Tuesday 30 September 2014

Animals at Try it on Tuesday

Hi All-nice to have you call in at Jumbled Crafts, always terrific to have visitors--thank you everyone.

Great to see all the wonderful recycled pieces you made for our last challenge and now it's time for another challenge at Try It On Tuesday
The theme this time is 'Animals' so lots of scope for this one and we can't wait to see what you make so do join in with us. Hope you go along and see what all the team members have made as they are all amazing crafters with different ideas on any theme.

I made a Chinese hanging with the dates and Animals showing which years are which animals on the C dates of birth. This stems from going to see the wonderful Illuminasia exhibition in Blackpool earlier this year where they had posters with all of the years and animals.

The background is a scroll from a Chinese takeaway that I cut down and painted orange. (I don't eat take aways but asked if I could have an old scroll and they gave me two.) I just painted it roughly as I thought it looked better like that and showed the individual bits of paper that make up the scroll. It was twice as big as this to start with so I still have lots left to use another time.

I found the set of animals online and they were free to use and I also found a chart of all the dates. I had to use a lot of maths to work out the sizes and distance between the tags which are covered in Chinese designs. I made the centre piece to join them all together. As there was still some space I printed out the animal names in Chinese, on acetate and stuck those on as well. I am going to hang this in our tiny hallway to brighten it up a bit.

Hope you find your date and animal. I am a horse. Not sure if this is good or bad :)

Those born under the sign of the Horse are a flexible group of people. They tend to be stubborn when it comes their ideas, but they are also incredibly patient when it comes to hearing out what other people have to say. They favor straight forward, occasionally blunt conversation. And yet they generally avoid starting up any unnecessary trouble. This combination then makes those under the Horse sign a bit of a puzzle to the people around them. Though this certainly does not stop people from trying to figure them out.
In spite of some of their misgivings, Horses are also incredibly loyal friends and partners. Perhaps it is because first impressions have a lasting effect, or simply that they are inclined to do well by others. Whatever the case for an individual, however, they are consistently there when friends need a person to turn to or a shoulder to lean on. They are also quite capable of resolving conflicts, both their own and other people's. Altogether then, those born under the sign of the Horse are some of the most favored members of society; and though they don't often aspire to greatness they tend to achieve a manner of it through the compliments and adoration of their friends.
Have a lovely day all

Chrissie x

Monday 29 September 2014

Mixed Bag

Hello All who drop in to Jumbled Crafts. Start of another week and I hope you will have lots of ideas and enjoy whatever you have planned for this week.

 At Wicked Wednesday the theme is Support Our Troops

I couldn't think what to do with this so I used a black ATC card and added two figures from Google and white text. They are sold by the Graphics Dollar Depot but I couldn't find out how to buy them in the UK.

Next it is the turn of Every Inchie Monday and this week they have' throne' for us as the theme. Always wonderful ideas from my fellow inchiers so why not join us with one of your own.

I drew/copied this shape of throne onto a piece of paper them cut it out and mounted it on heart paper.

Thought you might like to see this butterfly that my husband, Vic, made over the weekend. We both love watching sport on television but need to have something else to do at the same time. Over the weekend we watched the Ryder Cup and I knitted and Vic made this beautiful butterfly from paper.

If you want to make one, the pages can be printed here but the instructions are in Japanese. Vic has made many paper models over the last few years and a lot of them were in English so if your kids like making things it is a great idea for half term.

The butterfly is on a box made for me by Sandra. We used to own a craft challenge blog along with two more friends.  Sandra now makes beautiful tiny bears to 'adopt' and also does patchwork that is really amazing.

That's it so far today.

Thank you for dropping in and for the beautiful comments and friendship

Love Chrissie x

Friday 26 September 2014

Tag and Journal Page

Hi All. Hope you have lots planned for the weekend. I am up very early as we have paid for Sky television for a few days so that we can watch the Ryder Cup Golf. It all works through the Playstation so is a mystery to me but very enjoyable. Thank you for dropping by today.

At Butterfly Challenges the theme this time is Autumn Colours

I used Spiced Marmalade Distress Ink for the background and it was an old tag that I was recycling so had lots of texture to pick up the colour. Vic got some boxes from the loft that were full of things I had made ages ago and so I thought I would rescue a few things to recycle. The twinchie is one of them and so are the flowers. Nice to bring them back to life on this background using a new colour I haven't had for long.
I am also going to enter this at two of the blogs where I always join in as they have the same theme--Tag Along and Moo Mania and More

Now for another page for Art Journal Journey where the theme is still Living Beings. 

The background is a piece of scrap paper I have used to protect my craft mat and it had some interesting splodges on it so I painted over it with H20 paints in Various sea colours. The fish I drew on bits of scrap paper while I watched the golf yesterday. The bottom two were patterned papers and the top two  coloured with Promarkers. The one on the top right was copied from a picture of a fish found on Google the others are 'Chrissie' fish

Hope you have a lovely day.

Chrissie xx

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Old Collages

Hello Everyone and a warm welcome to Jumbled Crafts today.

