Tuesday 29 April 2014

Card and Tag

Hi Everyone. A bit misty here so far--hope that means sunny when it clears.

At Sugar Creek Hollow they have Tic Tac Toe so I thought I would join in. I needed to make a birthday card for a neighbour and this gave me inspiration.

I chose the line Flowers Pearls and Die Cut

The background is a paper by Crfaty Individuals and the image one from Gecko Galz. I made the flowers from an old silk scarf and sprayed them with Dylusions Ink. Not sure who makes the butterfly die as the shape it is one I had sent to me a long time ago. I coloured it with Promarkers.

This week at Tag Tuesday the theme is cooking.

I'm afraid I don't do much cooking as my husband just loves to cook and there isn't much room for 2 in our kitchen :)that's my excuse anyway.

I went back to the 1930's with my tag. Can you imagine this happening today ?
I bought this book at a car boot sale and it is full of adverts and articles from the 1920s and 30s. I like to use things from it when ever possible--I cut them out as I bought it just to use the pictures for artwork.

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Monday 28 April 2014

Inchie and Collage

A new week begins and it is sunny for us for time for a long walk along the cliff top I think. I hope it is sunny where you are and that you enjoy whatever you have planned. Thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

At Every Inchie Monday this time the theme is Implausible. It seemed impossible when I first saw it but with thought it does have many possibilities and I am sure there will be many revealed by the end of the week.

This is the one I made. I suppose this has been proven to be wrong--or has it?  Depends on what you believe in I suppose. Wallace and Gromit or the moon landings?

It's time for another challenge at Collage Obsession. I seem to get a crazy excitement about these challenges as I can put on my digital design hat. So this week we are doing Solitude.

Here is mine which I have created just from a photograph of my own and a saying found on Google. I used various effects in Paint Shop Pro.

It is always peaceful along our seafront first thing in the morning and in the evening when all the day trippers have either not arrived or gone home. This lone dog walker and her dog were really enjoying the solitude--I did keep out of their view by standing well back to take this photograph. The beach goes for miles to the right of the picture and there wasn't anyone else in view at all. I supposed I was enjoying the solitude as well  though Vic was only just behind me:)

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 27 April 2014

ATC and flowers

Hello to anyone who ventures in to Jumbled Crafts-always nice to make new friends so do join me as a follower if you have time

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Words and Quotes and at Moo Mania and More they have footwear as their theme so I have combined the two.

As it is ATCs at WW every time and any kind of medium at Moo Mania this will fit both.
I did make Moos to add to my ATCS and used images that I have had for many years. These I coloured and added a background. The quote is very Bette Midler I think.

I have been glued to the television watching snooker so thought I had better do something useful while I watched. I cut out lots of Tim Holtz Tattered Flower shapes with my trustee Cuttlebug and used different types of materials. The black ones are leather cloth, the white ones tissue paper(now sprayed), the yellow ones are canvas paper and the beautiful fabric ones are all cut from a piece of material that Valerie sent to me a while ago together with lots of other goodies-thank you Valerie.

More snooker today but we are going out for a walk first.

Have great day all

Love Chrissie x

Friday 25 April 2014

Challenge 54 Artful Times

Hello Everyone and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts-always appreciated.

What wonderful entries for the spray challenge at Artful last time-thank you to everyone who joined us for that.

It's time for another challenge at Artful Times where Von has chosen for the theme  'Make a badge, button, brooch as long as it is fastened with a pin'  

Lots of things to chose from so hope you will join in with us.

I made a felt brooch with a bead in the center.

I cut out the shapes with a Nestabilies Die and Tim Holtz Tattered flower die sets then slightly padded the back two pieces out with some stuffing--as you would a cushion. The brooch pin is sewn on then stuck with a glue gun as well to make it secure. Sorry I forget to take a photograph of that. I add the little moon charm as extra interest.

Hope you will pop to see what Von, Wendy and Neet have made and say hello there if you have time

You could win £10 to spend with Oyster Stamps when the winner and runner-up are chosen from two challenges

These are some more brooches I made and I am hoping to give them to a charity to sell. A friend is having a coffee morning for Breast Cancer so maybe they will be suitable for that.

Love Chrissie x

Tag Along

Hi Everyone who drops by and thank you for calling in and for the wonderful comments I receive on my posts. Thinking of you all who are remembering Anzac Day today.

This week at Tag Along he theme is Pin-Ups. Well my first thought was David Beckham in some of his designer underpants-shock horror 00. I then thought of a saying an old uncle used to tell us. He was a decorator and if we were going to do anything he thought was bit dodgy he would say, " Give that a few coats of thought before you do it." So I did just that and you won't be seeing David in his undies.

