Wednesday 25 June 2014

Butterfly challenge

Hello Everyone lovely to have you visit Jumbled Crafts today -thank you

I am so pleased that Blogger have sorted out the reading list problem now and that I can visit people on my list again.

This time at Butterfly Challenge the challenge theme is Monochrome. This is something I don't usually even attempt but I do have a friend who loves pink and has a birthday coming up soon.

I have only got as far as making the topper for the card as I need some more pink card to finish it.

I used the technique where you stamp the whole piece of card then remove parts of the ink with something damp. I used a bit of sponge.Then I used my Elusive Images butterfly stamp for the background images and picked raspberry Distressed Ink.  The flower is one I cut from my flower arrangement in the bathroom--I'm sure it won't be missed.

Now for my weekly digi indulgence. The theme at Three Muses this time is Dancers. 

I used one of my photographs of our beach then added various dancers to it. Maybe I should suggest this sort of day to the council-that would liven things up a bit :)

Have a beautiful day all

Love Chrissie x

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