Collage Obsession has just started up again and wants us to post something to test the new Linky. I have chosen few digital collages I did way back in 2005. Lovely to have the challenges back and can't wait to get going again. Don't have to be digital so do join in.

Have a great day everyone and thank you for calling in

Love Chrissie x

Digital Collage

Hello Folks. Hope you enjoy the whimsical piece I have done today. I do love my Digital Indulgence for Three Muses Challenge. It doesn't have to be digital but I so enjoy using my Paint Shop Pro to create something. This week the theme is to alter a playing card and there are some great ideas already.

My daft side came to the fore-think it must be the cooler weather :)

'His contract said he could do what he liked on his day off so here he is off to races.'

Have a fun day all and thank you for popping in.

Love Chrissie x

Monday 22 September 2014

Card and Tiny Book

Hi All. Nice of you to visit Jumbled Crafts today-thank you.

I needed to make a card for a friend and I got an idea from Hiding in my Craft Room where the theme this time is Banners.

I started off with a piece of white card and  distressed the edges. Then I used the same ink to colour some lace and added that. Next layer patterned paper, then more patterned paper. A doilie, a nestie shape and a beautiful Gecko Galz image that I changed the colour of in Paint Shop Pro.I then stuck the whole lot onto a purple blank card and added my little banners on some lace by attaching them with gold brads. The letters were cut-out with Sizzix dies and my Cuttlebug.

The next make is for the Artful Times Challenge where the theme this time is to make a book no bigger than 2" x 3".
 This was difficult but I got there in the end. The outside has been embossed in the Tim Holtz clock folder then various colours of TH Distressed inks used to colour it and also some Glitter Jewels Iced Crystal for texture. It does look shinier in real life but the glitter bits show up green on the photograph.
I added 2 of the cats from the Kitty Tiles Stamp by Hampton Art Stampers. I will be adding more to the pages as there are 12 tiles in the set. This stamp belongs to my daughter and I stamped it a few times when I last visited her.

I have splodged my pages with Distressed inks to match the outside of the book so maybe I will show it again when I finish decorating them.

Love Chrissie x

Inchie and ATC

I can't believe it is Monday again already. Where does the time go?  Lovely to have you call in at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for the lovely comments you leave on my posts. I have the best followers and people who pop-in and always appreciate you joining me on this crafty adventure in Blogland.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have the theme Salmon

Would you believe that I started out to make one using sewing-well I did and it looked so awful I ended up with this. It made me realise that the people who sew their inchies, or do other wonderful techniques, have amazing talent.

I just did a watercolour background and a cut out drawing of a salmon that I coloured in pink and silver.

Now for Wicked Wednesday that has stripes for the theme this week. Still time to enter so hope you will make an ATC with Stripes to join in there.

My background is made with various colours of Promarkers and the image I found on Google How I would love to still be able to wear shoes with heels like that :(

Hope you all have a great day


Saturday 20 September 2014

Tag and Scrapbook Page

Hello Everyone and a welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for making time in your busy lives to pop by.  Very dark and wet here again today so I guess I will be doing some crafting. Also I am knitting a cardigan, doing a 1000 piece jigsaw and going to watch the Grand Prix on television. Wonder if I will fit in a trip to town as we do need some shopping sometime?

At Tag Along this week the theme is Transport.

I have had this bicycle digi image for a long time so thought it would fit this challenge. It is from Beyond the Fringe and was free. The background is stamped with gears from a set by Chocolate Baroque and the mounting card for the digi stamp was made in Paint Shop Pro.

At Craft-Room Challenge this time the theme there is Forest Friends. Beautiful samples and inspiration from the team there as always.

I decided to make a scrapbook page as my scrapbook is very neglected and hasn't had a new page for ages.

The photographs are all our own. The carved tree we visit often and have seen how it has changed over the years. It was a tree that was due to be chopped down but a local artist rescued the bottom of it by carving the deer family. The peasant was in the snow and looked more colourful in real life with the forest floor beneath its feet. The fox cubs photograph was taken by my SIL and she sees the fox family quite often when she goes for walks.
The paper is used is a digital paper from here and the bird stamps are by Personal Impressions. The Letter and Numbers stamp set is by SEE D's and is called Large Swirl.

I am linking this to Art Journal Journey as well where the theme is Living Beings. Some wonderful entries there and all gathered together in a gallery by Susi. Well worth a visit

Hope your day goes well and that you have better weather where you are.

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Digital Collage

Hello Everyone and a warm welcome to my latest follower Pamellia who has just joined us on the DT at Try it on Tuesday. Don't forget to pop over to TIOT and see what the challenge is this time and see what the team have made-hopefully you will be inspired to join in :)

At Three Muses this week the Theme is Roses so I indulged my digital passion and made this

You don't have to do digital work but I just can't resist.

Have a wonderful day and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts-it makes my day :)


Tuesday 16 September 2014

Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone who drops into Jumbled Crafts today and thank you for visiting-welcome to my newest followers-hope you like what you find here.

