Wednesday 29 April 2015

Stamp People

Hello Everyone from a wet, cold and windy NE UK coast. We are going out for lunch with Vic's sister and his mum and we have booked for a very wild and exposed part of the coast. We did book when it was a sunny and calm day. Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

At Three Muses this week the theme is Postage stamp People

Not sure where I was going with this really but I did enjoy doing it.

Have a happy and peaceful day

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Try it on Tuesday goes Retro

Hello to everyone who calls in to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for dropping by.

  Our last challenge which was New Beginnings and there were some wonderful ideas from that.

I'm sure you have all come to see what the new challenge is at Try It On Tuesday so I had better tell you without  delay. We have '1960'S Retro'. That was the time when I got married, had children and wore some very strange clothes. They didn't seem strange at the time because everyone else was wearing them. Why not go here for some inspiration from my teamies-they always have such wonderful ideas.

There are a few photographs of my project so skip to the end if you get bored.

I made a 1960s folder/book

 It started life as an Amazon Folder--the most useful things for crafting

I painted it with white emulsion paint then, while it was wet, dropped on various alcohol inks which showed up the brushstrokes of the emulsion

The inside I covered with some square design papers-very 60s- and folded a strip of paper to stick to the spine so that I could add pages.

Page 1

 Page 2
 Page 3 and 4

Then I added blank pages with 1960's designs that I found on Google to download. The Beatles are on the inside of the back of the folder.

Still lots of room for more pages and lots of things to add. I haven't added any text yet as I need a new white pen which I think will look good on most of the pages.

Can't wait to see what everyone makes.

Have a lovely day All

Chrissie xx

Monday 27 April 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All. Just got back from a wonderful weekend away in Saltburn. We had never been there before so enjoyed exploring all there was to see in the area. I hope you had a great weekend and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this time is Shell

I have used a real shell I found on the beach. I stuck into flet and added some bling.

At Art Journal Journey they still want to see quotes or poems this month.

I did this digital journal page before I went away but didn't have time to post it. I used part of a Degas painting and one of his quotes.

Have a lovely rest of the day

Chrissie xxx

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Journal Pages-painted and digital

Hi All from a very sunny NE UK coast. A very Happy Earth Day to Everyone. Hope the weather is good where you are. Thank you for calling in to see what I have made today. Firstly I will tell you I have made a real mess. I was having another go at the shaving foam technique and got the stuff everywhere. It was fun though.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is favourite poem or quote and at Moo Mania and More they have the theme butterflies this time so I will enter this at both challenges.

The background for this is alcohol inks on UPO paper. This is the first time I have used this paper and it does have lots of possibilities.
The stamps are from Joanna Sheen and Hobby Art and the quote I found on Google

My digital piece is for Three Muses where the theme is a book cover

I couldn't resist doing a fun one. The background I made from brushes in Paint Shop Pro and a leather effect. The image was from Google.

Off now to collect my new, new glasses. I hope I don't lose anything else especially when I only just got them a while ago.

Love Chrissie xxx

Monday 20 April 2015

Octopus Inchie

Hi All. I am back from a wonderful weekend. We went to a surprise party for one of my cousins who was 70 yesterday. She hadn't a clue about any of it but was so pleased that we were all there to celebrate with her. I loved seeing family members I don't see very often.  The ages ranged from 6 weeks old to 90 but everyone had a great time.

I haven't crafted much at all this week with Linda being here then going off to the party, life does get in the way of crafting sometimes :)

At Every Inchie Monday this week the subject is Octopus.

Usual felt and bling for mine with an octopus printed out on canvas.

Thank you for calling in.

Lovely sunny day here but still cold.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Spring Journal Page

Hello Everyone and thank you for your visit. I am slowly getting my brain back into crafting mode after not doing any for almost a week. Today we will be out, so no crafting at all and I won't be here at the weekend so I will have to up my game I guess.

At Art Journal Journey the theme this month is favourite poem or quote and at Moo Mania and More they have the theme Feelings of Spring.

For this page background I used a piece of glass and dabbed on some emulsion paint then sprayed water here and there. Then I press the thick paper onto the glass to make the background. The paper was a nice cream colour so everything matched ok. I loved the 'poem' that I found online and the pansies were cut from a plant catalogue. Vic gets loads of them through the post and I usually keep them as the pictures are so beautiful.

Gecko Inchie

Hi All. It is nice to be back in Blogland after almost a week away from it. My daughter has gone home now and the house feels very empty. I expect it won't be long before I am back in the swing of things and crafting and computing again. I hope you have had a good week and a big thank you to everyone for the comments which I have read. Think I will start from today on commenting as I don't think I would be able to catch-up.

At Every inchie Monday the theme this week is Gecko

Here is my little chap surrounded by bling. I lost all of my inchies that I had done this year and sewn together. I guess they got thrown out in the big craft room clear up. Sob Sob. I have also lost my new varifocal glasses so have had to order some more. Things happen in threes so they say -------what will be next?

This is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is Insects

I painted the background with splodges of acrylic, then dabbed a pattern using bubble wrap.

The stamps are from Joanna Sheen and the bee is by Cart Us. I coloured them with Sharpies.

Have a lovely day


Tuesday 14 April 2015

New Beginnings at TIOT

Hi All, this is a scheduled post as my daughter will still be staying with us by the time it goes out.
Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts and I hope you are ready for the new challenge at Try It On Tuesday. It is always great to see what everyone makes for the challenges and also to see what my wonderful team mates make as well. Do pop along for inspiration here

This time the theme is New Beginnings which will give everyone plenty of scope I'm sure.

This is what I made and here it is on the back of the potting shed door.
Vic can never remember which seeds he planted when and so I thought this might help when he is discussing seeds with his friends. Yes! They actually do that!

