Wednesday 15 April 2015

Gecko Inchie

Hi All. It is nice to be back in Blogland after almost a week away from it. My daughter has gone home now and the house feels very empty. I expect it won't be long before I am back in the swing of things and crafting and computing again. I hope you have had a good week and a big thank you to everyone for the comments which I have read. Think I will start from today on commenting as I don't think I would be able to catch-up.

At Every inchie Monday the theme this week is Gecko

Here is my little chap surrounded by bling. I lost all of my inchies that I had done this year and sewn together. I guess they got thrown out in the big craft room clear up. Sob Sob. I have also lost my new varifocal glasses so have had to order some more. Things happen in threes so they say -------what will be next?

This is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is Insects

I painted the background with splodges of acrylic, then dabbed a pattern using bubble wrap.

The stamps are from Joanna Sheen and the bee is by Cart Us. I coloured them with Sharpies.

Have a lovely day


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