Great entries for 'How does your garden grow' which was the last challenge at Try it on Tuesday and today is the start of a new challenge which is to 'Recycle It' If you want some inspiration do go to TIOT and see what the rest of the design team have made and I am sure it will be just what you need to find ideas to join in with us if you visit their blogs and find out more about their makes.

My post will be full of photographs so skip to the end if you don't want to know how I made my project.

It is a fairly large picture so can you guess what I used to make the picture?

I used a free supermarket magazine

Select some bright pages

fold them 

Cut length ways on the folds

fold each piece to leave a strip

This is a side view of the finished picture just to show you that the paper strips don't all need to be the same width as it is nice to have different heights when they are assembled

wind the strips around cocktail sticks to make 'quills' stick the end so it doesn't uncurl

make some larger circles with other round objects to put the smaller ones inside squash them into different shapes

this was from an old photograph

piece of a cardboard box

draw the size of the cut-out of the frame and cover it with matching paper

add foam tape to the back of the frame so you have some depth to add your 'picture'

Then arrange your 'quills' into the gap. You can frame it anyway you like. I used an old frame and some patterned paper to finished off my picture.

Can't wait to see what everyone makes

Happy Crafting


Monday 15 September 2014

Inchies and Journal Page

Hello Everyone. Nice to back in Blogland again after our holiday. We had a lovely time with lots of sunshine and trips out to places we hadn't seen before in Lincolnshire. We are new to coach trips but finding them really great so far. Thank you for the comments you left while I was away and also a warm welcome to my latest followers. 

At Every Inchie Monday the theme last week was red

I made this but couldn't post it last week

This week the theme is schedule and I only had time to copy a picture and resize it to an inch then add the words at the bottom--promise to do better next week--honest.

At Art Journal Journal this month the theme is Living Beings.

The background is various colours of Distressed inks that I dabbed onto a piece of glass, spritzed and then dabbed the paper onto the colours to blend them together. I digitally painted the Fairy many years ago and it was supposed to be what I thought I would like if I was a fairy.

When I was child I used to think we turned into fairies at night. My grandma used to say if you believe in fairies you will be able to see them. I believe in them and have never seen one so that wasn't true was it?

Hope you have a really lovely day.

Chrissie xx

Saturday 13 September 2014

Something Old Something new Card

Hello Everyone. I hope you have had a good week. We are enjoying our holiday in Skegness with lots of nice trips out and lovely weather. Thank you for dropping by and a big thank you to those who leave a comment as well.

I made this before I went away and scheduled a post for today. It is for the challenge at the Craft Room where we are asked to use something old and something new. 

I made a card using a  image that I just won at Wicked Wednesday-something new for sure. It is one of four I got from Delicious Doodles. I printed it out and coloured it with Promarkers. Then it is mounted on some purple card the same as I used to make the card--this is from an old pad which will take me the rest of my life to use. It is really quite thick but beginning to fade a bit on one edge so I cropped that off.

The paper I used is also old and from a pad called 'Travels in Italy' by Crafty Individuals. The little flowers were sent by Valerie and I coloured them with a Promarker to match. The butterfly shape is one from Tando that I have had a long time.

See you all soon

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 6 September 2014

Tag and ATC

Hi All and thank you for calling in here-it is always great to have visitors.

This will be the last post from me for about a week but I am taking my little i-pod touch with me and if I can find an internet connection I will try to comment on your posts. Not always easy with this little machine :(

At Tag Along this week the theme is Hollywood

I just loved Bogart and Bacall in films and they were so in love in real life as well. I have gone for a bit of glitz and glamour and music which I always think of when I think of Hollywood.

Wicked Wednesday have Fall Fun as their theme for this week

I covered an ATC card with some Halloween material I have had for while and distressed the edges with black ink. Then I added the flying witch and Boo which I think is from Geckogalz but I have had the images for a long time and no name on them. The cat looks to be having a lot of fun riding on the back of the broom :)

Have a great week everyone--See you soon

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 4 September 2014

2 digital collages

Hello Everyone and welcome to my little bit of Blogland. Always great to have people call in-thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

This time at Art Journal Journey the theme is Living Beings--a very wide subject so hope you will all join in. You can create your page any way you like there so long as it follows the theme.

Sad to think that humans are the only thing that an elephant needs to fear really.

 My page is all digitally created and then printed onto a canvas paper and added to my journal.


Next digi collage is for Three Muses where the theme is Autumn Colours

All digitally created again using lots of brushes, textures and effects.

Have a terrific day--I am off to see if I can find any bargains at the car boot sale

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Try it on Tuesday

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts.

Hope you are ready for the new challenge at Try it on Tuesday where this week we ask 'How Does Your Garden Grow. Hope you will pop along to see what the rest of the team have made as I am sure you will be inspired to make something yourself and join us.

I made 2 cards from Scanograms of flowers I picked from our garden.

It was back in 2005 when I wrote a tutorial on this technique and called them scanograms but my style has changed a lot since then and so has the type of scanner we have now. The method remains the same so if you go here you can see the tutorial and maybe have a go yourself.

The pictures below are the scans I did this time and you can use them if you like -just right click and save them to your computer.

                                                                          Love Chrissie x