Here is Marilyn Monroe instead-always a pin-up whatever she did.

Hope you will come back later as I will doing my post for the new challenge at Artful Times which will be posted at 6pm GMT Friday 25th April

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Digital Collage and Car Boot buys

Hello All. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts-always great to have visitors.

It's that time of the week when I put on my Paint Shop Pro hat and let my imagination run riot. This week at Collage Obsession we are asked to do just that, as the theme is swapping heads.

A lot of heads landed on different bodies on this piece.

I made the background on black by using a brush from way back when

The figure on the left is a photograph of a piece of tapestry my daughter did and I added a photograph of the head of one one of her cats-well I added it three time. The suits of armour I found on Google but the unicorn heads are from another piece of tapestry that my daughter did. The fairy is one I painted digitally years ago and then I added a brass, horse's head. It is finished off with digital brush texts. The families of these two love birds didn't like their union at all so sent the troops in to keep them apart-well I am sure 'love will conquer all' in the end.

Just thought I would show you some of my car boot finds from Monday

Two nice size pieces of lace, a huge cone and a nice beaded bag-larger than it looks in the picture as I added it to the pic of the other things. I got all of these for 50p. They were priced 20p each but the two piece of lace came as one item. The chap said all three for 50p so I didn't argue. I have removed all the beads and sequins from the bag ready for a revamped. I saved all the beads etc as I use them on other things. Such bargains eh and another car boot sale tomorrow :)

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tag and Journal

Hello All. I am bit late today as we went into town along the beach which takes twice as long as it is slower walking on the sand. Today there was the NE wind as well which was against us so not the best day for a beach walk.

At That's Crafty the theme this time is Black and White with a splash of colour

I designed and printed the paper in Paint Shop Pro then made the cover for my journal. The spine is in a leather cloth so it looks quite classy really. I made the pages inside to fit so have a nice chunky journal to start on :)

At Tag Tuesday this week the theme is Africa

For my tag  I did African Folk Art

I drew the shapes in black marker pen then coloured them in with felt tips. I have a stamp set of animals that just fitted some of the spaces on the tag so I used those and hope that all of the animals I used are African ??

Hope your day is going well and thank you for taking the time to visit Jumbled Crafts.

Love Chrissie x

Monday 21 April 2014


Hello Everyone. Hope the sunny is shining where you are as it is here on the NE UK coast. We went to the very big car boot sale that is held near to where we live on Bank Holidays. I did find a few things to alter for challenges so now I need to think how to alter them.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is hot and I couldn't think what to do.

Then I thought of the wonderful dishes of Hot Pot that my neighbours used to make when we lived in Lancashire--I was from Yorkshire so hadn't had this before then. Anyone who watches Coronation Street will know of Betty's Hot Pot but I am not sure I have ever seen one of those close up.

Have a good day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 20 April 2014

A Vintage Journey and Happy Mail

Hi All. Hope you have a very happy and peaceful Easter. We are going for a brisk walk as it is still very cold and windy even with the sun shining. Grand Prix to watch and also the snooker so I am a happy bunny :)

At A Vintage Journey they ask us to make Spring Flowers using techniques by Tim Holtz. They do say they don't have to be actual Spring Flowers so long as you use Spring colours.

 This is the tag that I made. The background is in Distressed Ink-picked raspberry and peacock feathers. I misted it with water then dried it. Used bubble wrap to stamp on the left and the Tim Holtz tape stencil on the right. The Inks and the stencil I bought from the Craft Barn as I won a voucher to spend with them.

Not sure who made the little post card as I was given some of these by a friend. I used the pointer from the  TH Expedition set to point to the Mother's Day Flowers.

The flowers I made using the TH Tattered Flowers Die cut. which I use quite often as I love the different flowers you can make with it. They were cut from a strong paper napkin that I had sprayed with Ranger Dylusion Inks in various colours. Then I cut them out, scrunched them up and soaked them in water to add texture to the petals.

Now to my Happy Mail which was from dear Alison (butterfly)
A while ago I said how much I loved the beautiful heart on her blog that she had made for a project. Well I now have it in real life as she sent it to me with other goodies as well--thank you so much Alison.

This is what I received and I can already see that they would all go together to make something special--well I hope it will be special.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 19 April 2014

Tag Along and Wicked Wednesday

Hope you all have a Happy Easter and thank you for popping in to Jumbled Crafts

This week at Tag Along the theme is all things Easter

I went for Spring flowers, Easter eggs and a teddy dressed as an Easter Bunny. I have had the bunny image since my PSP days so not sure who to credit with it--if you designed it thank you I have lots of your images from way back.