It started life as a rather large Amazon folder. I used the back which was 11 inches wide and 13 inches long.
I covered the front with a 12x12 paper from K and Co LLC. I have quite a few of the sheets that I have never used
This photograph was taken in the craft room before Vic started to use the plan. All I did was add thick purple card for the top and the seed pockets then design a 'seed sown' plan in Paint Shop Pro. He doesn't plant seeds between September and January-he is too busy clearing things out and getting ready for the next year. He has already planted some of the seeds from the packets I bought for the project.

We only have a small garden so a lot of the plants he grows he takes to the charity shop and they always sell them.

Can't wait to see what you all make.

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 10 April 2015

Mixed Media Journal page

Hi All. Hope the sun is shining where you are as it is for us. My daughter will be arriving shortly from Cumbria and I am hoping she doesn't bring any of the Lake District rain with her. I may not be doing much commenting this weekend as she does like to take us out and about. Thank you for calling in to see what I have made.

At Art Journal Journey the theme for April is a favourite quote or poem.

Happy Page
I stenciled the paper with a music stencil then I added some emulsion paint with a bit of sponge so it didn't cover the stenciled background. Next I found the free to use silhouette dancers and printed those onto my page. I already had this quote printed out in my stash so I cut it out and stuck it on the page. The hearts are for the love in the quote and I added Yeah 3 times cause I think it is a happy sound YEAH ;0)

Have a great weekend everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Digital Art Page and Happy Mail

Hello Everyone. Welcome to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in.

Today I have a digital creation that is for the challenge Stone Angels at Three Muses and also for Art Journal Journey where the theme is Favourite poem or quote

I used 'The Angel' by Michelangelo for the background and the rest of the collage as well. The quote is also by the master. This is such a wonderful work of his I think.

Now to my Happy Mail which arrived yesterday. It was from Valerie and had a beautiful Easter Card and also another card from Valerie and Susi to thank me for being the hostess at AJJ last month.

This is the outside of the box that everything was packed in--the postman thought it was wonderful--well so did Vic and me .

This was what was inside. Such wonders and a beautiful bag that I have already put my knitting in. The bag is what Valerie made for a challenge we gave to each other a few weeks ago. The brief was to sew something with some applique and a theme of Spring. This bag is perfect for the brief. The challenge came about as we both had been given new sewing machines that do complicated stuff we didn't know about.

This is my piece and I am sorry to say it still isn't finished as I need to do something with the back of it which looks awful. Well I am only learning about this machine.

Thank you to Valerie for the wonderful bag and goodies and for the challenge.

Have a nice day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 6 April 2015

Inchie and New Challenge piece

Hi All from a damp and cold NE UK coast. Such a contrast from yesterday when the beach and seafront were crowded and people were even brave enough to be in the sea swimming. Thank you for your visit and I hope the weather is nice where you are.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is knitting

This is my inchie with a bit of knitting on part of a cocktail stick. Wonder what everyone else will for this?

A new Challenge blog called Stamp and Stencils has its first challenge posted and the theme is Anything Goes

 I made a card for a neighbours birthday The web stencil is by Dream weaver and the stamp by Kanban. I used Grunge Paste for the stencil and Distressed Stains to colour here and there. I also did the stamping with a Distressed stain but not sure that worked as well as I had hoped.

When I had taken a photograph of the card I made a matching envelope by printing out the photographed image.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Abundance Collage and Poetry Journal page

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. A big welcome to my new followers and to everyone who calls in to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for your visit.

This time at Art Journal Journey you can do a journal page to illustrate Your favourite poems or quotes.

I decided I would paint my version of the Wordsworth poem Daffodils. I am sure it a favourite poem of many of us as it seemed to be one the first poems we did at school. If you would like to read the whole poem you can find it here.
I asked my husband what style he thought I had painted this in and he said----- if he screwed his eyes up and glanced at it quickly, he would have thought it was a Monet! I think he needs new glasses.

At Collage Obsession this week the theme is Abundance so lots of scope for that one

I did a digital, animated collage for this theme. With my daughter's cats in mind I thought of all the love that a pet can have for its owner.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing. We aren't doing anything special  but I'm sure we will enjoy it anyway.

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 3 April 2015

Favourite Poem Journal Page

Hi All from a dark and wet UK Coast. We are still decorating-well one of us is and the other is making drinks and snacks and finding time to craft and compute :)

At Art Journal Journey the theme for April is 'Favourite poems or quotes' so lots to think about with that theme. I just did my blog feed and saw that I have chosen the same poem as dear Valerie posted this morning. Amazing that out of so many poems we have chosen the same one. I did this yesterday before I saw hers.

This is my version of John Donne's wonderful 

                Elegy IX: The Autumnal

This and, one other of John Donne's poems helped me through a very shaky time in my life. 
I chose Vanessa Redgrave-old and young and one of our own photographs as a background for the subject of the poem

The 'decorator' says we need more paint so I had better get organised and hope that B&Q are open today

 Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Moon Dance collage

Hello Everyone. Hope you are all safe from the awful windy and cold weather that seems to be in a lot of places. Nice and warm here in the craft room and today it looks sunny outside as well. Thank you for your visit and for all the lovely comments you leave.

At Three Muses this time the theme is Song Lyrics or Poem

I have chosen one of my favourite singers and one of my favourite songs of his.

You can hear Van Morrison singing Moon Dance here on U-Tube

Valerie and Susi asked me to link this to Art Journal Journey as well as they have the theme poems and quotes for the month of April. There are lots of poems called Moon Dance by varying poets but not sure if my versions fits them visually.

Been asked to add this at Opus Gluei which I hadn't seen before and they have the theme to use black and one other colour so mine is black and blue.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx