long weekend if you are in the US

Love Chrissie xx