Tuesday 14 April 2015

New Beginnings at TIOT

Hi All, this is a scheduled post as my daughter will still be staying with us by the time it goes out.
Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts and I hope you are ready for the new challenge at Try It On Tuesday. It is always great to see what everyone makes for the challenges and also to see what my wonderful team mates make as well. Do pop along for inspiration here

This time the theme is New Beginnings which will give everyone plenty of scope I'm sure.

This is what I made and here it is on the back of the potting shed door.
Vic can never remember which seeds he planted when and so I thought this might help when he is discussing seeds with his friends. Yes! They actually do that!

It started life as a rather large Amazon folder. I used the back which was 11 inches wide and 13 inches long.
I covered the front with a 12x12 paper from K and Co LLC. I have quite a few of the sheets that I have never used
This photograph was taken in the craft room before Vic started to use the plan. All I did was add thick purple card for the top and the seed pockets then design a 'seed sown' plan in Paint Shop Pro. He doesn't plant seeds between September and January-he is too busy clearing things out and getting ready for the next year. He has already planted some of the seeds from the packets I bought for the project.

We only have a small garden so a lot of the plants he grows he takes to the charity shop and they always sell them.

Can't wait to see what you all make.

Love Chrissie xx

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