Wicked Wednesday have gone for Earth Day or Easter so I chose Earth Day as my subject for the ATC this week

 I made a distressed ink background and printed on the Earth Day image. Then I drew the flowers along the bottom and added words I thought were to do with Earth Day.

Have a happy day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 17 April 2014

Craft-room and Try it on Tuesday Challenges

Hello Everyone and Happy Easter Holiday. Hope if you are going away the travelling isn't too difficult for you and that the weather is kind to you as well.

I have made 2 cards which is unusual for me as these days I don't make many cards at all.

The first card is for The Craft-Room Challenge where the theme is 'Dance'

I made this for neighbours who have an anniversary next week and they go dancing together at least three times each week.

I stuck a doily onto the card then added the die cut butterfly that someone sent to me a while ago--thank you if it was you. Then I found the dancing partners on Google and they were clip art. Last thing I did was add a few peel-offs and will write Happy Anniversary inside as I haven't left much room on the front of the card.

The next card is for Try it On Tuesday where the theme this time is 'More than one Fold'

This double trifold card has 16 folds and I really enjoyed making it. The worst part was trying to photograph it as I had only used two papers and the reflections make it look as though I have used lots of different papers. Then the sun shone through the gaps leaving a splash of white on the image. The stamp I used is a Quietfire Design. I think the papers are Kanban and came in a pad a long time ago.

Thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

Love Chrissie x

Monday 14 April 2014

Tag and Collage

Hello Everyone. I am up early as we are off to catch an early train to Scarborough to go for a walk through the very old cemetery and through a beautiful park where we will finish our walk along the sea front and back to the railways station. We have done this walk many times but there always seems something new to see. Thank you for popping in.

At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is Eggs

This is what I made

The background was made using Dylusion Ink Spray and Glimmer Mist

I have a bag of little polystyrene egg shapes that I bought to use to make dolls heads. I cut one in half and decorated it with felt tips. The chicks were a free digital stamp I found online.

At Collage Obsession we are asked to think about the subject Glow

Mine is an all digital collage and I started off with a photograph of my own taken from our bedroom window

I found the lady with the 'glow in the dark paint' and the Glow Bird online. Then added lightning and sunburst and a few glowing effects here and there.

Have a Happy Day

Love Chrissie x

Journal pages and alteration

Second post from me today as I have been enjoying crafting while the sun shines. We did go for a walk into town but it was so cold in the wind that we hurried back again.

First my alteration for Rhedds Creative Spirit where the theme for each month is something you have altered--there may a twist sometimes but not this month

I have fancied altering a spoon for a long time and I found this one for 20p at the car boot sale last Thursday

Here it is now all dressed up with a beautiful GeckoGalz image from the Artsy Jewels sheet and a few beads, ribbons and flowers. I really enjoyed making it.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is Moments of Happiness

When I am happy it makes me want to dance and sing so I tried to reflect this on my page. Did a shaving foam background
 and printed or stamp the images 

At The Craft Barn we have the words Change and Truth this time. You can chose both or either for your quote or song.

I chose the word CHANGE and the song title 'We're Gonna Change the World.' This was sung by the wonderful Matt Munroe and I hope this link will take you to him singing the song. It always makes me feel happy even though it was recorded in 1970.

My journal page has a background that I made from a picture of charity marathon event and the words here and there show all the ways we could help to change lives-some easy and some not so easy.

Hope you day is going well

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 13 April 2014

Inchie and Tag

Another Monday already. How time flies by these days. Thank you for taking time to visit Jumbled Crafts.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is head this week

Not the prettiest of ladies but I did draw it myself and an inch isn't very much space to do a masterpiece :)

Now to Tag Along where the theme this week is flowers. There are some amazing entries with wonderful stamping.

I made a shaving foam background then did a bit of stamping here and there and added some flowers I made. They are just paper with different coloured sprays and a silver glimmer mist finish which adds a bit of texture as well.

If you make anything using sprays of any kind why not enter them in the challenge at Artful Times-almost 2 week left to enter.

Hope you have a  wonderful day

Love Chrissie x

Wicked Wednesday and Moo Mania and More

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you here at Jumbled Crafts and thank you for all the wonderful comment you leave on my posts-it is all so encouraging to see your thoughts on my makes.

At Moo Mania and More this time the theme is to make a triptych. You don't have to include a Moo just as long as you follow the theme you can make anything at all.

I kept mine fairly simple. Just cut out the shape then  coloured it with H20 paints. Next I used lots of my old wooden stamps to cover it. Nice to search through the box of old stamps and see what was in there.

