Sunday 27 April 2014

ATC and flowers

Hello to anyone who ventures in to Jumbled Crafts-always nice to make new friends so do join me as a follower if you have time

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Words and Quotes and at Moo Mania and More they have footwear as their theme so I have combined the two.

As it is ATCs at WW every time and any kind of medium at Moo Mania this will fit both.
I did make Moos to add to my ATCS and used images that I have had for many years. These I coloured and added a background. The quote is very Bette Midler I think.

I have been glued to the television watching snooker so thought I had better do something useful while I watched. I cut out lots of Tim Holtz Tattered Flower shapes with my trustee Cuttlebug and used different types of materials. The black ones are leather cloth, the white ones tissue paper(now sprayed), the yellow ones are canvas paper and the beautiful fabric ones are all cut from a piece of material that Valerie sent to me a while ago together with lots of other goodies-thank you Valerie.

More snooker today but we are going out for a walk first.

Have great day all

Love Chrissie x

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