At Wicked Wednesday they always have an unusual theme and this week it is very unusual-Crazy Craniums. The challenge is always to make an ATC so I am planning on making a little book with them eventually

I did a sprayed background then found a drawing on Google of  a cranium then did my own decoration of it with felt tips. My mind wandered when I was doing this and I was wondering where I could get a 3D skull to decorate :)

Hope you have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie x

Friday 11 April 2014

Artful Times Challenge 53-Spray Away

Hi All. Great to have you visit and hope you like what you see and will join in with us at Artful Times for the challenge this time.

The theme is Spray Away and you can enter anything you like that uses a spray on it somewhere. A word of warning to wear a thin pair of rubber gloves if you use the sort of inks that I used -more later in the post about those.

I made this hanging and I am sure you would like to see what Von, Wendy and Neet made so do visit their blogs as well.

I started of with some pieces of vertical blind that were cut off because the blinds were too long. These are great for craft use and easy to print or stamp on.

I cut a few squares

 I sprayed a little of one of the inks onto my craft sheet and sprayed it with water then just pressed a square onto it and smudge it around until the square was covered in the solution. I did this with all three colours but didn't bother to clean the sheet in between as I didn't mind a speck of the other colours mingling a bit.

I then left these to dry fully before stamping them with Joanna Sheen -Back to Nature stamps and a few little Gesso flowers from a stencil. All coloured with Promarkers

 I made frames for the pictures from different card then stuck them onto a photo frame hanging that someone sent to me a while ago.

I stuck pieces of matching card on the back--it doesn't look all the same as it is metallic card and the sun was shining when I took the photograph

Next I made the flowers from TH tattered flower dies and they are sprayed with the neat Dylusions inks but toned down with a last coat of Cosmic Shimmer Mist-Ancient Copper

Hope to see your make for the challenge it is always great to have you join in at Artful Times and you could be our winner with  £10 to spend Oyster Stamps

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Beads and Recycled

Hello to everyone who pops in to Jumbled Crafts and welcome to my newest follower--hope you find something you like here.

At Try It On Tuesday they ask for something with beads

It seemed like a great time to use some of the strip of ribbon with beads that bought ages ago and didn't know what to use it for. I made this ATC  background with alcohol inks splattered on a piece of glass then I dabbed some card onto it to make the patterns

The images are from a Domino set at Geckoglaz. I enjoyed making this and feel it has got me back in the mood to craft again after my break last week.

At Tando Creative this  month we are asked to recycled something.

I recycled a box
We had to eat the contents first which was very difficult :)

The first thing I did was paint it all, top and bottom, with pale lilac emulsion. Then I added lace,

Coloured the flower bits with Promarker and added jewels to the centres of the flowers.(shown on picture of finished box)

Next thing was to use my Tando Mask-MASKMUSIC to decorate the top

Then I made the decoration from some fabric flowers and Tando Minis-Butterflies
Added a little bow and label to finished it off.

Have a lovely day everyone and thank you for popping in

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Craft Room and Tag Tuesday

Hi All. Nice to have you here at Jumbled Crafts.

I have combined two challenges with this one tag as I always join in with the Craft Room Challenge and Tag Tuesday and I am trying to get back into crafting after having a break for a week. Strange how it takes time get back into it again.

The theme at the Craft Room is Humour and the theme at Tag Tuesday is Fantastic and Strange.

I embossed a white tag with a Cuttlebug folder then coloured with Promarkers. Next I added this adorable, but strange, little owl from a GeckoGalz sheet of owls. I just love all of them. This one make me laugh and it is fantastic and strange.:)

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x

Monday 7 April 2014

Nice to be back and inchies

Hello Everyone. We are back from our little holiday and really enjoyed it even though the weather wasn't all that good at all. I guess it is just nice to get away from the usual things and enjoy different ones sometimes. Hope you have all had a great week and thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts.

Still at few days left to join us at Artful Times for the metal challenge so I hope you will be able to make something for that.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme last week was games and this week it is gold so I am posting them both as I wasn't here last week.

This is my game inchie that I did when I was watching the curling at the winter Olympics. It is a Curling 'house' with some of the curling stones in it.

This is my gold inchie which I have just made and it is the first time I have been in my craft room since we came back home I thought I had lots of gold bits and pieces but the only thing I could find was this heart which was a charity pin though I am not sure for which charity. I mounted it onto some gold card which doesn't photograph very well.

Not sure my crafty self is working very well yet so I will ease in gently :(

Have a lovely day

Chrissie xx